600字范文 > 床沙质冲泻质分界粒径 separated sand size of wash load and bed material load英语短句 例句大全

床沙质冲泻质分界粒径 separated sand size of wash load and bed material load英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 20:46:48


床沙质冲泻质分界粒径 separated sand size of wash load and bed material load英语短句 例句大全

床沙质冲泻质分界粒径,separated sand size of wash load and bed material load

1)separated sand size of wash load and bed material load床沙质冲泻质分界粒径

1.(2) The key parameters or coefficients influencing sediment budget method are theseparated sand size of wash load and bed material load and the suspended sediment grading curves,while those affecting morphological change method are the bankfull stage and the sediment dry density.计算分析表明:①采用输沙量法,假设床沙质冲泻质分界粒径为0。

2)wash load冲泻质

1.Started from the concept that bed material load can exchange with bed material whilewash load cannot exchange with bed material, the inherent mechanism of delimiting between bed material load andwash load is analyzed by using of sediment incipient motion condition and sediment ceasing motion condition.从床沙质能与床沙交换而冲泻质不能与床沙交换这一定义出发 ,利用泥沙运动的起动和止动条件分析了床沙质与冲泻质划分的内在机理 。

2.Theoretical analysis shows that the fine material transported aswash load is not only determined by flow intensity and particle size, but also strongly influenced by its concentration.通过分析细颗粒在床面附近浓度分布 ,发现细颗粒能够在水流中大量存在 ,但不参与造床的条件为上游来沙中细颗粒浓度小于水流的最大冲泻质输沙能力 ;其本质原因是水流相对强度足够大 ,床面附近作用在细颗粒上的升力大于颗粒浮重 ,使得细颗粒浓度在床面附近自上向下迅速趋近于零而具有正的浓度梯度 。


1.It has been proved, the bed material load, wash load and total load follow the same rule of carrying capacity.证实了床沙质、冲泻质与全沙具有统一的挟沙能力。

2.An agent for purging the bowels, especially a laxative.泻药通肠的动力物质,尤指泻药

3.A substance used to prevent or treat diarrhea.抗腹泻药剂用于预防或治疗腹泻的物质

4.Conclusion:The Xiaoer Xiexieting Granule has the effects of checking diarrhea and advancing absorptive function.结论:小儿泄泻停冲剂具有止泻、改善肠道吸收的作用。

5.Group A was given 0.9% saline water enema, group B was given senna leaf take with water.A组用09%盐水清洁灌肠,B组用番泻叶冲服。

6.The Effect of Tongxie Yaofang Decoction on Cajal Cells in a Rat Model of D-IBS痛泻要方对腹泻型肠易激综合征Cajal间质细胞影响的研究

7.In severe diarrhea, parenteral administration of fluids and electrolytes is warranted.严重的腹泻,非肠道补液、解质较有保障。

8.This lagoon "divider" consist of sand.泻湖这个“分水岭”是由砂质物构成的。

9.Analysis of extracts from senna leaf by GC/MS番泻叶萃取物的气相色谱/质谱分析

10.The Basic Components and Function Research of Chinese Traditional Medicine Xiexin Decoction复方泻心汤的物质基础及其作用研究

11.Preparation and Study on Quality Standard of Sanhuang Xiexin Drop Pill三黄泻心滴丸的研制与质量标准研究

12.The"Xiehuo"Effect of Guangdong Herbal Tea and Its Composition广东凉茶的“泻火”作用与物质基础研究

13.Evaluating Authentic Quality of Longdanxiegn Pill by Systematic Quantified Fingerprint Method系统指纹定量法鉴别龙胆泻肝丸质量

14.Niagara belongs to the heavyweights - where a whole solid river plunges bodily over a cliff.尼亚加拉瀑布属于重量级——一股巨流全部从悬崖上冲泻下来。

15.Effects of Jiuxieling Granules on Inflammatory Lesion of Colon Mucous Membrane in Rats with Ulcerative Colitis久泻灵冲剂对溃疡性结肠炎大鼠结肠病变氧化损伤的影响

16.Take some purgative and it will help you purge your bowels of bad matter.吃点泻药有助于你将肠胃中的有害物质除去。

17.Study on the Properties of Rhizoma Alismatis Starch and Its Octenyl Succinic Anhydride Modified Starch;泽泻淀粉及其辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉酯的性质研究

18.Effects of Different Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Alism a Plantago-aquatica Linn;氮肥运筹对川泽泻产量和质量的影响研究


wash load冲泻质

1.Started from the concept that bed material load can exchange with bed material whilewash load cannot exchange with bed material, the inherent mechanism of delimiting between bed material load andwash load is analyzed by using of sediment incipient motion condition and sediment ceasing motion condition.从床沙质能与床沙交换而冲泻质不能与床沙交换这一定义出发 ,利用泥沙运动的起动和止动条件分析了床沙质与冲泻质划分的内在机理 。

2.Theoretical analysis shows that the fine material transported aswash load is not only determined by flow intensity and particle size, but also strongly influenced by its concentration.通过分析细颗粒在床面附近浓度分布 ,发现细颗粒能够在水流中大量存在 ,但不参与造床的条件为上游来沙中细颗粒浓度小于水流的最大冲泻质输沙能力 ;其本质原因是水流相对强度足够大 ,床面附近作用在细颗粒上的升力大于颗粒浮重 ,使得细颗粒浓度在床面附近自上向下迅速趋近于零而具有正的浓度梯度 。

3)suspend sediment particles悬移质泥沙粒径

4)sandy seabed沙质底床

1.Numerical analysis of pore water pressure response insandy seabed under nonlinear wave in shallow water;浅水非线性波作用下沙质底床孔隙水压力响应数值分析

2.On wave-induced dynamic response onsandy seabed around caisson breakwater;沉箱防波堤沙质底床对波浪动态响应的研究

5)sand bed沙质海床

1.In this paper the scouring patterns ofsand bed in front of vertical breakwaters under the action of irregular broken waves were investigated.针对实际海浪是随机的情况 ,本文首次研究了不规则破碎波作用下直立堤前沙质海床的冲刷。

6)bed material load床沙质

1.Started from the concept thatbed material load can exchange with bed material while wash load cannot exchange with bed material, the inherent mechanism of delimiting betweenbed material load and wash load is analyzed by using of sediment incipient motion condition and sediment ceasing motion condition.从床沙质能与床沙交换而冲泻质不能与床沙交换这一定义出发 ,利用泥沙运动的起动和止动条件分析了床沙质与冲泻质划分的内在机理 。


