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儒学 Confucianism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-19 11:20:51


儒学 Confucianism英语短句 例句大全



1."Unification between Human Beings and Nature "ofConfucianism and Protecting of the Living Environment of Human Beings;儒学的“天人合一”与人类生存环境保护

2.Influence ofConfucianism on the Ethics in TCM and Its Permeation;儒学对中医伦理学的影响与渗透

3.Correspondence between college students Sanitary personality and confucianism;大学生健全人格与儒学的契合


1.Zhang Zhi-dong and the Confucian Scholarism during the Late Period of the Qing Dynasty“儒臣”的应变与儒学的困境──张之洞与晚清儒学

2.Confucianism:"Religious" or "Scholastic"?--on the View of "Confucian Religion" Held in China and Japan in Recent Years;“儒教”还是“儒学”?——关于近年中日两国的“儒教”说

3.Inquiry into the Tang-Confucians’ Transcending Han-Confucians and the Reform of Confucianism through the Pen-Conversation on the Analects从《论语笔解》看唐儒对汉儒的超越与儒学的革新

4.The Position of Confucianism and the Development of Confucianism Research at the Cross-century Time跨世纪:儒学的地位及儒学研究的发展

5.On Post-neo-confucianism and "Civil Confucianism";后新儒学及“公民儒学”相关问题之探讨

6.The Development and Innovation of Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy in the Song and Ming Dynasties;宋明理学的纳道入儒与儒学的新发展

7.The beliefs of the ancient Cynics.犬儒主义古时犬儒学派的信条

8.On Hanyu s Respect for and Construction of Confucianism;韩愈尊儒的辩说及其儒学思想的建构

9.That is why the school of thought developed by Confucius was called ru"xue or ru-ism and adherents of the school ru"jia or ru-ists. Traditionally the two have been translated into English as Confucianism and Confucianists respectively.将孔子创立的学说,称为“儒学”; 将宣传和维护儒学的人物,称之为“儒家”。

10.Of or relating to the Cynics or their beliefs.犬儒学派犬儒学派或其信仰的,有关犬儒学派或其信仰的

11.Interpretation of Modern Neo-Confucianism from the Perspective of Buddhism: A Brief Introduction to the Combination of Confucianism and Buddhism and the Theoretical Construction of Modern Neo-Confucianism现代新儒学的佛学诠释——概论儒佛会通与现代新儒学的理论建构

12.The Questions of "Confucianism","the Doctrine of Benevolence" and "Life-Confucianism";“儒学”与“仁学”及“生活儒学”问题——与李幼蒸先生商榷

13.Theory of Benevolence in Place of Confucianism;请用“仁学”代替“儒学”——给儒学朋友的一封信

14.The crucial point in the discussion of the Confucian school and Confucianism lies in the views on the similarities and differences between the Confucian school and religion.儒学论者与儒教论者讨论的焦点在于如何看待儒学与宗教的异同。

15.By surveying the whole history of the development of Confucianism,we can perceive a process of transformation from Confucianism to Confucian religion.纵观儒学整个发展历史,有一个由儒学向儒教发展转化的过程。

16.Development of the Confucianism at Its Fifth Stage and the Positioning of New Neo-Confucianism第五阶段儒学的发展与新新儒学的定位

17.On the Revitalization Movement of Confucianism in Singapore and Contemporary Communication of Confucianism;论新加坡儒学复兴运动与当代儒学传播

18.On the vision of the revival of Confucianism in contemporary era:A new theory of "three stages of Confucianism";儒学当代复兴的思想视域问题——“儒学三期”新论



1.Discuss on Yang Xiong’s Book of Fa Yan Returning to Pre-Qin’sConfucianism;论扬雄《法言》对先秦儒学的回归

2.The Setting of “Five Classics Doctorate” and the Formation ofConfucian Worship Position;“五经博士”的设置与儒学尊崇地位的形成

3)The Confucianism儒学

1.He suggested that though both the Confucianism and the Buddhism are different in means,ways and procedures,they have been essentially attempting to solve the puzzles and hardships people have faced in the world.尽管如此,构成梁漱溟思想理论主体的仍是儒学。

2.Against the contradiction of the theory and reality in the Confucianism only" and the complex relationship between the school of Huang-Lao and kingcraft, following the clues of "the Confucianism only "s precursor, preparative and consummation, the study outlines the course of the establishing of Han Dynasty s ideology under the support of kingcraft of Huang-Lao.本论文从“儒术独尊”问题反映出的理论与现实的矛盾和黄老之学与帝王之道的关系出发,以儒术独尊的先导、准备、完善为主要线索,勾勒出在黄老帝王之道依托下,儒学成为汉代国家意识形态的历程。

4)Confucian studies儒学

1.On Tokutomisohou s Common-people Doctrine and Confucian Studies;近代日本的“平民主义”思想与儒学——以德富苏峰为中心

2.The rapid economic development in East Asia since 1970~1980s arouses nowadays a great debate about the value ofConfucian studies .20世纪70~80年代以来,东亚经济迅猛发展,引起了"儒学价值"在当代的大讨论。

3.TheConfucian studies established by Confucius and Mencius came into being in the Spring and Autumn Period under the background of great development of the capitalist factors,and reflected the developing requirement of the capitalist factors,just as the Renaissance and the Enlight enment etc.孔孟儒学产生于春秋战国时期资本主义因素有很大发展的历史背景下 ,而且反映了资本主义因素发展的进步要求 ,正如西欧封建社会的文艺复兴、启蒙运动等思潮反映了资本主义萌芽发展的时代要求一样。

5)the Confucian school儒学

1.The crucial point in the discussion ofthe Confucian school and Confucianism lies in the views on the similarities and differences betweenthe Confucian school and religion.儒学论者与儒教论者讨论的焦点在于如何看待儒学与宗教的异同。

2.The main current of the Chinese historical culture brought about bythe Confucian school creates objectively the age old and large scale Chinese historical culture, and builds up the particular social tradition of civilization in the Chinese history.儒学制度化是中国历史上理论与政治权力互动的产物。

3.Zhuxi and Wang Yangming were the important represerting figures of the Confucian School.朱熹、王阳明是儒学思想流派中的两个重要代表 ,蒋介石对王阳明备加推崇 ,对朱熹则褒贬互见 ,但他对儒学的尊崇态度使其与二者间实际都保持着强烈的传承关系。

6)Confucianism and Confucian Businessman儒学与儒商


儒学1.儒家学说;儒家经学。 2.元﹑明﹑清在各府﹑州﹑县设立的供生员修业的学校。 3.指儒家学者。如《旧唐书》﹑《新唐书》﹑《元史》等皆有儒学传。
