600字范文 > 循环经济思想 thought on recycle economy英语短句 例句大全

循环经济思想 thought on recycle economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-21 06:16:24


循环经济思想 thought on recycle economy英语短句 例句大全

循环经济思想,thought on recycle economy

1)thought on recycle economy循环经济思想


1.Cycle Economy Thought and the Construction of Economic Zone at Western Bank of Taiwan Straits;循环经济思想与海峡西岸经济区建设

2.On the Theoretical Enlighthment of Thought about Marx s Cycle Economy to the Contemporary Enterprises Developing Cycle Economy;论马克思循环经济思想对当代企业发展循环经济的理论启示

3.Circular Economic Thought in Disposal of City Domestic Garbage;城市生活垃圾处置中的循环经济思想

4.On the Germination and Development of Circular Economy and Its Impact on China;循环经济思想萌芽、发展及对我国的影响述评

5.Recycling Economy Used in the Model of Sustainable Economic Development;论循环经济思想在可持续经济发展模式中的运用

6.On Marxist Three Principles of Recycle Economy and Its Realizing Conditions;论马克思循环经济思想的三大原则及其实现条件

7.Research on Circular Economy and Development of Continual Tourism--Taking Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province as an Example;循环经济思想指导下的旅游业可持续发展——以浙江省绍兴市为例

8.On Chinese Traditional Cultural Roots of Circular Economy;中国古代哲学文化中的循环经济伦理思想探析

9.Brief Talking about Guidelines and Limitation of Circulate Economy s Legislation;浅谈循环经济立法的指导思想与范围限制

10.On Ecological Ethics and Philosophic Ideology of Recycling Economy Promotion Law循环经济促进法的生态伦理和哲学思想分析

11.The notion of circulatory economy and the concept of adopting this model in Jiangsu province;循环经济理念与江苏发展循环经济的构想

12.Innovative thought of agriculture circulation economy and rural area circulation economy;对农业循环经济和农村循环经济的思考

13.Recycling Economy: an Ideal Economic Model in the 21St Century;循环经济:21世纪的理想经济模式

14.The Establishment of the New Economic System--Thinking About the Recycle Economy;新经济体系的建立——对循环经济的思考

15.Re-reading Steady-state: Thinking of Circular Economy;重读稳态经济:循环经济热的冷思考

16.Environmental Protectim Ard Circulative Economy In Forestry Area;从林区的经济模式发展思考循环经济

17.Guiding Ideology and Legislative Choices of Recycling Economy Development--Under the spirit of the 17th national congress of the CPC;循环经济建设的指导思想与立法方策——以十七大精神为指引

18.Conception and practice of the mining enterprise developing circular economy;矿山企业发展循环经济的构想与实践


economic thought经济思想

1.The Comparison of Zheng Guanying and List in Economic Thought;郑观应、李斯特经济思想比较初探

2.Concise on Jiang Zeming seconomic thought on the problems of three-nong;简论江泽民关于“三农”问题的经济思想

3.Several Characters of the Economic Thought of Wu Lanfu;乌兰夫经济思想的几个特点

3)Economic Ideas经济思想

1.Exploration on the Chinese Origin of WesternEconomic Ideas——Based on the Preliminary Literature Review and Summation;西方经济思想的中国渊源——基于文献的初步回顾与总结

2.Zheng Guan-ying s economic ideas are embodied in his book Shengshi Weiyan.郑观应有关经济思想的论述,倾注在其著作《盛世危言》一书中。

3.As to economic ideas he was against the present convention, and advocated economical utilitarianism.叶适是南宋时期著名的功利主义思想家,是永嘉学派的代表人物,在经济思想上,"以经济自负",坚持事功,一反传统儒家思想:主张义利并举,批判抑末思想,倡导"理财"理念,公开为富人辩护等等。

4)economic thoughts经济思想

1.Governing under Power Politics to Improve Welfare——Analyzing Putin seconomic thoughts and opinions on making people richer and country stronger;强权治理、突破瓶颈、提高福祉——普京“富民强国”经济思想及政策主张分析

2.On Deng Zihui s Economic Thoughts during Agrarian Revolution war;略论土地革命战争时期邓子恢的经济思想

5)economic ideology经济思想

1.Civilian-based thought in Xue-fucheng seconomic ideology;薛福成经济思想中的民本主义倾向

2.Exposition of MaoZedong seconomic ideology during the period of Anti-Japanese war;抗日战争时期毛泽东的经济思想述评

3.Islamic Credit Economic Ideology Studies伊斯兰信用经济思想探析

6)economic idea经济思想

1.Archaic period is an essential stage when theeconomic idea of ancient Greece formed.古风时期(公元前8-6世纪)是古希腊经济思想形成的重要阶段,古典经济思想的许多特征都是在古风时期出现的。

2.The theory of government-operatedeconomic idea was from Confucianism school in the period of Warring States of the ancient China.中国古代官营经济思想理论源于战国时期的管商学派。

3.Hiseconomic ideas inculde:“ Value labourer and Love people,Reduce expenditure and tax,rid forced labour,rid profit rather than fairness.其经济思想包括:“胜残”、“去杀”;“节用”、“爱人”;“轻徭”、“薄赋”;宁弃“利”而勿弃“义”。


