600字范文 > 电影改编 film adaptation英语短句 例句大全

电影改编 film adaptation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-07 11:26:55


电影改编 film adaptation英语短句 例句大全

电影改编,film adaptation

1)film adaptation电影改编

1.Success and failure in thefilm adaptation of true story of ah Q;试析《阿Q正传》电影改编的成败

2.Based on a study of the theory and practice of the adaptation of modem Chinese literary masterpieces into films since 1980s,this paper tries to probe into the interactive development of films and literature,and summaries the gains and losses offilm adaptation,proving necessary experience and theoretic support for future adaptations.在文学名著影视改编渐成热势的当下,通过对1980年代以来中国现代文学名著电影改编的理论与实践研究, 试图探寻电影与文学交互发展的历程,总结电影改编的得失成败,为今后文学名著的电影改编提供必要的经验总结与理论支持。

3.Inspired by thefilm adaptation craze of Henry James’s literary works in the late 1990s and encouraged by the recent development infilm adaptation studies, this dissertation tends to argue that a film that is based upon a lit.那么,是否还有其它批评方式能提升我们对詹姆斯作品的理解?受二十世纪九十年代后期亨利·詹姆斯作品电影改编热的启示和电影改编理论最新发展的鼓舞,本文试图论证对詹姆斯作品进行的电影改编固然有其本身的艺术价值,但同时也能成为一种文学批评的方式。


1.Genre、Stories、Image: Three Characteristics of Filmed Novels;体裁、故事、影像化:小说的电影改编三题

2.Genre、Stories、Image:Three Characteristics of Filmed Novels--Samples of SuTong"s Works体裁、故事、影像化:小说的电影改编三题——以苏童的改编作品为中心

3.Chinese Film Adaption under Film Industrialization from 1990 Till Now;90年代以来中国电影产业化中的电影改编分析

4.The ballet was adapted from the film of the same title.它是根据同名电影改编而成。

5.Dialogue: The Descent of Spirit and the Conversion of Style;对话:精神传承与形式转换——从夏衍电影改编实践看一种改编观念

6.The novel was adapted for the screen.这本小说被改编成电影。

7.adaptations for the screen为拍电影而改编的作品

8.The adaptation of a story to film is done by a screenwriter or several writers.电影的故事改编由电影剧作家完成。

9.Her novels have been adapted many times for television and for film.她的小说多次被改编成电视和电影。

10.The movie was derived from a novel这部电影由小说改编而成。

11.The movie was adapted from a novel.这电影是由一部小说改编的。

12.This movie is based on a true story.这部电影是根据真实故事改编的。

13.His story was later fictionalized in the movie, Chariots of Fire.他的故事后被改编为电影《火焰战车》。

14.The novel lends itself to adaption as a film.这部小说适合改编为电影。

15.adopt a book for a screenplay.将这本书改编成电影剧本。

16.the radio, film, etc version of `JaneEyre"根据《简·爱》改编的广播、 电影等

17.This novel has already been adapted for the cinema.这本小说已经改编成电影剧本。

18.The story as yet is unscreened.这个故事迄今尚未改编成电影。


movie adaptation电影改编

1.On Movie Adaptation of Children"s Chefdoeuvre from The Secret of Magic Gourd从《宝葫芦的秘密》看儿童名著的电影改编

2.Although movies and literature are two different kinds of media, and two sorts of arts as well, they are combined together skillfully by the tie ofmovie adaptation.电影和文学是两种不同的媒介,电影和文学又是两种不同的艺术,然而二者通过电影改编巧妙地结合在一起。

3)cinematic adaptation改编电影

1.In this thesis, the author analyzes thecinematic adaptation of the latter generations of Chinese filmmakers, which are the Third, the Forth, the Fifth and the Sixth generations.本文通过对新时期以来,几代电影人改编电影创作得失的分析,探讨中国电影向艺术领域发展过程中,所面临的困境。

4)filmized film改编型电影

5)the movie-adaptation of drama话剧的电影改编

6)the concept of film adaptation电影改编观念


