600字范文 > 高中英语阅读教学——传授阅读方法 培养阅读技巧

高中英语阅读教学——传授阅读方法 培养阅读技巧

时间:2022-10-13 00:35:13


高中英语阅读教学——传授阅读方法 培养阅读技巧








小阅的这些理解对一些老师来说也许很熟悉了,多说不如多练,小阅下面和大家分享一篇选自《维克多英语 阅读6+1的文章》,一起学习下如何阅读一篇文章或分析试题。

After a long day at the offi ce, Jane Hodgson was on her way home and looking forward to relaxing witha nice cup of tea. While driving, she noticed that there was a car pulled over at theside of the road and a crowd had started to gather around someone who was lying on the floor.

Jane, who had completed a first aid at work course with the British Red Cross, pulled over to see if she could do something and it turned out to be lucky for the victim.

Describing the scene she saw, Jane says: “The onlookers were just that. A couple of young men were cream-faced and looking lost. They were completely terrifi ed. When I walked up, first aid kit (工具箱) in hand, they said ‘You’re a first aider — Oh thank God.’ They were so shocked that they hadn’t even thought to call for an ambulance yet.”

A young girl called Jenny was lying there. It turned out that the teen had been hit by a car and gone over the handlebars of her bike, landing on her head and shoulder.

“I was worried because she had not been wearing a helmet when she got knocked down, and I thought that she should not be moved as I couldn’t be sure about a spinal (脊柱) injury, but after looking her over, in relief, I felt fairly confident that she had escaped relatively unharmed. Even so, as time passed and we continued to wait for an ambulance, the amount of pain the girl was in was increasing. To avoid the risk of her going into shock I kept her talking. We chatted about her boyfriend and anything I could think of to keep her mind off the pain. She squeezed my hand when the pain got too much and this helped.” describes Jane.

Thinking back, Jane says: “I never did find out what happened to the girl. Apart from the boyfriend I wasn’t thanked by anyone else, but that’s OK. For me, knowing that in a small way I helped that girl through what was a frightening experience is all the reward Ineed. It felt great to know I’d made a difference.”——选自《维克多英语阅读6+1 高二A版 P49 话题:我的急救经历》

本文主题:本文是一篇记叙文。Jane Hodgson在回家的路上碰到一起交通事故,幸运的是自己学过一些急救知识,而且正好派上用场,帮助受伤的小女孩转移注意力以防其陷入昏迷,并由此体会到小小的善举同样有重要的意义。


1. Why did Jane Hodgson stop her car on the side of the road? (停车目的)

A.To offer some help. B.To repair her car.

C.To call for an ambulance. D.To pick up a patient.

2. Which part of Jenny’s body might be worst injured? (故事细节)

A. Her legs. B.Her hands.

C. Her head. D.Her stomach.

3. The underlined word “shock” in Paragraph 5 probably means ____. (关键词)

A. a state of fright B. a state of unconsciousness

C. a state of death D. a state of astonishment

『技能拓展:任何一篇文章中的句子在内容上都不是绝对孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整篇文章有关。因此,我们可以利用上、下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综合分析,进而猜测词义。本题中,根据下文I kept her talking可知shock在此与a state of unconsciousness意义相近。本题也是熟词生义的一个典型例子。』

4. What mattered most in Jane’s help? (推断要点)

A. Calling an ambulance. B. Offering some first aids.

C. Finding out what happened.D. Drawing the girl’s attention away from pain.

5. What did Jane Hodgson learn from her experience of helping Jenny? (主旨升华)

A. Not all kindness needs reward. B. First aid can also save a person.

C. A small act can make a difference.D. It felt good to learn first aid skills.


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