600字范文 > How to Get Along with the Elderly_900字_英语作文

How to Get Along with the Elderly_900字_英语作文

时间:2024-05-21 09:29:10


How to Get Along with the Elderly_900字_英语作文

Seniors deserve our respect because they are the pillars of our sociaty.They have contributed so much and have more wisdom and experience than anyone.Therefore,we should spent time with them.We should let them know that they are important to us.We can engage them in a conversation or go for a walk with them.It's good to give them lots of mental and physical exercise.However,we must treat them with sensitivity and follow their cue when choosing activities.Some like to be pampered and some like to banter,joke,and tease.Above all.we must be patient and considerate. In conclusion,we should welcome seniors into our life.We should care about their needs and their happiness.Whatever time give to them is well spent,for we recieve so much in return.Moreover,we should remember that someday we'll be in their shoes.
