600字范文 > 避免失败的动机 motive avoiding defeat英语短句 例句大全

避免失败的动机 motive avoiding defeat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-18 17:12:16


避免失败的动机 motive avoiding defeat英语短句 例句大全

避免失败的动机,motive avoiding defeat

1)motive avoiding defeat避免失败的动机

1.(2) Significant grade differences on seeking success andmotive avoiding defeat were found.结果表明:少数民族中学生成就动机的性别差异显著,男生在追求成功的动机和成就动机总分上显著高于女生,女生在避免失败的动机上显著高于男生;少数民族中学生在追求成功的动机和避免失败的动机上存在显著年级差异,高一年级学生追求成功动机的得分最高,显著高于初二、初三和高二年级,高二年级学生避免失败动机的得分最低,显著低于其它各年级;少数民族中学生在成就动机总分和避免失败动机上存在显著的学校类型差异,重点学校学生的成就动机总分显著高于一般学校,一般学校学生在避免失败的动机上显著高于重点学校;少数民族中学生成就动机的城乡类型差异不显著。

2)motivation to avoid failure避免失败动机

1.(2) vocational delay of gratification(Consists of two dimensions) indicates strong positive correlation with achievement motivation and success motivation;but negative correlation withmotivation to avoid failure.(2)职业延迟满足总分(包括两个维度)与取得成功动机、成就动机总分呈显著正相关,与避免失败动机呈负相关。

3)a sure defeat不可避免的失败

4)avoiding failure避免失败


1.Nobody can avoid failure.“谁都不能避免失败。

2.If we are to avoid defeat we need a change of leadership我们要避免失败的话,就要换掉领导人。

3.Innovation-an efficient way of firm failure protection and competion advantage developing;创新——企业避免失败与维持竞争优势的有效途径

4.What they will teach me is more to prevent failure than to gain success, for what is success other than a state of mind?它教我如何避免失败,而不只是获得成功,因为成功更是一种精神状态.

5.Defeat was certain from the beginning.从一开始失败就不可避免。

6.It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.我们渐渐地认识到失败是不可避免的.

7.While losing on one big investment may hurt you, it might not have been avoidable一次的投资失败可能会使你身心受创,这种失败未必能够事先避免.

8.I will make one more attempt to close with victory, and if that fails I will make another. Never will I allow any day to end with a failure.我一试再试.争取每一天的成功,避免以失败收场.

9.Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive.失败是无可避免的,成功则是稍纵即逝的。

10.Hence, we can win final victory and avert subjugation, while the enemy will ultimately be defeated and will be unable to avert the collapse of his whole imperialist system.所以我能最后胜利,避免灭亡,敌则将最后失败,而不能避免整个帝国主义制度的崩溃。

11.The occurance of failure is inevitable and independent of man"s will.失败的发生是不可避免的,并且是不以人的意志为转移的。

12.A condition in which a desperate last effort is the only alternative to total defeat.孤注一掷只有孤注一掷的最后努力才能避免彻底失败的危机时刻

13.Rate of IUD failure was 65.09%.避孕失败的原因中有65.09%为宫内节育器失败;

14.way of avoiding loss,disaster,etc避免损失、躲避灾难等的途径或方法

15.Only one network adapter found on node. Please add another network adapter to avoid a single point of failure.在节点上只找到一个网络适配器。请添加另外一个网络适配器以避免失单一败点

16.The failure anywhere to provide what reasonable we might, to avoid pain, is our failure.任何地方不能提供可以合理提供的东西以避免痛苦,就是我们的失败。

17.But the enemy was making its plans. They too had analyzed the situation and had come to the conclusion that the only way to stave off complete defeat was to kill Sonny Corleone.但是,敌人也在分析局势,并得出了结论:避免彻底失败的唯一办法就是干掉桑儿-考利昂。

18.This simple observation freed me to take chances, to risk failure, to believe in myself and in my ability to handle the adversity that"s inevitable in all our lives.这简单的话语使我敢于冒险,勇于失败,相信自己和自己处理生活中不可避免的逆境的能力。


motivation to avoid failure避免失败动机

1.(2) vocational delay of gratification(Consists of two dimensions) indicates strong positive correlation with achievement motivation and success motivation;but negative correlation withmotivation to avoid failure.(2)职业延迟满足总分(包括两个维度)与取得成功动机、成就动机总分呈显著正相关,与避免失败动机呈负相关。

3)a sure defeat不可避免的失败

4)avoiding failure避免失败

5)Contraception failure避孕失败

6)immunity failure免疫失败

1.Cultivation of mink,fox and raccoon dog and prevention and cure of their nutrition metabolic and main infections diseases(quality of vaccine,protocol of usaqe and immunity and cause ofimmunity failure)were summarized in the paper.主要对貂、狐、貉的养殖及一些长期存在的营养代谢病、主要传染病防治(疫苗质量,使用与免疫程序,免疫失败)进行归纳和总结。


