600字范文 > 高师体育教学 the physical education teaching of Teachers College英语短句 例句大全

高师体育教学 the physical education teaching of Teachers College英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-26 14:29:26


高师体育教学 the physical education teaching of Teachers College英语短句 例句大全

高师体育教学,the physical education teaching of Teachers College

1)the physical education teaching of Teachers College高师体育教学


1.The Cultioating of the Students Creativity in the College P. E.;高师体育教学中学生创新能力的培养

2.Study in Teaching Reforms of P.E. in High Education;高校体育教学中教师教学改革的探究

3.College Physical Teacher and Students Mental Health Education;高校体育教师与大学生心理健康教育

4.On The Teaching Study of Health Education Curriculum of Physical Education Majors;高师体育专业健康教育课程教学研究

5.Researches on the reform of teaching contents of PE speciality in teachers education;高师体育教育专业教学内容改革研究

6.On the Trend of Physical Education and Teaching in the Normal Colleges;对高师体育教育教学改革发展的思考

7.Ponderation on Improving PE Teachers’ Teaching Standard in University;对提高大学体育教师教学水平的思考

8.Research on influence of university teacher education model featured with selfish departmentalism on university P.E. in China;大学本位教师教育模式对高校体育教育的影响

9.On Moral Educational Penetration in PE Classes of Higher Vocational College;高职师范专业体育教学中的德育渗透

10.Discussion on the Cultivation of Students Specializing in Physical Educatiom(PE) in Normal Colleges;对高师体育教育专业学生培养的思考

11.Research on Practical Teaching System of Educational technology specialty in Normal Universities;高师教育技术专业实践教学体系研究

12.Some Thoughts on Teacher Behavior in the Interaction of College P. E. Teaching;高校体育教学互动中教师行为的研究

13.Information Attainment of University P.E.Teachers and Innovation of Teaching;高校体育教师的信息素养与教学创新

14.Physical Teacher s Sentiment Affect this Teaching in Colleges;浅谈高校体育教师情绪对教学的影响

15.Modulating Capabilities Required of PE Teachers in Colleges and Universities;普通高校体育教学中教师的调节作用

16.On Reform in Teaching Behaviour of Teachers of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities;试析高校体育教师教学行为改革创新

17.On the Three-Dimensional Teaching Mode of Sport Technique Teaching in Physical Education in Normal Universities;高师体育专业术科立体教学模式研究

18.Upon improvement of assessment methods of gymnasticteaching among P.E.majors of higher teachers′colleges.;高师体育专业体操教学考核方法探析


the higher teacher pedagogy高师教育学

1.The article analyses the worrying status ofthe higher teacher pedagogy in our country,and clearly explains the important positions and the active functions of the course target in construction.本文从分析我国高师教育学课程教学令人忧思的现状入手,明晰了课程目标在课程建设过程中的重要地位和积极作用,按照教师专业化发展的需求,本着教师教育为基础教育服务的原则,提出了教育学课程“三位一体”的课程目标,在此基础上对全面进行高师教育学课程改革,提升教学的有效性提出了几点建议。

3)higher physical education高师体育教育

1.When we study quality education ofhigher physical education in our country,we neednt give a precise definition of quality education or degin the standard pattern,in order to avoid the one sided influnce.在我国高师体育教育的素质教育研究中 ,为了避免造成片面影响 ,我们需要的主要不是给素质教育一个精确的定义 ,也不是设计标准模式。

4)higher teacher"s education and teaching高师教育教学

5)mathematical teachers" education in high normal universities高师数学教师教育

6)advanced normal chemistry education高师化学教育


