600字范文 > 大历史观 Macro-History英语短句 例句大全

大历史观 Macro-History英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-27 11:20:59


大历史观 Macro-History英语短句 例句大全



1.Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of "Outlook ofMacro-History"黄仁宇“大历史观”视角下的中国近现代史


1.Human, Global and Regional History--A Contemplation of Globalization in Terms of Marx s "View of Macro-history;地域历史·世界历史·人类历史——用马克思的"大历史观"审视全球化问题

2.Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of "Outlook of Macro-History"黄仁宇“大历史观”视角下的中国近现代史

3.A Great History Education Concept--Thoughts on Reading "Relevant Issues of the Study of China Ancient History Education";也谈历史教育研究——兼谈一种大历史教育观

4.Technical Interpretation of History--Comment on the Macro-history View of Huang Renyu;从技术的角度看历史——黄仁宇“大历史”观述评

5.A Historical View:Perspective of Chinese Traditional University Curriculum Outlook;我国传统大学课程观探析——历史的视角

6.Baise: A Grand View Garden of National and Historical Culture;聚焦百色:灿烂的民族历史文化大观园

7.Historic Advance--On "Macro-arts" of Yuan Yuanfu;历史性的推进——袁运甫大美术观述评

8.The bulk of its archival holdings is held at the purpose-built Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong.历史档案大部分存放于特别兴建的观塘香港历史档案大楼。

9.The bulk of the archival holding is held at the Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong, Kowloon.历史文献大部分存放于九龙观塘的香港历史档案大楼。

10.It should be the case all over the world and throughout human history.纵观人类历史,几乎所有文明的审美观大多如此。

11."Great Divergence" or "Great Mergence": a Perspective of Civilization Studies on the Historical Trend of China during the Ming-Qing Period;“大分流”还是“大合流”:明清时期历史趋势的文明史观

12.A Study on the Conservation and Renewal for Historic Landsacpe of Zhijiang Campus of Zhejiang University;浙江大学之江校区历史景观的保护与更新研究

13.Analysis of the Historic Definition of the Political Report of the 17th CCCPC for the Scientific Development Outlook;论党的十七大报告对科学发展观的历史定位

14.Analyzing Historically and Dialectically the Transmutation of University Students Life Philosophy;历史地、辩证地剖析大学生人生价值观的嬗变

15.The Two great contributions of Deng Xiaoping to the Relations between the Party In Power and the Masses;邓小平对执政党群众观的两大历史贡献

16.A Macro Historical Investigation of the Agricultural Middle Schools in Jiangsu Province during the "Great Leap Forward";对“大跃进”时期江苏省农业中学的宏观历史考察

17.Changes of the Five Significant Concepts Influencing China s Modern History;影响近代中国历史进程的五大思想观念变迁

18.Explanation on the landscapes Combined with Architecture and History Culture;建筑与历史文化相融合的十大景观诠释


a broad concept of history and culture大历史观与大文化观

1.In fact,the history and culture belong to the macro concept of e time and space,therefore,a broad concept of history and culture should be established.历史与文化都属于宏观的时空范畴,故应建立大历史观与大文化观。

3)Landscape History景观历史

4)Historic Landscape历史景观

1.The Conservation and Restoration of theHistoric Landscape of Mont.Saint-Michel in France;法国圣米歇尔山的历史景观保护与更新

2.Historic Landscape is the mixture of natural elements, cultural spirits and artificial buildings, which is an abundance of historic heritages.历史景观,是指具有一定历史文化内涵,富有一定历史遗存,综合了自然、人文与人工构筑物的景观。

5)conception of history历史观

1.On Deng Xiaoping sconception of history;论邓小平历史观的基本特征

2.On essential distinction between Maxism and flumanitarianism inconception of history;马克思主义历史观与人道主义历史观的根本区别

6)view of history历史观

1.Zhang Shi-zhao"s culturological theory in the period of the May 4th Movement——and on Zhang Shi-zhao"sview of history in this period五四时期章士钊的文化学理论——兼谈这一时期章士钊的历史观

2.Therefore,view of history is an important field of the various schools.战国中期,各家各派开始论证社会治乱的根源,并致力于探讨人类社会历史的发展过程,因此历史观成为诸子百家争鸣的一个重要领域。

3.The modern and scientificview of history should be taken as one s guidelines so as to reconstruct genealogical values and meet the requirements of carrying forward Chinese culture.新修族谱,要建立、贯彻“世系为本,文化是魂”的理念,大胆打破传统谱牒的内容格局和格式;要坚持以现代的、科学的历史观为指导思想,重建家谱的价值观,以符合弘扬中华文化的时代需求。


大历1.大约之数。 2.官修的历法。
