600字范文 > 关中方言 Guanzhong dialect英语短句 例句大全

关中方言 Guanzhong dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-16 06:23:05


关中方言 Guanzhong dialect英语短句 例句大全

关中方言,Guanzhong dialect

1)Guanzhong dialect关中方言

1.On cultural implications of the rhetoric phenomena ofGuanzhong dialect;试论关中方言修辞现象的文化意蕴


1.The Pronouns in the Baoji Dialect--Supplement and Correction to "An Overview of the Pronouns in the Guanzhong Dialects";宝鸡方言代词——《关中方言代词概要》补正

2.The Formation of the Guanzhong Dialects and the Present Situation of Research into the Dialects in the New Period;关中方言的形成及新时期关中方言研究现状

3.The Variation of We and Self in Guanzhong Dialects关于关中方言“咱们”和“自己”变体的讨论

4.Identify the Character of Voiced Initial Consonants with the Use of Shaanxi Plain Dialect;如何利用关中方言分辨识全浊声母字

5.The division and historical layers of pronunciation of Guo group (果摄) in the Guanzhong dialects;关中方言果摄读音的分化及历史层次

6.The Word "de" in Guanzhong Dialect and Several Related Problems;关中方言的“的”字以及与之有关的几个问题

munication Studies for Interpretation of the Popularity of Shaanxi GuanZhong Dialect in the Film and TV Shows陕西关中方言在影视剧中流行的传播学解读

8.A Typological Perspective: Means for Referring to the Third Person in Guanzhong Dialect;关中方言第三人称指称形式的类型学研究

9.Phonetic characteristics of Shaanxi dialect of the initial stages of the Republic of China by researching play books of Shaanxi Opera;从秦腔剧本看民国初年关中方言的语音特点

mon Character of the Phonological Structure ofGuanzhong Dialect and the Administrative Mapping in History;关中方言音韵结构共性与历史行政区划

11.A Commentary Investigation of "Zheda", "Nada", "Naida" and "Wuda" ──A Second Commentary Discussion of Words in the Guanzhong Dialects;“这搭、那搭、哪搭、兀搭”疏证──关中方言词语疏证之二

12.On the Relation Between Nanchu Dialect and Chu Dialect According to DIALECT by Yangxiong in Western Han Dynasty;论扬雄《方言》中南楚方言与楚方言的关系

13.pertaining to statistical methods used in studying the relations between languages.关于语言关系研究中统计方法的使用。

14.The relationship between the Standard Chinese and Dialects in the Viewpoint of Linguistic Authority;论语言权视野中的普通话与方言的关系

15.The Corresponding Relationship between Shibei Dialect"s Phonetic and Qieyun Chinese Phonology石陂方言语音与中古音系的对应关系

16.A comparison of some relerant words in IMaleot by Yangxiong and the Modern Guanzhong dialect;扬雄《方言》与现代关中话相关词汇之比较研究

17.Corresponding Speech Sound in West Shaanxi Dialect and Mandarin;陕西关中西府方言与普通话语音的对应关系

18.Application of Computational Method in Researching the Relationship of Chinese Dialects;计量方法在汉语方言关系研究中的运用


The Guanzhong dialects关中方言

1.The division and historical layers of pronunciation of Guo group (果摄) in the Guanzhong dialects;关中方言果摄读音的分化及历史层次

2.The Guanzhong dialects is an important part of the Guanzhong culture.关中方言是关中文化的重要组成部分 ,也是传承千百年关中文化的载体 ,从古至今都是学术界关注的焦点。

3)The Textual Research of Central Shanxi Plain s Dialect关中方言漫谈

4)On the Affix of Guanzhong Dialect关中方言的词缀

5)Western Guangzhong Area"s Dialect关中西部方言

6)Characteristic Words in Guanzhong Dialect关中方言的特征词


