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农经 Agricultural Economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-05 05:32:20


农经 Agricultural Economy英语短句 例句大全

农经,Agricultural Economy

1)Agricultural Economy农经

1.On the Development of Hetao Area"sAgricultural Economy in Western Xia Dynasty西夏境内河套地区的农经开发


1.On the Influence of Farmers Leaving Farming for Trade over the Changes in the Rural Society;农民弃农经商对农村社会变迁的影响

2.A rich peasant economy will be allowed in the rural areas.农村的富农经济,也是容许其存在的。

3.a farmer on a small farm.经营小农场的农场主。

4.Shen Nong" s Herbal Classic神农本草经(中医)

5.Analysis on Rural Household s Purpose of Stock Raising Management in the Farming-pastoral Ecotone;农牧交错带农户农牧业经营目标分析

6.Economic Analysis on Farm Household Participating in RuralEconomic Organizations;农户参与农村经济组织的经济学分析

7.the peasantry has changed from individual farming to co-operative farming;农民已经由个体农民转变为合作化的农民;

8.II. Accelerating the Development of Agriculture and the Rural Economy and Increasing the Incomes of Farmers二、加快农业和农村经济发展,努力增加农民收入。

9.Accelerating the development of agriculture and the rural economy and increasing the income of farmers;二、加快农业和农村经济发展,努力增加农民收入;

10.To Improve Peasants Income Through Adjusting Agricultural and Rural Economical Structure;调整农业和农村经济结构 增加农民收入

11.On the Strategic Adjustment of Agricultural and Rural Economic Structure;农业和农村经济结构战略性调整与农民增收

12.Increasing Economic Quality of Rural Areas and Developing Export-oriented Agriculture;提高农业农村经济素质要大力发展外向型农业

13.Develope the agricultural economy,ajust the structure of countryside,increase farmer s income;发展农业经济 调整农村结构 增加农民收入

14.Theoretical Analysis on the Contributing Ratio ofAgricultural Mechanization to Rural Economy;农业机械化对农业和农村经济贡献率理论分析

15.Trying Discussion of the Historical Lessons of the Agriculture,Country and Peasants after the Creation of the PRC试论建国以来农业、农村和农民问题的历史经验

16.farming techniques农业技术,耕作技术,农场经营技术

17.ECE/FAO Agriculture Divisio欧洲经委会/粮农组织合设农业司

18.ECLAC/FAO Joint Agricultural Programme拉加经委会/粮农组织合办农业方案


rural economy农村经济

1.On the strategy of control of ecological environment and sustainable development ofrural economy;西部生态环境治理与农村经济可持续发展方略探析

2.On the evolutional rule of predominant productive factor and it s apocalypse to development ofrural economy in our country;生产要素演进规律及其对我国农村经济发展的启示

3.The rational thinking of developingrural economy;发展农村经济的理性思考

3)agricultural economy农业经济

1.Study on countermeasures to accelerate the development ofagricultural economy in Wuzhou City;加快梧州市农业经济发展的对策研究

2.Village Tour-New Growth Engine for Agricultural Economy;乡村旅游——农业经济新的增长点

4)Rural economic农村经济

1.An analysis on the dynamic mechanism in the rural economical structure adjustment;农村经济结构调整的动力机制分析

2.Rural economic will be put forward development.对民族地区农村经济进行深化经营体制改革,按照现代税制的要求,逐步统一城乡税制,以税惠农,积极发展农民新型合作经济组织,提高农民进入市场的组织化程度,完善政府对农业和农民的支持和保护制度,推进农村经济发展。

3.Developing rural economic in these areas is at present restricted by three factors of fund, technique and market.当前,该区发展农村经济中,存在资金、技术、产品销售三大制约因素。

5)countryside economy农村经济

1.In recent yearscountryside economy develops slowly and the gap between countryside and city is widening.近年来,农村经济发展缓慢,城乡差距不断扩大。

2.Urbanization of villages and sustained development in thecountryside economy can restrict and supplement each other.农村城镇化和农村经济可持续 发展是相互制约、相辅相成的,认清两者的互动关系,方能推动我国农村城镇化健康有序发展。

3.Only finding problems existed in countryside financial,exploring the countermeasures of developing countryside financial can solve the difficult situation and providecountryside economy development.吉林省是一个农业大省,农村金融问题比较突出,只有找出农村金融存在的问题,探索出发展农村金融的对策,才能解决吉林省的困境,推动农村经济发展。

6)small-scale peasant economy小农经济

1.The Destiny of Small-scale Peasant Economy;小农经济在21世纪的历史命运

2.It was regarded as a decisive industry in national economy;the development ofsmall-scale peasant economy was paid attention to and taxation as the super-economic control was emphasized,thought in different ways get of the similar essence.《商君书》和《孟子》都非常重视农业,把农业看成国民经济的决定性部门,注重发展小农经济,通过赋税等形式对人民实行超经济的强制,具体措施上有差异,但是实质上有趋同性。

3.Philip Huang s “Involutionary Theory" is his theoretical BP which was used to analyze and comment on Chinesesmall-scale peasant economy.黄宗智提出的以“边际报酬”为评判尺度的“过密化”理论 ,是其分析和评判中国小农经济的理论基点。


