600字范文 > 民族旅游节庆 ethnic tourism festival英语短句 例句大全

民族旅游节庆 ethnic tourism festival英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-21 05:10:23


民族旅游节庆 ethnic tourism festival英语短句 例句大全

民族旅游节庆,ethnic tourism festival

1)ethnic tourism festival民族旅游节庆

1.To carry well onethnic tourism festival can develop ethnic economy in some economically backward ethnic areas.民族旅游节庆是集中展现地区特色旅游产品及民俗文化的最佳载体,办好民族旅游节庆可以促进欠发达少数民族地区的经济发展。


1.Planning of Festivals for Nationality Tourism;民族旅游节庆策划研究——以桂林龙胜各族自治县为例

2.SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures for Developing Ethnic Tourism Festival--A Case Study of Sanjiang;民族旅游节庆开发的SWOT分析及对策研究——以广西三江侗族自治县为例

3.A Research of Festival Tourism of a Nation Based on Tourists" Expectation and Perception--Taking the Firebrand Festival of the Yi Ethnic Group of Liangshan as an Example基于游客期望和感知的民族节庆旅游研究——以凉山彝族火把节为例

4.Research on the Interactive Pattern of National Festival Tourism Development and Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection民族节庆旅游开发与非物质文化遗产保护互动模式研究

5.Visitor"s Behavior Research and Application on Tourism Festival in Ethnical County--A Case Study of the 7th Guilin Gongcheng Peach Blossom Festival民族县域旅游节庆游客行为研究及其应用——以第七届桂林恭城桃花节为例

6.Fasti Festival and the Dietetic Culture of Northern Nomad Nationalities岁时节庆与北方游牧民族饮食文化

7.A Perspective of the Market Development of the Traditional Sports Tourism of Chongqing s Minorities;重庆少数民族传统体育旅游市场开发透视

8.Orientation and Development Trend of Tourism Industry in National Area of Chongqing;重庆民族地区旅游业的定位与发展取向

9.The Relation between the Activities of the Folk-Custom Tourism Festival and Contemporary Entertainment Culture;论民俗旅游节庆活动与当代娱乐文化的关系

10.The Function of Huxiang Folk Festival Culture in Tourism Economic Activities;论湖湘民间节庆文化在旅游经济活动中的作用

11.Theory Study on Event Tourism and Research on Qingdao Event Tourism Development;节庆旅游理论及青岛市节庆旅游发展研究

12.On the Relationship of the Culture of Festivals and Folk Customs Of the Minority in Yunnan and Tourism;论云南少数民族节日民俗文化与旅游的关系

13.Developing Travel Market and Protecting Folk Culture;创造旅游市场,保护民族民间文化——重庆潜在的双赢模式分析

14.Research on the Characteristics,Development Values and Principles of the Ethical Traditional Festival;民族传统节日旅游资源特征、旅游开发价值与原则的探索

15.Applying Festival Symbols to the Exploitation of Ethnic Tourism;节日符号在民族旅游开发中的运用及问题

16.National Traditional Festivals andTourism Development of Folk Custom--On Guangxi National Cultureand Tourism Development (II);民族传统节日与民俗旅游的开发——广西民族文化与旅游开发研究之二

17.Discussion on Tourism Development i n Minority Areas;关于少数民族地区旅游业发展的思考——以重庆黔江为例

18.Greatly Develop Tourism Resources of "Festivals" and "Festival Culture;大力开发我国“节庆”和“节文化”旅游资源


festival tourism of a nation民族节庆旅游

1.Being the pacemaker of national tourism,thefestival tourism of a nation undertakes the mission of developing national cultural and economy.作为民族旅游发展的领跑者,民族节庆旅游肩负着振兴民族文化和民族经济的历史使命,成为旅游人类学和民族学的研究热点。

3)Festival tourism节庆旅游

1.The Development Countermeasures of Festival Tourism in Suining City Based on the Analysis of SWOT基于SWOT分析下的遂宁市节庆旅游的发展对策

2.On Festival Tourism"S Influence to the Construction of Hainan International Tourism Destination and its Development论节庆旅游对海南国际旅游岛建设的影响及其发展

3.Development of festival tourism played a very important role in improving the fame of area,disseminating area s culture,shaping tourism brand of area,promoting broad economic communication,accelerating economic development of region.节庆旅游的开发在提高区域知名度、传播区域文化、塑造区域旅游品牌、促进区域对外经济合作、带动区域经济发展方面发挥重要作用。

4)tourist festivals旅游节庆

1.In recent years,tourist festivals develop rapidly in China but only a few of them succeed.近年来,我国旅游节庆发展迅猛,呈现出“百花齐放”的局面,但是成功的旅游节庆只是少数,很多地方盲目办节,给当地经济带来很大负担。

2.The market issue oftourist festivals causes many scholars attention and thetourist festivals have obvious consumption nature and economic-orientation.旅游节庆市场化问题引起了许多学人的注意,其具有明显的消费性和经济指导性。

3.By enhancing macro-plan, marketing model operation,continuous innovation,especially favorable sales promotion,tourist festivals can become famous at home and abroad,and produce tremendous festival economic benefits.湖南加强旅游节庆开发,意义重大,并具备了良好条件。

5)tourism festival旅游节庆

1.In recent years, the number oftourism festivals increases gradually.近年来,河北的旅游节庆逐年增多,在丰富河北的旅游资源和产品,促进旅游基础设施的完善,带动 相关产业及区域经济的发展,树立河北旅游的良好形象等方面发挥着积极的作用。

2.Taking China Fishing Festival as an example, this paper has conducted research on innovative exploration oftourism festival from theme and image, program, management and promotion.本文以浙江象山县中国开渔节为例,从主题形象、活动项目、运作机制、宣传促销等方面对旅游节庆的创新发展进行了探讨,指出旅游节庆开发成功的要素包括:根植于地方文化、创意策划、市场化运作、民众参与、品牌化经营。

3.By discussing the conception and categories oftourism festivals, the thesis analyzes the current problems and causes.通过对旅游节庆活动概念及其分类的探讨,分析了我国旅游节庆活动存在的问题与困境及其原因。

6)Tourist Festival旅游节庆

1.Application of AHP on Evaluation System ofTourist Festival;AHP法在旅游节庆评估体系中的应用

2.The perception of Yunnan tourist festival based on the perspective of "The Second Establishment"旅游“二次创业”视野下的云南旅游节庆研究

3.This paper analysed the basic components of tourist festivals and its drawing effects on city development.旅游节庆在城市旅游与经济发展中有重要作用,本文重点分析了旅游节庆的构成要素,及旅游节庆的牵动效应对城市发展的影响。


