600字范文 > 自然地质环境 natural geological environment英语短句 例句大全

自然地质环境 natural geological environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 12:41:52


自然地质环境 natural geological environment英语短句 例句大全

自然地质环境,natural geological environment

1)natural geological environment自然地质环境

1.In order to understand the response ofnatural geological environment to marine structure into Chengdao sea area, this paper is combining the survey data of side-scan sonar, sub-bottom profiler, the single-beam sounder and etc, same with a large number data of well site and experimentation.为了解埕岛海域自然地质环境对海上构筑物的响应关系,本文通过高分辨率的侧扫声纳、浅地层剖面及单波束测深仪等声学仪器对该海区进行勘查,并结合大量的井场资料、现场和室内实验分析。


1.Response of Natural Geological Environment to Man-made Structures into Chengdao Sea Area埕岛海域自然地质环境对海上构筑物的响应分析研究

2.physical capacity of the natural environment自然环境物质负荷能力

3.A natural environment or locality.一个自然环境或地点

4.Application of Eco-Environment Assessment in Chengde Natural Reserve Region;生态环境质量评价方法在自然保护地域保护中的应用研究

5.Evaluations of Wetland Resources and Analysis of Water Environment Quality in Zha Long Reserve扎龙自然保护区湿地资源评价与水环境质量分析

6.Natural environment is the material base of the human beings depending on.自然环境是人类赖以生存的物质基础。

7.Natural or suitable environment or habitat自然的或合适的环境或栖息地

8.She braved the elements.她勇敢地面对恶劣的自然环境。

9.About the Evolution Law of Natural Geographical Environment自然地理环境随时间演化规律性探究

10.Research on the Connection between the Beijing Section of the Great Wall and Its Natural Geographical Environment;自然地理环境与长城北京段关系研究

11.Study on geographical conditions and altitude training;关于自然地理环境与高原训练的研究

12.On the Role the Natural Environment Description Plays in "The Return of The Native"论自然环境描写在《还乡》中的角色地位

13.Let Nature Grow in Urban Naturally--Discussion on the Possibility of Harmony Between Urban and Natural Environment;让自然在城市中自然地生长——论城市与自然环境和谐的可能

14.The population growth is adapted to material environment and ecological environment;人口增长必须与物质资料环境和自然生态环境相适应

15.Development of Physical Geography and Establishment of Environmental Physiognomy浅论自然地理学的发展与环境地貌学的建立

16.Customs Natured in Environment:Natural Environment and Burial Customs in Jiangnan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;因土成俗:明清江南地区的自然地理环境与葬俗

17.Developing Students Awareness of Environment Protection in Science Teaching;在自然科学教学中对学生环境素质的培养

18.A Comparative Study on the Body Shape,Function and Quality in Various Natural Environments河北省不同自然环境成年人体质的研究


geologic norm天然地质环境

3)natural geographical environment自然地理环境

1.The paper deals with this by demonstrating the influences of five kinds of human activities onnatural geographical environment in Wuhan city:1.随着人口的增长和城市的发展,人类生产、生活活动对武汉市自然地理环境的影响愈来愈大。

4)natural geography environment自然地理环境

1.The connections between the hundred aged person andnatural geography environment;百岁老人与自然地理环境的关系

2.And thenatural geography environment not only is the foundation of the culture formation, but also is the object of cultural processing.自然地理环境不仅是文化形成的基础,也是文化的加工对象。

5)natural geographic environment自然地理环境

1.To expand the teaching functions of the integrity principle ofnatural geographic environment and to motivate the efficient construction of knowledge and competence of the college students is the focus and orientation of teaching and research in the field college geography.拓展自然地理环境整体性原理的教学功能,促进大学生知识和技能的有效建构,是高师地理教育的重点和方向。

2.The distinctive folk customs of Yi Chuan County result from the regionalnatural geographic environment of Yi Chun County including regional climate,regional hydrology,regional soil,regional plants and regional animals,etc.自然地理环境因素对众多民俗事象产生重要的影响,以宜川民俗事象为例,其起源、发展、演变受其区域自然地理环境包括区域气候、区域水文、区域地貌、区域土壤、区域植被、区域动物等要素的综合影响,形成了其特有的民俗事象。

6)the natural land environment土地自然环境

1.The land environment consists of substance,space and social system surrounding the land,which can be specified asthe natural land environment,the project land environment and the social land environment.土地环境是指存在于土地外部的物质、空间和人类社会体系 ,包括土地自然环境、土地工程环境、土地社会环境三大板块 ,具有整体性、区域性、动态性和相对稳定性等基本特性。


