600字范文 > 有效降雨量 effective rainfall英语短句 例句大全

有效降雨量 effective rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 17:51:22


有效降雨量 effective rainfall英语短句 例句大全

有效降雨量,effective rainfall

1)effective rainfall有效降雨量

1.Theeffective rainfall model is defined by correlation analysis,and the threshold valves of critical rainfall and critical rainfall intensity are obtained to predict the time quantitatively.根据浙江省降雨的特点,将降雨分为台风降雨和非台风降雨,采用统计方法研究了区域性滑坡灾害与台风区和非台风区降雨量及降雨强度的相关性,通过相关性分析确定了有效降雨量模型;得到了浙江省区域性滑坡发生的临界降雨量和降雨强度阀值,为实时时间预警提供了定量依据;将滑坡灾害的空间易发性与降雨量和降雨强度相结合确定了滑坡灾害的空间预警区划指标和等级;最后初步研究了滑坡发生的滞后时间。

2)antecedent effective rainfall前期有效降雨量

1.A multidisciplinary approach based on logistic regression andantecedent effective rainfall was adopted to study the very complex phenomenon of rainfall-triggered debris flows.利用Logistic回归模型对当日雨量和前期有效降雨量进行回归分析,形成了一整套对降雨型泥石流临界雨量进行定量分析的方法,并在辽宁省岫岩县进行了试用。

2.An approach based on logistic regression andantecedent effective rainfall is promoted.将Logistic回归模型和前期有效降雨量引入到地质灾害预警领域,结合泥石流灾害危险性评价,形成了一整套较完善的泥石流灾害多元信息耦合预警体系,并基于MAPGIS平台经二次开发建立了泥石流灾害预警系统。

3)effective rainfall有效降雨

1.Effective rainfall and ineffective rainfall, lag effect of rainfall, rat nfall intensity and the role of rainfall evenness to recharge are all discussed herein.本文讨论了有效降雨和无效降雨、降雨的滞后作用、降雨强度及降雨的均匀性对补给的作用,进而给出以月降雨量为单位的补给函数和以日降雨量为单位的补给参数,对水资源评价等涉及到大气降雨补给的计算有重要意义。

4)available precipitation有效雨量

1.Analying the relationship between geological hazards and precipitation in northern Fujian,the authors establish the relational model(available precipitation) of the geological hazards,and early warning system with GIS has been developed.通过分析闽北地质灾害与降水的关系,建立了闽北地质灾害与降水的关系模型(有效雨量),并应用GIS技术开发了闽北地质灾害气象预警系统。


1.rainfall excess(形成径流的)有效雨量

2.available capacity [stormwater drain]有效容量〔雨水渠〕

3.Areal Rainfall Calculation in Assessment of Precipitation Enhancement Effectiveness人工增雨效果评估中的面雨量计算分析

4.This effect is sometimes called the rain drop effect.这种效应有时称为雨点效应。

5.The driest month is January with 23.4 millimetres and it rains on only about six days in the month.一月最少雨,平均雨量仅有23.4毫米,全月大约只有6天下雨。

6.Water that has fallen as rain and contains little dissolved mineral matter.雨水作为雨降下的水,含有少量溶解了的矿物质

7.The dancing party fell flat because of the rain由于下雨,舞会没有达到预期的效果。

8.ticket for later use when a match,show,etc is cancelled because of rain(比赛、表演等)因雨延期有效票.

9.The researchers call for more productive use of rainwater.研究者呼吁对雨水更有效的利用。

10.effective output有效输出量有效功率

11.Rainfall affects the moisture content of the atmosphere.下雨对大气中的含水量有影响。

12.Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall.农作物的收成与年降雨量有密切关系。

13.Recently too much rain fell for some crops in the southern southeastern plainsPlains.近来在东南部的平原地区有大量降雨。

14.actual flux density有效(磁)通量密度

15.Pakistan ’s southern **Baluchistan and Sindh provinces are used to heavy rains during the annual monsoon season.巴基斯坦南部的俾路支和信德省每年雨季都会有大量降雨。

16.collective effective dose equivalent rate集体有效剂量当量率

17.collective effective dose equivalent commitment集体有效剂量当量约定

18.effective dose per unit intake factor单位摄入量的有效剂量


antecedent effective rainfall前期有效降雨量

1.A multidisciplinary approach based on logistic regression andantecedent effective rainfall was adopted to study the very complex phenomenon of rainfall-triggered debris flows.利用Logistic回归模型对当日雨量和前期有效降雨量进行回归分析,形成了一整套对降雨型泥石流临界雨量进行定量分析的方法,并在辽宁省岫岩县进行了试用。

2.An approach based on logistic regression andantecedent effective rainfall is promoted.将Logistic回归模型和前期有效降雨量引入到地质灾害预警领域,结合泥石流灾害危险性评价,形成了一整套较完善的泥石流灾害多元信息耦合预警体系,并基于MAPGIS平台经二次开发建立了泥石流灾害预警系统。

3)effective rainfall有效降雨

1.Effective rainfall and ineffective rainfall, lag effect of rainfall, rat nfall intensity and the role of rainfall evenness to recharge are all discussed herein.本文讨论了有效降雨和无效降雨、降雨的滞后作用、降雨强度及降雨的均匀性对补给的作用,进而给出以月降雨量为单位的补给函数和以日降雨量为单位的补给参数,对水资源评价等涉及到大气降雨补给的计算有重要意义。

4)available precipitation有效雨量

1.Analying the relationship between geological hazards and precipitation in northern Fujian,the authors establish the relational model(available precipitation) of the geological hazards,and early warning system with GIS has been developed.通过分析闽北地质灾害与降水的关系,建立了闽北地质灾害与降水的关系模型(有效雨量),并应用GIS技术开发了闽北地质灾害气象预警系统。




