600字范文 > 小学英语作文:我爱喜剧 I Love Comedy

小学英语作文:我爱喜剧 I Love Comedy

时间:2020-01-01 08:46:51


小学英语作文:我爱喜剧 I Love Comedy


【篇一】我爱喜剧 I Love Comedy

I like to watch movie so much, because I can learn a lot of things. Comedy is my favorite type of movie. Every time when I watch it, I will laugh out loudly. I find so much fun in comedy. It helps me to be humorous and make a lot of friends. A humorous person is always favored by all, as he can bring happiness.


【篇二】承担责任 Take the Responsibility

I always make mistakes and my mother feels angry, but I never care much about my mistakes, because I know my parents will fix them for me. As I grow up, I realize that I need to learn to take my responsibility. I can’t count on my parents all the time. So I try to solve problems by myself. I am happy to find that I am much independent now.


【篇三】怎样才是好朋友 What Is a Good Friend

I remember the first day when I move to the new home, there is girl who lives next to my house. She is very nice and willing to help me solve my problems. Thanks to her, I get used to the new environment soon. I have made many friends, but in my heart, this girl is my best friend. I hope our friendship can last forever.


【篇四】我的作业 My Homework

Today, my teacher gives us a special task. It is to communicate with our parents and write down their opinion about the ideal me. I feel so shy to do it, because I know I have made my mother angry many times. But they give me the answer that surprise me. They just want me to be a happy girl and do what I want. I feel touched.

