600字范文 > 心理求助 psychological help-seeking英语短句 例句大全

心理求助 psychological help-seeking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-26 06:24:22


心理求助 psychological help-seeking英语短句 例句大全

心理求助,psychological help-seeking

1)psychological help-seeking心理求助

1.Development of the Questionnaire on the willing to Psychological Help-seeking for Middle School Students;中学生心理求助意愿问卷的编制

2.This paper reviewed the progress and achievements within the field ofpsychological help-seeking, and pointed out the limits of the studies.回顾了国内外心理求助研究的进展和现状,指出了目前研究中存在的局限。


1.College Students Psychological Perplexity and Their Seeking Psychological Help;中国大学生的心理困扰及其心理求助

2.Influence of Responsibility Attribution to Help-seeking Behavior;个人责任归因对心理求助行为的影响

3.The Characteristic of University Students Decision Making Process of Seeking Professional Help;大学生专业心理求助决策过程的特征分析

4.The Relationship of the Cognitive Motivation Variables to the Psychological Help-seeking;认知动机变量与心理求助行为的关系研究

5.Analysis of college students’ tendency to seek psychological help and factors;当前大学生心理求助倾向及影响因素探析

6.Psychological Help-Seeking:Current Research and The Phases-Decision-Making Model;心理求助行为:研究现状及阶段-决策模型

7.Stigma Proves the Major Factor Hinder Juvenile"s Psychological Assistance污名是阻碍青少年心理求助的主要因素

8.Research on the Relationship of Psychological Help Seeking and Social Support with Mental Health of the College Students;大学生心理求助、社会支持与心理健康的关系研究

9.Study on the Effect of Cognitive and Mental Health Factors on Psychological Help-seeking of College Students;认知及心理健康因素对大学生心理求助的影响研究

10.You could ask for help at the consultant center.(你可以向心理咨询中心寻求协助。)

11.The Gender Diffrence as Reflected in the Psychological Help for College Students and Their Mode of Seeking Psychological Help;大学生心理帮助与求助方式的性别差异

12.You may turn to the psychologist for help.你可以到那位心理学家那儿寻求帮助。

13.If you"re suffering from emotional distress, you may be advised to see a counselor.如果你患忧郁症,你应当求助心理医生。

14.Analysis on the ways of college students seeking assistance for psychological problems;大学生心理问题求助方式的调查分析

15."Besieged with fears, he decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.""他终日恐惧不安,决定寻求心理医生的帮助"

16.Besieged with fear, he decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist他终日恐惧不安,决定寻求心理医生的帮助

17.Besieged with fear, he decide to seek the aid of a psychiatrist.他终日恐惧不安,决定寻求心理医生的帮助。

18.The Empirical Research on the University Students Attitude Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help;大学生寻求专业性心理帮助态度的实证研究


Psychological Help Seeking心理求助

1.Research on the Relationship ofPsychological Help Seeking and Social Support with Mental Health of the College Students;大学生心理求助、社会支持与心理健康的关系研究

3)help-seeking behavior心理求助行为

1.Objective:To examine the influence of responsibility attribution tohelp-seeking behavior.责任推断和内部-外部归因对心理求助行为的影响不显著,而可控性归因却显著影响求助行为。

4)endency to seeking psychological helpi心理求助倾向

5)seeking professional help专业心理求助

6)Seeking professional psychological help寻求专业性心理帮助


