600字范文 > 单簧管发展史 history of the development of clarinet英语短句 例句大全

单簧管发展史 history of the development of clarinet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-12 07:26:19


单簧管发展史 history of the development of clarinet英语短句 例句大全

单簧管发展史,history of the development of clarinet

1)history of the development of clarinet单簧管发展史


1.Several Issues in Clarinet Performance and Teaching;浅谈单簧管演奏与教学中的几个问题

2.Because of its flexible and diverse performance characteristics,theclarinet plays an important role in music works of different times and different national styles.单簧管由于其灵活多样的表现特性,在不同时代、不同民族风格的音乐作品中,发挥着极其重要的作用。


1."The reed instruments are further divided into single-reed and double-reed instruments, such as the clarinet and the oboe."簧片乐器又细分为单簧和双簧乐器,前者如单簧管,后者如双簧管。

2.a single-reed instrument with a straight tube.带有直管的单簧管乐器。

3.Andante, trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon.卢塞尔:行板木管三重奏(为双簧管、单簧管、大管).

4.the lower register of a clarinet,tenor,etc单簧管、男高音等的低声区.

5.Critics also praised his playing of the clarinet.评论家们也称赞他的单簧管演奏。

6.My brother has played the clarinet for twenty-six years.我哥哥吹单簧管有二十六年之久。

7.Brief Discussion on the Nationality and the Epoch Nature in Clarinet Works;略论单簧管作品中的民族性与时代性

8.Several Issues in Clarinet Performance and Teaching;浅谈单簧管演奏与教学中的几个问题

9.An Analysis and Study on Aaron Copland"s 《Clarinet Concerto》艾伦·科普兰《单簧管协奏曲》分析研究

10.The oboe tends to lose power in the upper register, but with the clarinet the opposite is the case.双簧管往往在高音区效果不佳,而单簧管则正好相反。

11.the section of a band or orchestra that plays clarinets.演奏单簧管乐器的一个管乐队或管弦乐队的组。

12.The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group.低音单簧管在木管乐组中形成浓重的低音。

13.I played clarinet in elementary school and junior high before switching to piano and choral music in college, and never looked back.我曾在小学和初中学习单簧管,之后转学钢琴和合唱,再也没有碰过单簧管。

14.Hard rubber is a much better substance with which to construct a clarinet.其实硬橡胶是制造单簧管的很好的选择。

15.Tyne: Well my main instrument is the piano and the clarinet is my second.泰恩:我主要是学钢琴,第二乐器是单簧管。

16.Can one become a professional clarinetist on a3.5 reed?用3.5号哨片能成为职业单簧管演奏家吗?

17.Carl Baermann"s Complete Method for Clarinet and Basic Practice of Clarinet从贝尔曼《每日练习》谈单簧管的基础练习

18.at the same time, there appeared some solos for Western musical instruments such as the cello, obo, clarinet, trombone and flute.同时,也出现了大提琴曲及双簧管、单簧管、长号、长笛等西洋乐器的独奏曲。



1.Several Issues in Clarinet Performance and Teaching;浅谈单簧管演奏与教学中的几个问题

2.Because of its flexible and diverse performance characteristics,theclarinet plays an important role in music works of different times and different national styles.单簧管由于其灵活多样的表现特性,在不同时代、不同民族风格的音乐作品中,发挥着极其重要的作用。

3)play the clarinet吹单簧管

4)management accounting"s developing history管理会计发展历史

5)developing history发展史

1.This paper tries to introduce thedeveloping history of LWD technology and the features of respective periods, as well as the service abilities and advantage文章对目前国内外石油勘探开发中常用的随钻测井技术发展史进行了详细的介绍,清晰地反映出这项新技术的发展脉络,特别突出了其发展各阶段的技术特征。

2.The paper deeply inquires into the reason about discarding analog filter from nowaday instruments in respects of seismometerdeveloping history, theory of analog filter, principle of reflecting wave and viewpoint.文章从地震仪器发展史 ,模拟滤波器理论 ,地震反射波原理以及目前各仪器厂家所持观点等几个方面深入探讨了目前地震仪中去掉模拟滤波器的原因。

3.Thedeveloping history of farmers courtyard economy can be devided into four perieods—begining,forming,consummating and developing.提出农户庭院经济发展史分为萌芽、形成、完善和发展4个时期。


1.Revelation of function teaching abouthistory of function concept;论函数概念发展史对函数教学的启示

2.Research into the History of American Educational Technology;美国教育技术发展史研究

3.History Development of Private International Law and Enlightenment to the Present Age;中国国际私法发展史及对当代的启示


