600字范文 > 大石鸡 Alectoris magna英语短句 例句大全

大石鸡 Alectoris magna英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-29 21:00:41


大石鸡 Alectoris magna英语短句 例句大全

大石鸡,Alectoris magna

1)Alectoris magna大石鸡

1.Introgressive hybridization betweenAlectoris magna and A.chukar in the Liupan Mountain Region;六盘山地区石鸡和大石鸡间的渐渗杂交(英文)

2.Effects of Environmental Factors on The Population Genetic Structure inAlectoris magna;环境因子对大石鸡种群遗传结构的影响

3.Since 1980, we have examined 47 specimen of przewalski′s rock partridge (Alectoris magna ) stored in museum, which were collected from Wutumeiren, Wulan, Huangyuan, Xining, Guide, Tongde, Jianza of Qinghai Province and Lanzhou of Gansu Province.通过地理分布、形态差异、分子进化证明了我国特有种大石鸡Alectorismagna分化为两个亚种 ,指名亚种A 。


1.Introgression of A. Chukar Genes into A.magna Population in Liupanshan Region of China;我国六盘山地区大石鸡和石鸡的渐渗杂交

2.The rooster flew up to a big rock and began to crow, too.公鸡飞上大石头也开始鸣叫。

3.And this is Qi Baishi"s @Chickens and [email protected]这是齐白石的《鸡石图》。

4.Any of several plump-bodied Old World game birds, especially of the genera Perdix and Alectoris, related to the pheasants and grouse.山鹑,山鹧鸪几种体型圆胖的旧大陆猪鸟中的任一种,尤指与雉和松鸡有关的山鹑属和石鸡属

5.we eat turkey, sweet potatoes,大家吃火鸡,甘薯,

6.Yunnan style chicken soup大炖竹笙鸡汤(盅)

7.If the stone fall upon the egg, alas for the egg!假如巨石砸到鸡蛋上,为可怜的鸡蛋祈祷吧!

8.The only picture was an over-enlarged photograph, apparently a hen sitting on a blurred rock.墙上挂的唯一的画是一张放得特大的相片,乍一看是一只母鸡蹲在一块模糊的岩石上。

9.Dining off crispy chicken, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Daokou braised chicken, what"s the difference?香酥鸡、肯德基、道口烧鸡,大同小异。

10.Tequila Sunriseph.1. 一种石榴色的墨西哥鸡尾酒

11.They"re just like eggs hurled against stone, they"re heading for their doom.鸡蛋怎能碰得过石头,还不是自寻死路。

12.They"re just like eggs hurled against stone; they"re heading for their doom.鸡蛋怎能碰得过石头, 还不是自寻死路。

13.Study on Transformation of PttKN1 Gene in Dianthus Caryophyllus and Celosia Cristata L;PttKN1基因转化香石竹和鸡冠花的研究

14.ISSR Analysis of the Populations in the Hybrid Zone of the Two Species in Alectoris;我国两种石鸡杂交带种群的ISSR分析

15.Folklore Research of Hakka“Ge Ji and Dan Deng” (Rooster killing and Light Kindling) in Ning-du County;宁都县石上村“割鸡、担灯”民俗研究

16.The Studies on the Ecological Restoration in Abandoned Quarry in Jixi鸡西矿区采石场废弃地植被恢复研究

17.Study on Application of X-ray Diffractometer in Identification of Chicken-blood StoneX射线衍射法在鸡血石鉴定中的应用

18.English breed of large white-skinned chickens.白皮肤的英国种大鸡。


Alectoris chukar大石鸡

1.Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct nucleotide sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, we found an extensive divergence between allopatric samples of Alectoris magna andAlectoris chukar, and the presence of A.采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和mtDNA细胞色素b基因314hp核音酸序列测定等方法,证明在大石鸡与山石鸡的异域种群之间存在广泛的差异。

2.The genetic distance between Alectoris magna andAlectoris chukar is 5.大石鸡和石鸡的遗传距离为5。

3)Alectoris magna lanzhouensis大石鸡兰州亚种

1.Population genetic structure,haplotype distribution and genetic diversity of the rusty-necklaced partridgeAlectoris magna lanzhouensis based on mtDNA control region sequences;大石鸡兰州亚种的mtDNA种群遗传结构、单倍型分布和遗传多样性(英文)

4)Alectoris chukar石鸡

1.Time Budget and Activity Rhythm ofAlectoris chukar in Winter;贺兰山石鸡越冬期昼间行为时间分配及活动规律

2.Some biochemical and physiological indices in blood of Chrysolophus pictus,Alectoris chukar and Phasianus colchicus;红腹锦鸡、石鸡和雉鸡的部分血液生理生化指标

parison of Genetic Variation BetweenAlectoris chukar and A.magna Based on Mitochondrial DNA Control-region Gene;从线粒体DNA控制区基因比较石鸡和大石鸡的遗传变异

5)chicken-blood stone鸡血石

1.Phase identification of Zhimadichicken-blood stone,a special kind of Changhuachicken-blood stone,was carried out by thin section identification,X-ray diffractometry,infrared spectrometry and electronic microprobe for its mineralogy and lithology.对昌化鸡血石的一个特殊品种——芝麻地鸡血石,用岩石薄片、X射线衍射、红外光谱、电子探针等手段进行了成分和岩性分析,认为芝麻地鸡血石应是晶屑凝灰岩经过强脱硅作用后,生成一水硬铝石形成的。

2.More than ten of the imitations and tens of thechicken-blood stone samples newly collected from Changhua are observed with naked eye and microscope,including the contrastive testing of the thinned sections,physical properties and mineral compositions.对新近从昌化收集的十几块仿鸡血石样品和数十块鸡血石样品进行了肉眼与镜下观察,并进行了岩石薄片、物理性质和矿物成分等对比检测,总结出鸡血石和仿鸡血石在“地子”和“血”方面的特征以及在成分上存在的较明显差异,可以加以鉴别,而物理性质的差异则宜用于辅助鉴别。

3.By naked eye and the microscopic observation,the characteristics of Changhuachicken-blood stones and deposedchicken-blood stones,including cracks,the forms of the fillers,the surface smoothness from reflect-observation,structure and the smoothness of blood shape were summarized.通过肉眼和显微镜放大观察,总结出浙江昌化鸡血石与注胶或补破处理鸡血石在裂形、填充物形态、反光观察的表面平滑性、构造及血形圆滑连续性等方面的不同特征,可用于鉴别鸡血石的注胶与补破处理,并对鸡血石中常见冻筋和注胶裂进行了区分。

6)imitated chicken-blood stone仿鸡血石

1.A kind ofimitated chicken-blood stone is studied by XRF,XRD,FTIR and polarizing microscope in this paper.利用X射线荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、红外光谱以及偏光显微镜等实验技术对近期市场上一种常见的仿鸡血石的矿物组成、内部结构等特征进行了研究,对其宝石学性质进行了测定。


