600字范文 > 自然伦理辩证法 the dialectics of natural ethics英语短句 例句大全

自然伦理辩证法 the dialectics of natural ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-08 14:57:00


自然伦理辩证法 the dialectics of natural ethics英语短句 例句大全

自然伦理辩证法,the dialectics of natural ethics

1)the dialectics of natural ethics自然伦理辩证法

2)the principle of dialectics of Nature自然辩证法原理


1.The Logic for Dialectics of Nature--from Dialectics of Nature to the Principle for Dialectics of Nature自然辩证法的逻辑——从《自然辩证法》原著到《自然辩证法原理》

2.An Introduction and Classical Works of Dialectics ?自然辩证法原理与经典著作

3.How to Research Mathematics with the Theory of Nature Dialectic;如何用自然辩证法原理指导数学研究

4.To Instruct the Team Approach for Cleft Lip and Palate by Applying the Principles of Dialectics of Nature;应用自然辩证法原理指导唇腭裂畸形的序列治疗

5.Moreover, "Bian zheng shi zhi", another theory of traditional Chinese medicine, also embodies the dialectic ideas of ancient natural philosophy.中医理论的辩证施治原则充分体现了古代自然哲学的辩证法性质。

6.Lucacs:From Natural Dialectics to Historical Dialectics;卢卡奇:从自然辩证法到历史辩证法

7.Dialectics of Nature:To Be Developed and Never Dispelled--Refutes Opposition of the Dialectics of Nature and Dialectics of history;自然辩证法只能发展不容消解——评自然辩证法与历史辩证法的对立

8.Teaching Methods of Dialectics of Nature Based on Opening Idea基于开放教学理念的自然辩证法教学方法浅探


10.“Human” in “Nature Dialectics”:the Human Ontology of Ecological Ethics;《自然辩证法》的“人”:生态伦理学的人学本体论

11.Looks at relations between the animal and the moral by the modern natural diagnostic method theory;以现代自然辩证法理论看动物与道德的关系

12.On Teaching Dialectics of Nature and Cultivating View of Eco-nature《自然辩证法》教学与生态自然观的教育

13.On the Exploration of Engels’Dialectics of Nature of Approaching to Engels:Foundation Work of Research on Natural Dialectics;《自然辩证法》研究的奠基之作——读《走进恩格斯——〈自然辩证法〉探索》

14.Dialectics of Nature in the Violent Changing Age--My Tentative Suggestion on "Restore the Prestige of Dialectics of Nature;大调整时代的自然辩证法——“重振自然辩证法雄风”刍议

15.Dialectical Natural Laws in Physics--Control、Information、System and Dialectical Natural Laws;物理学中的辩证自然观——控制、信息、系统与辩证自然观

16.Plead for Engels--Natural Dialectics and the Opposition Between Marx and Engels;为恩格斯辩护——自然辩证法与“马恩对立论”

17.The Methods to Improve Students’ Thinking Abilities with Opening Idea--from the Teaching of Dialectics of Nature在开放理念下提高思维能力的教学方法——从自然辩证法的教学谈起

18.Discussion on the Academic Influence of the Journal of Studies in Dialectics of Nature by CSSCI;从CSSCI看《自然辩证法研究》的学术影响


the principle of dialectics of Nature自然辩证法原理

3)dialectics of nature自然辩证法

1.Dialectics of Nature teaching reform and the quality of postgraduate medical education;自然辩证法教改与医学研究生素质教育

2.From "What" to "Why"——First Classroom Teaching Method for "Dialectics of Nature";从“是什么”到“为什么”——“自然辩证法”第一堂课的教学方法

3.The Teaching of Innovation Capacity-Building On Introduction of Dialectics of Nature Courses;“自然辩证法概论”教学中的创新能力培养

4)natural dialectics自然辩证法

bining medicine with philosophy, constructing new mode of teachingnatural dialectics;医哲结合 构建自然辩证法教学新模式

2.On relationship betweennatural dialectics research and archival work;试析学习和研究自然辩证法与档案工作的关系

3.The guiding significance ofnatural dialectics on E & C translation studies;试论自然辩证法对英汉翻译学的指导作用

5)Dialectics of Nature《自然辩证法》

1.Why Did Einstein Make Negative Appraise About Engels ManuscriptofDialectics of Nature?;对恩格斯《自然辩证法》手稿评价:爱因斯坦缘何出错——自然辩证法史学习札记

2.Scientific Views inDialectics of Nature and Its Inspirations for the Modern Times《自然辩证法》中的科学观及其对当代的启示

3.On TeachingDialectics of Nature and Cultivating View of Eco-nature《自然辩证法》教学与生态自然观的教育

6)the fundamental theory of nature dialectics自然辩证法基本理论


军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证法military objective dialectics and subjective dialecticshe法CtiVe内容辩证及其观辩是一界的发展会的着社而发矛盾体、、必攻与主动与精等诸相互相互域各其规必然!客观iunshi de keguan bianzhengfzhuguQn bianzhengfo军事的客观辩证法和主观辩证(military objective dialeeties and subjdialeeties)关于军事辩证法的客泌和主观反映的一对范畴。军事的客为法指军事领域中客观存在的辩证运舀规律。军事的主观辩证法指对军事堪证法的主观反映。二者在本质__上致的。军事领域的矛盾运动如同客观桂其他运动一样,都是处在不断的辩让之中。军事领域的矛盾运动在人类之生产方式发展到一定阶段产生,并伯会生产方式不断向更高的阶段发尾展,最终归于消亡。军事领域充满〕的对立统一。一般与特殊、部分与奎不确实性与确实性、流动性与固定杠然性与偶然性、可能性与现实性、遥防御、持久与速决、内线与外线、与被动、优势与劣势,以及物质因礴神因素、人与武器装备、政治与军哥矛盾方面之间,都存在着相互排斥、依存、相互转化的辩证关系,它们口作用推动着军事事物的发展。军事匀种事物的发生、发展和消亡的过程石律,就是军事的客观辩证法。军事的客观辩证法具有客观性、性和普遍性等特点。客观性,指军事白人的存在发展事实必然客观事物内在的形尽的军事实践性,辩证的军事实串于军事终。辩证的概证发的矛的主于军过人立起式而表现相互客观用军的主事的对军,军而军对军军事握之具。辩证源于。
