600字范文 > 华北降水 summer rainfall in north China英语短句 例句大全

华北降水 summer rainfall in north China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-16 21:52:05


华北降水 summer rainfall in north China英语短句 例句大全

华北降水,summer rainfall in north China

1)summer rainfall in north China华北降水

1.By using a global spectral model of quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation including diabatic heating,the probable mechanism for SSTA impact onsummer rainfall in north China was investigated in this paper.这些形势都不利于华北降水。


1.The Interannual Relationship between Davis Strait Sea-ice and Rainfall of North China and Its Decadal Variability戴维斯海峡海冰与华北降水的年际关系及其年代际变化


3.Typhoon Activity Effect on Precipitation over North China During Flood Season;台风活动对华北汛期降水影响的研究

4.Analysis on the Change of Precipitation in Multiple Temporal Scales in North China;华北地区降水变化的多时间尺度分析

5.Temporal Evolution and Spatial Pattern in North China and Its Hydrological Response;华北地区降水时空变异及其典型流域水文响应

6.Multiple-time-scale Variability Analyses of Rainfall during Rainy Season over North China and Study on It"s Evolution of Large-scale Precipitation Conditions华北汛期降水的多尺度变化及其大尺度降水条件的演变研究

7.Spring Precipitation in North China and Its Relation to SST of Indian Ocean in the Preceding Winter华北春季降水及其与前期印度洋海温的关系

8.Preliminary Study on the Influence of Urbanization on Precipitation Changes in North China;城市化对华北地区降水变化趋势影响初步分析

9.Interannual and Interdecadal Variable Characteristics of the Rainfall Over North China in Spring and Its Reason;华北春季降水年际、年代际变化特征及其成因

10.Mesoscale Analysis of a Return-Flow Event with Rain Storm Occurred over North China华北回流强降水天气过程的中尺度分析

11.Influence of East Asian Monsoon Circulation on Precipitation-evaporation Difference in North China东亚季风环流对华北地区降水蒸发差的影响

12.Appliance of oxygen and hydrogen isotope in the process of precipitation infiltration in the shallow groundwater areas of North China Plain基于氢氧同位素的华北平原降水入渗过程

13.Analysis on Evolution of Groundwater Depression Cones and Its Leading Factors in North China Plain华北平原地下水降落漏斗演变及主导因素分析

14.The present paper is mainly about the relationship between Arctic sea-ice and the precipitation of North China.文中主要研究了北极海冰与中国华北地区降水的关系。

15.Anomalies of the North China Precipitation and the Relations with SSTA in North Pacific and the Anomalies of 100hPa Height Field;华北地区降水异常及其与北太平洋海温、100hPa高度场异常的关系

16.There was a welcome fall of seasonable snow in north China.华北地区喜降瑞雪。

17.Remote Sensing Precipitable Water Vapor by Ground-based GPS and Its Meteorological Application in North China;华北地区地基GPS遥感可降水量及天气学应用研究

18.Inter-Decadal Variations of Summer Precipitation in North China and Its Relationship with PDO;华北夏季降水年代变化特征及其与太平洋海温年代际振荡的关系


summer precipitation in North China华北夏季降水

1.They interact with each other closely and have great influence onsummer precipitation in North China.由于北极涡与副热带高压是两个影响我国天气气候变化的主要大气环流实体,两者紧密相联,且均对华北夏季降水有明显作用,本文使用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、国家气候中心提供的74个大气环流因子及中国160站月降水资料,利用合成分析、相关分析及SVD等方法讨论了夏季北极涡与北半球大气环流及副热带高压的相互关系,分析了夏季北极涡及副高对华北降水的共同作用。

2.Based on the monthly rainfall and surface air temperature data of 160 stations in China and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1951 to 2000,a key region in 50~60 °S where the January circulation anomaly may influence thesummer precipitation in North China is found.研究结果表明,该区前期1月份的环流异常能够影响当年夏季华北地区的降水,反映这种异常的指数IDX高时,华北夏季降水偏少;IDX偏低,华北夏季降水偏多。

3)rainfall over North China华北地区降水

4)the Rainfall over North China in Spring华北春季降水

5)summer rainfall in North China华北夏季降水

1.In order to study the anomaly pattern ofsummer rainfall in North China and the cause responsible for the anomaly , the climate characteristics ofsummer rainfall in North China and related circulation pattern of lower, middle and upper layer of prophase and the same time were analyzed in detail in this paper .为研究华北夏季降水的异常规律及其成因,本文详细分析了华北夏季降水的气候特征,以及前期和同期的低、中、高层的环流特征。

2.In order to study the anomaly pattern ofsummer rainfall in North China and the cause responsible for the anomaly, the climate characteristics ofsummer rainfall in North China and related circulation pattern, water vapor transport and outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) were analyzed in detail in this paper.为了揭示华北夏季降水异常规律及其成因,本文详细分析了华北夏季降水的气候特征及有关的环流特征、水汽输送特征和向外长波辐射(OLR)特征,着重研究了北太平洋海温异常与华北夏季降水异常的关系,并应用大气环流模式初步验证了北太平洋海温异常对华北夏季降水的影响。

6)the Rainfall over North China in May华北5月降水


华北野战军(见华北军区)华北野战军(见华北军区)North China Field ArmyHuabei Yezhanlun华北野战军(North ehina Field Army)见华北军区。
