600字范文 > 卵石河床 pebble bed英语短句 例句大全

卵石河床 pebble bed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-19 01:10:14


卵石河床 pebble bed英语短句 例句大全

卵石河床,pebble bed

1)pebble bed卵石河床

1.Experimental study onpebble bed scouring by deflector dissipation of suspension current;含沙水流挑流消能对卵石河床冲刷的试验研究

2.Four hydrological stations of sandy andpebble bed section have been chosen to make depth , width and discharge comparing measurement experiments.近几年来,新疆伊犁水文水资源勘测局先后引进6台EKL型水文缆道设备,并分别应用于不同特性的河流,选择沙质河床和卵石河床组成断面的四个水文站进行测深、测宽及流量比测试验,通过对EKL设备的测深、测宽功能及流量实测资料进行统计分析计算,分析了该设备在沙质河床和卵石河床河流上的应用。


1.Determination of Bed Load Transport Rate of Gravel Bed by Simulation of Flume Experiment用水槽模拟试验求卵石河床推移质输沙率

2.A Mathematical Model for Change of Gravel Bed River after a Long-term Clear Water Scouring卵石夹沙河床长期清水冲刷的数学模型

3.Research on Starting Velocity of the Bed Gravel in Upper Yangtze River长江上游河床卵石起动流速表达式的讨论

4.He paced the bank, stepping on the egg-shaped stones, which clattered against each other.他沿着黄河踱着,大步踏着咯响的卵石。

5.Discussion on the pore-creating construction method of river gravel formation foundation河卵石地层桩基础成孔施工方法探讨

6.A river rolls the stones along its bed.河水把河床里的石头冲得翻滚而下。

7.Petrology and Deposit Research on Nephrite and Serpentine of Luan Chuan, Henan Province;河南栾川玉石的岩石学和矿床学研究

8.Study on Scouring Simulation Technology Improvement of Gravel-pebble Bed in Doujiangyan;岷江都江堰卵石河道冲刷模拟技术改进研究

9.Regulation Measures and Effect Analysis for the Pebble Shoals of Branching Reach with Bend Shoal in Upper course of Yangtze River川江弯曲分汊河段卵石浅滩航道整治技术研究

10.Tramping over the shingle and larger rocks on the beach, he secretly stifled his anger.他踩着河滩地上的卵石和硬石,不动声色地压制着心头的怒火。

11.Sometimes the water spread like a sheen over the pebbly bed.有时河水泛流在圆石子的河床上,晶莹发光。

12.Bed Evolution Analysis for Shiping-Yumenkou Section Waterw ay of Yellow River North Main Stream黄河北干流石坪至禹门口段航道河床演变分析

13.Potholes are developed in the solid rock of the bed by pebbles and boulders swirling around in eddy currents.坚固的岩石床由于旋涡中盘旋的卵石和巨砾形成很多锅穴。

14.The brook warbled over its rocky bed.小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。

15.Study of the Mechanism of Scour by Free Jets on Rocky River Beds;挑射水流对岩石河床的冲刷机理研究

16.Genesis of K-Feldspar-Quartz Vein Type Molybdenum Deposit in Songxian County,Henan河南嵩县钾长石石英脉型钼矿矿床成因分析

17.This result is also useful to select appropriate incipient equation in Dujiangyan, Minjiang.为岷江都江堰河段合理选用卵石起动公式提供了依据。

18.Design and Construction of Pipeline Crossing Yellow River with Directional Drilling in Ultra-thick Pebble Layer超厚卵石地质条件下定向钻穿越黄河的设计与施工


gravel and sand bed卵石夹沙河床

1.According to the characteristics of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,a wide-size distribution with agravel and sand bed near the Gezhouba Project,a 2D mathematical model for nonuniform suspended load and bed load was used for numerical simulation,which takes into account the nonequilibrium transport of bed sediment and the gradation changes during the deposition and erosion process.针对长江中游葛洲坝水利枢纽下游近坝段卵石夹沙河床级配分布宽等特点,应用非均匀悬沙、底沙二维数学模型,考虑底沙的不平衡输移及冲淤过程中床沙的级配调整问题,对计算中的关键环节如卵石夹沙河床水流的有效挟沙能力、非均匀沙起动概率及非均匀沙推移质输沙率的计算提出了处理方法,利用水文、泥沙及河床变形资料对该方法进行了葛洲坝水利枢纽运行后、1998年洪水前后及三峡工程运行后水面线、流速分布及冲淤过程的验证。

3)the high gradient gravel bed大比降卵石河床

1.The experimental study on the velocity distribution overthe high gradient gravel bed;大比降卵石河床水流运动试验研究

4)gravel-bed rivers卵石河流

1.The vertical distributions of mean velocity and suspended sediment concentration ingravel-bed rivers;卵石河流的时均流速和悬沙浓度垂线分布

5)river gravel河卵石

1.Discussion on the pore-creating construction method ofriver gravel formation foundation河卵石地层桩基础成孔施工方法探讨

2.The paper introduced the determination of several construction parameters for dynamic compaction blindingriver gravel and the quality check after construction.介绍了强夯充填河卵石几个主要施工参数的确定及施工完毕后的质量检验情况。

6)pebble bed卵石床

1.Experimental study on temperature increasing in solar greenhouse with undergroundpebble bed thermal storage带地下卵石床蓄热装置的日光温室增温实验研究

2.The construction ofpebble bed downdraft gasifier is proposed.介绍了卵石床固体燃料高温空气气化炉的结构,并从气化过程的影响因素出发阐述了产品燃气热值较高、燃料利用范围较广、燃气品质较好、碳转化率较高、结构紧凑、经济性好等特点。


