600字范文 > 土地产权改革 Reform of land property right英语短句 例句大全

土地产权改革 Reform of land property right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-24 23:20:18


土地产权改革 Reform of land property right英语短句 例句大全

土地产权改革,Reform of land property right

1)Reform of land property right土地产权改革


1.Collective Economy is the Basic Direction of the development of Country Societ;土地股份制是农村土地产权改革的必然方向

2.The Core of the Rural Refoum--The Reform for the Property Right System of the land;农村改革的核心:土地产权制度的改革

3.A View on the System Reform on Property Right of Collective Land from the Course of LandAcquisition;从征地过程看集体土地产权制度改革

4.On the Reform Direction of Chinese Rural Land System in the Property Right;中国农村土地产权制度改革方向探讨

5.Marketization of the Land Property Rights in Rural Areas and the System Reforms;农村土地产权配置市场化与制度改革

6.Discussions on the Premedical Property Rights Sharing System Reformation in Countryside in China;论中国农村土地产权制度股份制改革

7.Thinking on Reforming and Improving Property Right System of Urban Land;改革和完善城市土地产权制度的思考

8.Clarifying the Ownership of Collective Land and Promoting the Reform of Rural Tax and Fee;明晰集体土地产权 促进农村税费改革

9.Modern property Theory and China s Rural Land Owner System Reform;现代产权理论与我国农村土地产权制度改革


11.Farmland Property Right System Reform and Innovation in a Perspective of Weakened Land Security System;弱化土地保障视角下的农地产权制度改革

12.GREAT INNOVATION OF THE SYSTEM OF LAND PROPERTY RIGHT--Exploring reform of circulation system ofpeasants land managing rights;土地产权制度的重大创新——探索农民土地经营权流转制度改革

13.The Study of Farm s Land Property Right Reform;国有农场土地产权制度改革与对策研究

14.Studies on Reforming and Perfecting of Rural Land Property Rights System in Country of China;我国农村土地产权制度改革与完善研究

15.Several thoughts concerning the reform of land property system in the countryside in China;关于我国农村土地产权制度改革的几点思考

16.The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C.;建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通

17.Analysis & Suggestions to the Reform of the Land Ownership in Rural Areas对我国农村土地产权制度改革的分析及建议

18.The Reform of Land Acquisition and the Institutional Change of Collective Land Property Rights in Urbanization;城市化进程中土地征用改革与集体土地产权制度变迁


Reformation of farmland property rights农地产权改革

3)property right reform产权改革

1.With the setting up and improvement of market economic system of our country, the mineral resourcesproperty right reform of our country should meet the needs of market economic system, take the road to marketization: distinguishing relations betwe.随着我国市场经济体制的建立和完善 ,我国的矿产资源产权改革也应该适应市场经济体制的要求 ,走市场化的道路 :明晰产权关系 ,使矿产资源的所有权与经营权相分离 ,建立明晰的矿产资源产权关系 ;完善矿业权交易市场 ;完善立法 ,为矿产资源产权改革的市场化提供法律保障。

2.Majorproperty right reform cases of healthcare facilities are managed by the local governance and followed theproperty right reform procedure of state-owned enterprises.在我国大部分地区,公立医疗机构产权改革是在当地政府领导下,仿照国有企业的产权改革程序进行。

3.This paper analyzed the status in quo,the obvious problems of the development of Shandong private water conservancy,and put forward the thought of deepening theproperty right reform,innovating and fulfilling the developing system of water conservancy in detail.本文对山东民营水利发展的现状、存在的突出问题进行了分析,提出了深化产权改革、创新和完善水利发展体制和机制的具体思路。

4)reform of property right产权改革

1.Abstract Exploration on the Reform of Property Right in Rural Credit Cooperatives;农村信用社产权改革探讨

2.From the perspective of implication of property right,thereform of property right will help optimize the allocation of resources,improve incentive mechanisms,enhance productivity,and reduce the state s unlimited liability and the possibility of systemic risk as well.从产权内涵的角度理解,产权改革有利于实现资源优化配置,改善激励机制,提高生产效率,也有利于减轻国家承担的无限责任,降低系统性风险发生的可能性。

5)Ownership reform产权改革

1.The reconsideration of state-owned bank s ownership reform;国有银行产权改革再思考

2.An Analysis of Three-sides Game in Ownership Reform of State-owned Enterprises;国有企业产权改革中的三方博弈分析

6)property rights reform产权改革

1.Formal Institutional Arrangement of Property Rights Reform in Russia and Its Implication;俄罗斯产权改革的正式制度分析及借鉴

2.Sharing System and the Direction of Property Rights Reform of State-Owned Commercial Banks;股份制:国有商业银行的产权改革方向

3.It was introduced into our country s enterprise reform practices at the end of the 1990s,and once has been one important way for our country sproperty rights reform.MBO(ManagementBuyouts)是杠杆收购(LBO)的一种重要形式,20世纪70~80年代风靡欧美,20世纪90年代末引入我国企业改革实践,曾一度成为我国产权改革的一种重要方式。


