600字范文 > 法的价值 the value of law英语短句 例句大全

法的价值 the value of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-20 03:25:54


法的价值 the value of law英语短句 例句大全

法的价值,the value of law

1)the value of law法的价值

1.Expounding onthe value of law from the connotation of human rights;从权利的内涵看法的价值

2.Household registration system reform and the realization ofthe value of law改革户籍制度实现法的价值

3.Based onthe value of law, this paper introduces the connotation of environment law, that is, target value, economic value and functional value——the reasonable core of environment law.从法的价值入手 ,引出环境法的价值内涵 :目标价值、经济价值和职能价值 ,勾勒出环境法价值的合理内核 ,得出现代环境法应走出“人类中心主义”的束缚 ,树立起“生态中心主义”的可持续性发展观念的结论。


1.A Study on Concepts of Value and Value-orientation of Law“法的价值”与“法的价值取向”概念研究述评

2.Axiology about the Methods of Choice of Law in International Private Law;国际私法中法律选择方法的价值探究

3.Method of Intangible Assets Measurement Based on the Value Chain;基于价值链的无形资产价值度量方法

4.Research on Company Value-Appraisal Approach Based on Value Chain基于价值链的企业价值评估方法研究

5.Application Study on the Evaluation of VSL Based on Contingent Valuation Method条件价值法评估生命价值的应用探讨

6.Laws that embody a people"s values.加入了人的价值的法律

7.a painting of dubious value.价值没法断定的画。

8.What price dare I place on the hours ahead?我无法计算时间的价值.

9.The Limits and the Value of Scientific Method科学方法的局限与价值

10.Securities Corporate Valuation Based on Dynamic Time Series;基于价值时序动态的证券公司价值评价方法

11.The Transformation from Neutral Value of Traditional Law to the Legal Tradition of Value Neutralism从传统法律的中立价值到价值中立的法律传统

12.Sinobrand: An Innovated Method for Socialized Brand Valuation;品牌价值社会化评价方法的改进与创新——Sinobrand品牌价值评价法

13.A New Method to Assess Enterprise Value--Economic Value Added (EVA);企业价值评估的新方法——经济附加值(EVA)

14.Conflict and Resolution of Juristical Values between Freedom and Order;法的自由价值与秩序价值的冲突及其消解

15.Values of Government Reformation;政府合法性价值的自我求证——政府改革的价值观

16.The New Method of Value Management:Value Flow Based Strategic Management Accounting;价值管理的新方法:基于价值流的战略管理会计

17.Music education value research angle of view :one theory of value method音乐教育价值研究的新进路——一种价值论的方法

18.To developthe financing channels, and to maintain the transaction security, we should follow therule of giving priority to safety with due consideration to efficiency and fairness.作为一种法律制度,股权质押有其独特的法律价值,即安全价值、效率价值和公平价值。


value of law法的价值

1.Forvalue of law, trust is a new frontier.信任对于法的价值主题的研究还是一个新的领域,主要是在行动中的法的意义下,信任如何成为法的价值,成为法的价值的逻辑过程,外部表象提出新的观点。

2.In this case, it is doubtful to define thevalue of law as satisfaction to human beings requirements.《法的价值论》对法的价值的定义是对哲学价值的某种定义的转译 ,没有充分考虑法作为社会规范的独特性。

3.Many jurisprudents in China hold that thevalue of law is to satisfy man s needs.我国许多法理学者认为 ,法的价值是法对人的需要的满足。

3)values of law法的价值

1.This paper discusses the hierarchy ofvalues of law.随着人类社会的演进和人类理性的发展 ,法的价值层次逐渐显现出来。

4)Legal value法的价值

5)the value of the law法的价值

6)the value of Civil Law民法的价值


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
