600字范文 > 迁想妙得 moving thoughts英语短句 例句大全

迁想妙得 moving thoughts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 20:54:23


迁想妙得 moving thoughts英语短句 例句大全

迁想妙得,moving thoughts

1)moving thoughts迁想妙得

1.Their applied forms are mainly "draw the spirit with the shape”“moving thoughts" and"describe the aspiration by objects从表现形式上,主要运用了“以形写神”、“迁想妙得”、“托物言志”。


1.Analysis on “Bone Method Uses a Pen,Spread to Move a Mold to Write,Move to Think Wonderful Get”;析“骨法用笔”“传移模写”“迁想妙得”

2.On Gu Kai-zhi s Idea of "Transformation in Imagination Bring Unexpected Acquisition;对顾恺之“迁想妙得”命题的再思考

3.I reflected on the day, and concluded that it waszzzz ... an amaz-z-zzzzz ... zzzz ...回想这一天的经历,我觉得这太太太……美妙妙妙……了。

4.My mind was more agreeably engaged.我心里想的东西要妙得多呢。

5.I"m afraid we have to be more subtle than that.我觉得我们要想一个更妙的办法才好。

6.At last they hit upon a plan which promised glorious victory.他们终于想出一条预期可获得辉煌胜利的妙计。

7.He chuckled to himself over the success of the scheme.想到那条妙计很灵验,他得意地笑了起来。

8."Oh, it is very well as a finish to the toilet. It looks very neat on a black coat buttoned up."“妙,妙!这句话说得不坏

9.Though it is not an elixir, this drug will give you an unexpected effect after you try it.本药虽非仙丹妙药,但您试用以后,定能得到意想不到的效果。

10.The hell of the composition is that it is well-organized.这篇妙就妙在组织得很好。

11.A good idea strikes me.我突然想到一条妙计。

12.An excellent thought of yours, indeed, Anne!安妮,你的想法真妙!

13.This night has been so wonderful,@ he thought.“今晚真是太奇妙了,”他想。

14.The Fantastic Imagination of Chinese Children中国孩子的奇妙想象

15.Feliks thought: wonderful!费利克思想:太妙啦!

16.A wonderful thought emerged.浮现出一个极妙的想法。

17.and we would like to know how it works.我们想了解其中的奥妙。

18.She had that curious beauty of body.她的体态长得美妙动人。


All the significance and abstruse are gathered要妙尽得


4)Now, don"t you think that"s a clever one?你们想妙不妙?

5)an excellent idea绝妙的想法

6)to make a neat job of it做得巧妙利索


