600字范文 > 城际交通系统 inter-city transportation system英语短句 例句大全

城际交通系统 inter-city transportation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-07 23:38:35


城际交通系统 inter-city transportation system英语短句 例句大全

城际交通系统,inter-city transportation system

1)inter-city transportation system城际交通系统

1.Theinter-city transportation system of Urban Agglomeration is an imoortant component of Urban Agglomeration ecnomic system,and its sustainable development is the precondition of Urban Agglomeration sustainable development.城市群城际交通系统是城市群社会经济大系统的一个重要组成部分,其发展的可持续性是支撑城市群可持续发展的前提。

2)Intercity Intelligent Transportation System城际智能交通系统

3)intercity track traffic system城际轨道交通系统

4)intercity traffic城际交通

1.Research on Intercity Traffic Model in Virtual Societies虚拟社会中城际交通模型研究

2.Based on the analysis of the current structure forintercity traffic information platform software,this paper presents two data management modes forintercity traffic information: interactive data center and master data center,and further discusses and compares them from the aspects of data access,application platform,permission setup,administrative machinery and so on.首先分析了现有城市交通信息平台软件的体系结构,在此基础上提出了城际交通信息平台数据管理的两种模式:交互式数据中心和主控式数据中心,对每种模式从数据访问、应用平台、权限设置、行政机构等几个方面进行了分析研究,并且从多个方面进行了对比,认为采取主控式数据中心模式是较好的选择。

3.On the basis of explaining the important position of the road transportation in theintercity traffic, this paper discusses the important roles and outstanding position of the freeway in theintercity traffic by the analysis of the technological and economic features of the freeway and the revolutionary influence of the freeway on road transportation.在说明公路运输在城际交通中所占的重要地位的基础上,通过对高速公路技术经济特征、高速公路对公路运输所带来的革命性影响的分析,论述了高速公路在城际交通中的重要作用和突出地位,并就在城际交通中高速公路迅速崛起和发展的情况下城际交通和城市交通如何衔接的问题谈了自己的看法。


1.Study on the Urban Agglomeration"s Spatial Organization Oriented by Inter-city Transportation;城际交通引导下的城市群空间组织研究

2.Probe into Internet Scheme on“One Card Pass”System for Intercity Traffic of Cities Located in the Yangtze River Delta;长三角城际交通“一卡通”系统互联方案探讨

3.A Study on the Interactive Relationship between Guangdong Intercity Transportation and Regional Economic Development;广东城际交通与区域经济发展的互动关系研究

4.The Contribution Analysis of Traffic between Cities to the Competitiveness of Regional Industries;城际交通对区域产业竞争力的贡献分析

5.The Study on Overcoming Urban Segregation Caused by Intercity-railway Station;城际轨道交通对城市阻隔及对策研究

6.Construction Management Practice of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail Transit Engineering;京津城际轨道交通工程建设管理实践

7.Study on Intercity Highway Passenger Trip Generation and Distribution Forecast for Urban Agglomeration;城市群城际公路客运交通生成与分布预测研究

8.Necessity of Developing the Intercity Track Transit System within Wuhan City Group;建设武汉城市圈城际轨道交通的必要性研究

9.SWOT Analysis of the Public Transport Operation of Inter-city Rail Transit;区域城际轨道交通公交化运营的SWOT量化分析

10.Research on the Passenger Flow Forecast of Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Rapid Rail Transit;广州至珠海城际快速轨道交通的客流预测研究

11.Research on Traveler Information System for Regional Railway Planning;城际轨道交通旅客出行信息系统规划研究

12.The Study of Inter-city Rail Transportation and the Its Effect on Economical Development in the Pearl-river Delta Megalopolis;城际轨道交通与珠三角大都市带经济发展研究

13.Inter-Urban Public Transport Mode Share Under High-Speed Railways Network in Yangtze River Delta;长三角快速客运网城际公共交通分担率模型

14.Encumbrance Analysis of Urban Traffic Sustainable Development;城市交通可持续发展的国际经验及借鉴

15.Demand Forecasting Method of Inter-city Rail Transit;区域性城际轨道交通客流预测方法研究

16.The Building of Port City Communication Culture and Dalian International Shipping Center;港口城市交通文化与大连国际航运中心建设

17.On Establishment of City - to - city Rail Transportation Network in the Zhujiang River Delta;关于建设珠三角城际轨道交通网络的构想

18.Analysis of Stress and Deformation of Beam-end Track Structure For Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Rail Transit广珠城际轨道交通梁端轨道结构受力变形分析


Intercity Intelligent Transportation System城际智能交通系统

3)intercity track traffic system城际轨道交通系统

4)intercity traffic城际交通

1.Research on Intercity Traffic Model in Virtual Societies虚拟社会中城际交通模型研究

2.Based on the analysis of the current structure forintercity traffic information platform software,this paper presents two data management modes forintercity traffic information: interactive data center and master data center,and further discusses and compares them from the aspects of data access,application platform,permission setup,administrative machinery and so on.首先分析了现有城市交通信息平台软件的体系结构,在此基础上提出了城际交通信息平台数据管理的两种模式:交互式数据中心和主控式数据中心,对每种模式从数据访问、应用平台、权限设置、行政机构等几个方面进行了分析研究,并且从多个方面进行了对比,认为采取主控式数据中心模式是较好的选择。

3.On the basis of explaining the important position of the road transportation in theintercity traffic, this paper discusses the important roles and outstanding position of the freeway in theintercity traffic by the analysis of the technological and economic features of the freeway and the revolutionary influence of the freeway on road transportation.在说明公路运输在城际交通中所占的重要地位的基础上,通过对高速公路技术经济特征、高速公路对公路运输所带来的革命性影响的分析,论述了高速公路在城际交通中的重要作用和突出地位,并就在城际交通中高速公路迅速崛起和发展的情况下城际交通和城市交通如何衔接的问题谈了自己的看法。

5)intercity transportation城际交通

6)inter-city transportation城际交通

1.The long lag ofinter-city transportation was the vital baffle of theeconomic integrating process of most urban agglomeration in our nation.城际交通的长期滞后发展是我国大多数城市群体经济一体化进程受阻的重要原因。


