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审计课程 audit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-09 14:59:50


审计课程 audit英语短句 例句大全




1.Going Further into Construction of Computerized Auditing Curriculum Aimed at Accounting in Colleges and Universities;高校财会专业计算机审计课程建设探讨

2.Discuss on Some Problems of Opening IT Audit Course;对开设计算机审计课程若干问题的探讨

3.The Localization of Teaching and Counterplan of The Course Auditing《审计学》课程教学的局限性及改革对策

4.Research on Construction of Undergraduate Audit Course System;审计学本科专业课程体系建设的研究

5.The Significance and Design of Artistic Aesthetic Education Serial Courses;艺术审美教育系列课程的意义与设计

6.On Studying for the Sake of Application in Audit Course Teaching;论“审计学”课程教学中的“学以致用”

7.On Teaching Reform of Auditing Based on Objective of Accounting Education基于会计教育目标的《审计学》课程教学改革研究

8.Curriculum Discussion in the Development of New Curriculum for Basic Education;基础教育新课程设计中的课程审议——一种实践理性的研究方式

9.Re-Examining Tax Accounting Teaching Under the New Environment新环境下税务会计课程教学的重新审视

10.On the Art of ‘Feeding Balls’in the Course Design of “Auditing” in Higher Education高校《审计学》课程设计的“喂球”艺术——谈研究性理念的应用

11.Course Exercise in PASCALPASCAL课程设计

12.Analysis on the Key of Course Construction in High Vocational College Based on the Evaluation Index of National Qualified Course从精品课程评审指标谈高职课程建设

13.Under Ecology Esthetic Model the Innovational Ponder on Chinese Artistic Design Major Undergraduate s Esthetic Education Curriculum System;生态审美范式下我国艺术设计专业本科美育课程体系的创新思考

14.The Application of Case Teaching Method in Open Education Auditing Courses--from the Perspective of Research-based Study;案例教学法在开放教育审计类课程中的应用——以研究性学习为视角

15.A Report of the National Conference of Audit Courses and Teaching Materials Construction;全国高校审计学科课程建设与教材建设论证会综述

16.College PE in Culture Field --Thinking on Value-estimate of PE Courses Design;文化视野中的大学体育——课程设计的价值取向审思

17.Consideration of the Military Professional Curriculum Design from the Point of View of Constructivism对军事任职教育课程设计若干问题的思考——从建构主义角度的审视

puter conversion audit计算机程序转换审计


auditing related courses审计类课程

3)auditing course审计学课程

1.The practice base ofauditing course is the important place where the college students carry out audit practicing;meanwhile,it is the useful bridge by which the students integrate theoretical knowledge and practical work properly.审计学课程实习基地是大学生进行审计实践的重要场所,是学生将理论知识与实践工作进行恰当融合的重要桥梁。

2.In teaching,auditing courses with the provisions and regulations,and the content difficult to understand,logical relationship between the strong,characterized by a larger amount of information,teachers generally felt that it is difficult to teach and learnauditing course.在教学中,审计学课程具有法规条文多、内容难理解、逻辑关系较强,信息量较大等特点,教师普遍认为"审计学难教,审计学难学"。

4)curriculum deliberation课程审议

1.The researcher gives his viewpoints on the basic meaning, practical significance, functions, types, and modes of early childhoodcurriculum deliberation in the following thesis.本文聚焦于“幼儿园课程审议”这一集理论和实践双重价值为一体的问题,论述了课程审议和幼儿园课程审议的基本内涵,阐明了当前讨论幼儿园课程审议的现实意义;提出了幼儿园课程审议的理念分享、课程认同、策略催生、民主营造等四方面的作用;区分了选择型、展开型、论证性、判定型及形成型等五种幼儿园课程审议的类型;简要介绍了几种课程审议的模式。

2.By way of observation, record and interview, the researcher detailedly analyses the process ofcurriculum deliberation among the kindergarten teachers.本研究采用质的研究方法,通过现场观察、实录、访谈收集资料,深入分析了幼儿园教师课程审议的过程。

3.The significance of parental participation is embodied in the group operation, concreteness,resources,harmony and services ofcurriculum deliberation.课程审议是幼儿园开展课程研究的重要方式,家长应是参与主体。

5)the examining of courses课程审视

6)audit course审计课

1.This paper analyzes on the keys ofaudit course s case teaching and the necessity of improving the teachers quality,and advances two main lines of audit teaching contents of the audit thought and audit procedure.分析了审计课程案例教学的关键和提高教师素质的必要性,提出了审计教学内容的两条主线:审计思路和审计过程。


