600字范文 > 五保老人 Wu-Bao seniors英语短句 例句大全

五保老人 Wu-Bao seniors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-30 13:49:16


五保老人 Wu-Bao seniors英语短句 例句大全

五保老人,Wu-Bao seniors

1)Wu-Bao seniors五保老人

1.To study the present situation the quality of life and influential factors among centralized support ruralWu-Bao seniors in institution of Hubei province,health survey scales of SF-36 Chinese version were employed in the inventory.为了解湖北省农村福利院集中供养五保老人生活质量及其相关影响因素,利用中文SF-36量表对900例湖北省农村60岁及以上的集中供养五保老人、分散中供养五保老人和普通老年人进行调查。


1.SCL-90 Results of Rural Elderly in Welfare Institute;农村福利院五保老人SCL-90问卷调查

2.Social Protection to Five-guarantees in Harmonious Society;和谐视域中农村五保老人的社会保护——来自湖南省农村五保养老问题的实证研究

3.A Study on The Quality of Life Among Elderly Population in Institution of Hubei Province;湖北省农村集中供养五保老人生活质量研究

4.Reliability and validity of SCL-90 used in the rural ′wubao′ senior citizens;SCL-90量表应用于农村五保老人的信度和效度

5.Reliability and validity of Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness(MUNSH) in the happiness investigation of the aged with five guarantees in the country纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表在农村五保老人幸福度调查的信度和效度

6.In future the life of old people in China"s rural areas will be triple-guaranteed by the support of their children, social insurance and the five-guarantee program.今后,中国农村老人的生活将有儿女赡养、社会保险、“五保”供养三重保障。

7.An aging population, an underfunded pension system, and half-a-billion workers who aren"t covered could be a drag on economic growth.人口老化、退休金养老金系统不完善,以及五亿劳动者没有保障,这将严重影响经济的增长。

8.The Transition and Scientific Development of China"s "Five-guarantees" System中国五保养老的制度转型与科学发展

9.The man who knew their number and their order, who remembered each boat and what the oarsman looked like was the old river warden of the fifth district.明白这数目,而且明白那秩序,记忆得出每一个船和摇船人样子,是五区一个老“水保”。

10.insurance paid to the elderly.发给老年人的保险费。

11.The couple did not have social security.两位老人没有社会保险。

12.The old man finally kicked the bucket at ninety five.那老人最后在九十五岁时死去。

13.Our landlord was an oldish man, round about the fifties, with a bent back.我的房主,是一个五十来岁的弯腰老人。

14.This is known as Wu"Lao"Shang"Tian" Du or Five Old Men Ascending the Heavenly Capital.人们把这景观称为“五老上天都”。

15.Se as a Principle in Affairs Management: After Reading Chapter 59 of Lao Zi;以“啬”治人事天——读《老子·五十九章》

16.The Analysis of Population Aging Pro blem of Gansu Province Basing on"The Fifth Census "Data;从“五普”数据看甘肃人口老龄化问题

17.One"Runs through the Chapter,"Man"Follows the Natural Way--An Interpretation of "Lao Zi(Chapter 25);“一”以贯之,“人”法自然——《老子》二十五章校读

18.Population Aging and China s Pension Reform;人口老龄化与中国养老保险制度改革


Gregarious old people with five guarantees集中供养五保老人

3)old people security老年人保障

1.The question of the rural areaold people security is important in the developing of Chinese economy and society.农村老年人保障问题是我国经济和社会发展中不容忽视的问题,它对于农村社会的稳定与经济的协调健康发展有着重要的现实意义。

4)insure one"s life for &5,000保人寿险五千镑

5)health services for the aged老年人保健服务

6)policy of insurance for the aged老人保障政策


五保1.古代户籍制度。百姓以五户为伍而相保,故名"五保"。 2.宋王安石变法,于熙宁三年实行保甲制,十家相保,一人为长,相互检察;五保为一大保。 3.合作化后的农村,对无依无靠无劳动能力的人实行保吃﹑保穿﹑保烧(燃料)以及儿童保教﹑老人死后保葬的制度,简称为"五保"。
