600字范文 > 早操 morning exercise英语短句 例句大全

早操 morning exercise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-06 03:38:17


早操 morning exercise英语短句 例句大全

早操,morning exercise

1)morning exercise早操

1.Affection ofmorning exercise on college students′ psychology character;早操对大学生课堂学习心理品质影响的研究

2.This paper finds out the reason why students are late to domorning exercises or even resist to it.问卷调查和访谈发现:学生晚出操、不出操、抵制出操是由于现行早操的内容和形式不能满足大学生心理、生理特点的需要,且管理方式不合理,对早操意义宣传不到位。

3., have investigated and analyze student smorning exercise of ordinary higher learning school state of our country, And from propagating, organize, the respects, such as management,etc.通过问卷调查、数理统计、文献资料等方法 ,对我国普通高校学生早操状况进行了调查分析 ,并从宣传 ,组织 ,管理等方面 ,提出了相应的对策 ,旨在改进早操质量 ,提高学生身体素质 ,培养学生健康意识、锻炼习惯 ,使之终身受


1.We do morning exercises during the break.课间休息时我们做早操。

2.He has set up a habit of doing morning exercises.他养成了做早操的习惯。

3.He worked off the fat around his waist by doing physical exercise every morning.他天天做早操,把腹部的脂肪逐渐减少。

4.While they were doing morning exercises, it suddenly showered .当他们正在做早操时,突然下了阵雨。

5.Doing morning exercises is worth the time.花点时间做早操是值得的。

6.To do morning exercises is good for our health, isn"t it?做早操对我们的健康有益,是吗?

7.We do morning exercises after the second class every day.我们每天在第二节课后做早操。

8.What he likes to do most after getting up is doing morning exercises .他起床后最爱做的事是做早操。

9.His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day.他的劝告使我开始每天做早操了。

10.What time do those pupils do morning exercises each day ?那些小学生每天几点做早操?

11.At the bugle, we jumped out of bed and went out to do the morning exercises.听到号声,我们跳下床,出去做早操。

12.College Students morning exercises on the rational thinking关于普通高校大学生早操的理性思考

13.The old man does morning exercises in the park year in and year out.那位老人到公园去做早操,一年到头总不间断。

14.We were amused at his funny movements in doing morning exercises.他做早操时的滑稽动作使我们觉得好笑。

15.Affection of morning exercise on college students′ psychology character;早操对大学生课堂学习心理品质影响的研究

16.The soldiers drill every morning.士兵每天早上操练。

17.the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old.一个三岁小孩的早期操控技巧。

18.Cao Cao, a wise and resourceful army officer, had long wanted to kill Dong Zhuo.校尉曹操,足智多谋并早有杀董卓之心。


morning exercises早操活动

1.To master the contents and the ways of organization ofmorning exercises in the universities and suggestions from students, the study made investigations of six universities in Dalian.通过对大连市 6所高校早操情况的调查 ,掌握这些高校早操活动的内容、组织形式和方法及学生对开展早操意见和建议 。

2.In view of problems in themorning exercises of some key middle schools in Fujian Province,measures are provided in view of the reality.针对福建省沿海一些重点中学开展早操活动中出现的一些问题 ,结合实际情况 ,提出了改进措施 ,旨在进一步加强和改进中学早操活动 ,促进学校两个文明建设。

3)do morning exercises做早操

4)Twenty minutes morning exercise20分种早操

5)Zao A早A

1.Breeding and Utilization of Early-maturing Indica CMS LineZao A;早熟三系籼型不育系早A的选育与利用



