600字范文 > 孔教礼仪 ceremonies of Confucianism英语短句 例句大全

孔教礼仪 ceremonies of Confucianism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-24 02:50:55


孔教礼仪 ceremonies of Confucianism英语短句 例句大全

孔教礼仪,ceremonies of Confucianism

1)ceremonies of Confucianism孔教礼仪

2)teachers amenity教师礼仪

1.At present there still exist many problems for us not to ignore inteachers amenity and culture and amenity education of our country.加强教师礼仪教育是教育事业改革发展的必然要求。

3)etiquette education礼仪教育

1.Theetiquette education significance and methods for the contemporary graduates;当代大学生礼仪教育的意义和途径

2.Approaches of Etiquette Education for College Students under Harmonious Language Atmosphere和谐语境下大学生礼仪教育路径刍议

3.This paper analyzes the causes of inadequateetiquette education and the function ofetiquette education in the quality education of higher vocational colleges and proposes some suggestion to strengthenetiquette education.本文分析了高职院校素质教育中礼仪教育不足的原因及礼仪教育的作用,提出了 加强礼仪教育的建议。


1.The Training Of Sports Activities Protocol And The Ways To Carry Out It;体育礼仪教育及其实施的途径与方法

2.The Importance of Etiquette in College Students Moral Education;论礼仪教育在大学生德育教育中的重要性

3.Psycological Adjustment Effect of Etiquette Education on Young Students礼仪教育对青年学生的心理调适作用

4.Discussions on Etiquette Courses under the Training Pattern of Combining Working with Learning;工学结合模式下礼仪教育课程的探讨

5.The exploration and practice of ceremony education of middle profession schools;中职学校开展礼仪教育的探索与实践

6.On the Consideration of the Improvement of Etiquette Education to College Students;关于加强当代大学生礼仪教育的思考

7.Emphasize the Education of Etiquette and Establish a Good Image in Communication;加强礼仪教育 塑造美的交际形象

8.On Importance of Advocating Education of Ceremony and Propriety for College Students;论在大学生中开展礼仪教育的重要性

9.Strengthening the Teaching of Good Manners andPromoting College Students′ Basic Qualities;加强礼仪教育 提升大学生基本素质

10.Brief Talk on Necessity and Approaches of Manners Propriety Education for Teacher"s College Students浅论师范生礼仪教育的必要性及途径

11.About Thinking of Etiquettes Education to the Students in Secondary Vocational School关于对中职学生进行礼仪教育的思考

12.Approaches of Etiquette Education for College Students under Harmonious Language Atmosphere和谐语境下大学生礼仪教育路径刍议

13.Inspiration from Emphasis of Etiquette Education in Korea for Ideological and Political Education in China;韩国重视礼仪教育对我国思想政治教育的启示

14.Higher Vocational Colleges Should Give an Emphasis to Etiquette Education When Pushing on Quality Education;高职院校推进素质教育应重视礼仪教育

15.Status and Significance of Etiguette Training in Quality Education;论礼仪教育在素质教育中的地位和作用

16.On the Relationship between Proprieties Education and Quality Oriented Education;试论大学生礼仪教育与素质教育的关系

17.Strengthen Effectiveness of Moral Education from Courtesy Education;以礼仪教育为切入点,切实加强德育的实效性

18.Courtesy Education is a Systematic Civilized Project--A Survey about the Courtesy Education in Primary and Middle School礼仪教育是一项系统的文明工程——一份关于中小学礼仪教育的调查报告


teachers amenity教师礼仪

1.At present there still exist many problems for us not to ignore inteachers amenity and culture and amenity education of our country.加强教师礼仪教育是教育事业改革发展的必然要求。

3)etiquette education礼仪教育

1.Theetiquette education significance and methods for the contemporary graduates;当代大学生礼仪教育的意义和途径

2.Approaches of Etiquette Education for College Students under Harmonious Language Atmosphere和谐语境下大学生礼仪教育路径刍议

3.This paper analyzes the causes of inadequateetiquette education and the function ofetiquette education in the quality education of higher vocational colleges and proposes some suggestion to strengthenetiquette education.本文分析了高职院校素质教育中礼仪教育不足的原因及礼仪教育的作用,提出了 加强礼仪教育的建议。

4)etiquette teaching礼仪教学

1.Based on a brief analysis of importance and actualities of etiquette education at home and a- broad this paper discussed the contents and methods aboutetiquette teaching combined with"gestures of shake hands"teaching activity to form certain education models and improve the etiquette and culture of contemporary college students effectively from the teaching.在简析礼仪教学的重要性及国内外礼仪教育现状的基础上,结合"握手礼"这一章节的教学活动,对礼仪教学的内容和方法进行了归纳与探索,以期形成一定的教育模式,通过礼仪教学有效地提高当代大学生的礼仪修养。

5)proprieties education礼仪教育

1.On theproprieties education by Lock and its influences;洛克的礼仪教育思想及其现实意义

6)religious observance宗教仪礼


孔教1.指孔子的学说主张。 2.认为儒家的学说主张与佛﹑道一样,具有宗教性质,故称之为"孔教"。
