600字范文 > 谦敬功能 the function of modesty and respect英语短句 例句大全

谦敬功能 the function of modesty and respect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-14 15:47:16


谦敬功能 the function of modesty and respect英语短句 例句大全

谦敬功能,the function of modesty and respect

1)the function of modesty and respect谦敬功能

1.But a thorough analysis of the language materials relative to the problem in the West Zhou times did not show the difference inthe function of modesty and respect, among the first personal pronouns in the Chinese language.洪波先生认为上古汉语第一人称代词之间的根本区别在于有谦敬功能的不同。


1.A Discussion on the Question Whether the First Personal Pronouns of the West Zhou Language Have the Function of Modesty and Respect;论西周汉语第一人称代词有无谦敬功能的问题

2.A Study on the Function of Modesty and Respect of Secondary Personal Pronouns in the Unearthed Documents from Warring States to Western Han Dynasty战国至西汉出土文献第二人称代词谦敬功能研究

3.Modest words included modest appellation and modest adverb, and they were the reflection of etiquette culture.谦敬词语包括谦敬称谓和谦敬副词,合乎古代礼仪的规范,是礼仪文化的反映。

4.Be confident, but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest, but avoid the error of self-contempt.自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步;自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功。


6.A Study of the Honorific Phrases in San Guo Zhi and Shi Shuo Xin Yu in Wei and Jin Dynasty;《三国志》和《世说新语》谦敬语探索

7.The Modest and Respective Appellation of the Wei,Jin and Six Dynasties from the View of Shi Shuo Xin Yu;从《世说新语》看魏晋六朝的谦敬称谓

8.The Musical Function in Funeral;尊祖敬宗、敦乡睦里——葬丧仪式中的音乐功能(二)

9.Arrogance will not make you be respected by others; humbleness however makes you respectable.骄慢并不会令你得到他人的尊敬;谦卑反而令人尊敬。

10.To make(oneself)bow or kneel down in humility or adoration.使(自己)拜倒使(自己)谦恭或崇敬地鞠躬或跪倒

11.The fear of the Lord is the teaching of wisdom; and a low opinion of oneself goes before honour.敬畏耶和华,是智慧的训诲。尊荣以前,必有谦卑。

12.The reward of a gentle spirit and the fear of the Lord is wealth and honour and life.敬畏耶和华心存谦卑,就得富有,尊荣,生命,为赏赐。

13.Translation of polite expressions and self-depreciatory expressions of Business English Correspondence;外贸英语函电中敬辞与谦辞的中英互译

14.On the Pragmatic Failure and Equivalence of the Honorifics and Terms of Humility in the Chinese-English Translation;敬称、谦称在汉译英中的语用失误与语用等值

15.A Study on the Honorifies in Yang Xianyi"s Translation of the Scholars《儒林外史》杨宪益译本中敬谦语翻译的研究

16.The Special Effect of Complimentary Words in Policing Work敬谦语在警务活动中的特殊作用之研究

17.So able, and he is very modest.他这样能干,但很谦虚。

18.This is a perfect all-purpose sentence for toasting, or closing a meeting.不管是敬酒还是结束会议,它都是一句完美的全功能语句。


respect and depreciatory敬谦

3)self-depreciatory terms敬谦称谓

1.Differentself-depreciatory terms decide their usage extent and different referents.《歧路灯》中的敬谦称谓主要有两类:一是含表敬语素的称谓;二是含表谦语素的称谓。

4)respecting others and dispraising oneself敬人谦己

1.The principle ofrespecting others and dispraising oneself is widely obeyed in addressing,which plays an important role in promoting interpersonal relationship and social order.敬谦语素的不同决定了敬谦称谓所使用的范围或指称对象的不同;而且,敬谦称谓的使用也折射出古人称谓中的一个重要原则:敬人谦己,即指称自己或与自己相关的人时要用“谦称”,指称他人或与他人相关的人时要用“敬称”。

5)honorific and humble words敬谦辞

6)honorable adverb谦敬副词

1.From the use, the modal adverb, mood adverbs, negative adverbs, referential adverbs andhonorable adverbs can represent the main uses and meanings in pre-Qin dynasties.从使用情况来看,《楚辞》①的情态副词、语气副词、否定副词、指代性副词及谦敬副词,绝大多数都能代表其在先秦时的主要意义与用法,其中还有一些词为先秦所不常用、少有或罕见。


