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公正平等 Just and equal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-30 08:48:39


公正平等 Just and equal英语短句 例句大全

公正平等,Just and equal

1)Just and equal公正平等


1.In the application of the concept of fair play, there must be real flexibility.公正平等的观念,必须加以灵活运用。

2.We have done them justice on all occasions, and cherished mutual interests and intercourse on fair and equal terms我们以公正的态度与彼等处理一切事件,并且在公正平等的关系上,增进双方的利益与交流。

3.An Analysis of Interrelationship between Fairness,Impartiality,Justice and Equality论公平、公正、正义与平等的相互关系

4.Educational Equality and Opportunity in the Process of Higher Education Popularization;高等教育大众化进程中的公正与平等

5.On Justice of Equal Rights in Anti-dumping Review;论反倾销复审中的平等权利的公正性

6.Educational Justice: Pursue Brilliance or Equality;教育公正:追求卓越,还是追求平等

7.Advocating Gender Equality and Justification and Constructing a Modern Harmonious Society;倡导性别平等公正 构建现代和谐社会

8.Fairness is different to justice, impartiality and equality in the meanings.公平与正义、公正、平等概念既有联系又有区别,不宜混淆。

9.the privilege of citizenship [equality]公民 [平等] 权

10.The corporate culture that the company runs after is: Respection, Equality, Fairness Impartiality ,Transformation , Innovation .公司追求的企业文化是:尊重、平等、公平、公正、变革、创新。

11.Is to eliminate sexual discrimination and prejudice and promote equality and justice between men and women.消除性别歧视与偏见,促进男女平等和公正。

12.These women are demanding fairness and equality in their pay.这些妇女要求在薪酬方面的公正和平等。

13.Equality or Justice?--On John Rawls Educational Philosophy Perspective;平等还是公正?——试论罗尔斯的教育哲学观

14.The understanding of equality and fairness as well as justice concerning law in the light of combination of people and of law;从人的集合与法的集合看法律的平等与公正

15.The Equality and Justice in the Institutional Arrangement:the Institutional Analysis of the Equality of Opportunities in Higher Education;制度安排中的公平与正义:对高等教育机会均等的制度分析

16.The Philosophical Thinking on the "Popularity"of Higher Education on the Justice and Equality of "perfect Education;对高等教育"大众化"的哲学反思——论"精英教育"的公正和平等

17."In this spirit, they represent the Olympic values: participation, equality, co-operation and fair play. "这正好反映了奥林匹克的价值所在--参与、平等、协作和公平竞争。

18."equality before courts and right to fair and public hearing [Article 10, Hong Kong Bill of Rights]"在法院前平等及接受公正公开审问的权利〔香港人权法案第十条〕


justice and equality公正与平等

3)In a fair or just manner; equitably.公正地公平地或公正地;平等地


5)fairness and justness公平公正

1.What is of utmost significance in juridical activities is itsfairness and justness,while human rights is the foundation.而人权是公平公正的基础。

2.Governing for the people:The political guarantee for a harmonious society withfairness and justness;公平公正是社会主义和谐社会的政治特征。


1.The equity value is the ultimate pursuit of human society,especially the basis of a harmonious society.公平公正是人类社会追求的终极价值,更是和谐社会的基础。


