600字范文 > 水质维持 maintenance of water quality英语短句 例句大全

水质维持 maintenance of water quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-26 12:07:53


水质维持 maintenance of water quality英语短句 例句大全

水质维持,maintenance of water quality

1)maintenance of water quality水质维持


1.Application of Filsys Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland in Maintenance of Ecological Scenic Water Quality潜流人工湿地在景观水系水质维持中的应用

2.Stress that the high quality of your products and serice is unchanged.强调产品质量和服务水准维持不变.

3.Water is one of the materials required to sustain life.水是维持生命所必需的物质之一。

4.life-sustaining qualities of the Earth地球的维持生命的质量

5.III. Maintaining a Low Level of Defense Spending三、维持低水平国防支出

6.The hydrogen bonding that takes place between water molecules accounts for some of the remarkable and vital properties of water.水分子之间的氢键解释了水的某些特具的和维持生命所必需的性质。

7.The water quality remains the same as that in the previous year.与上年相比,水质持平。

8.Releant to ascular disease, fatty acid binding by albumin is an important factor in maintaining blood lipid leels.被白蛋白结合的脂肪酸是维持血液脂质水平的重要因子而与血管疾病有关。

9.Keep dormitory and common areas clean.随时保持宿舍整洁,以维持公共环境之品质。

10.A study on quality of life for patients on maintenance peritoneum dialysis维持性腹膜透析患者生活质量的研究

11.For this reason these substances cannot sustain a chain reaction.因此,这些物质不能维持链式反应。

12.water is the lifeblood of India.水是维持生命必须的血液。

13.reduced to subsistence on bread and water降到以面包和水维持生活

14.Full supply was maintained throughout the year.一九九八年内,本港一直维持全日供水。

15.People on the island maintain life mainly by the fresh water from mainland.岛上的人主要靠大陆的淡水维持生存。

16.The prisoners sustained themselves on bread and water.囚犯吃面包喝水维持生命。

17.His grandfather made a scanty living by practising feng shui for people.他的祖父靠给人看风水勉强维持生计。

18.Water is the core of a healthy ecosystem.水是维持生态系统良性循环的根本。


water retention character持水性质

3)water quality conservation水质保持

4)substance holding water content基质持水量

5)water quality maintenance水质维护

6)protein maintenance requirement蛋白质维持需要


地下水的物理和化学性质地下水的物理和化学性质physical and chemical properties of ground water龚蒸)豁孑劣C吟少价露搬儡瞳撇…翠磷戚ng之川 (physicalandchemical PrQpertiesof舒ouridw狱er)地下水的水质特性。在各种天然的和人为的条件影响象览:摆巍荔猛罗蕊蕊盔下水主要通过溶滤作用,即水与岩土相互作用、岩土(裁燕蕊桃淤藻攀
