600字范文 > 法学语言 language of legal science英语短句 例句大全

法学语言 language of legal science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-14 00:19:11


法学语言 language of legal science英语短句 例句大全

法学语言,language of legal science

1)language of legal science法学语言

1.Thelanguage of legal science owns its special characteristics in diction,sentence pattern and discourse structure, especially legal terms have been used frequently,resulting in enormous difficulties faced by a translator.法学术语的频繁使用,以及法学语言在用词、造句、成篇上具有其独特之处,使译者在法学语言翻译过程中往往举步维艰。


1.On the Contextual Features of Literary and Legal Languages论文学语言与法学语言的语境性特征

2.A specialist in grammar.语法专家,语言学专家

3.Use and Criteria of Lingual Method in Physical Education Teaching;体育教学中语言法的运用及语言规范

4.Corpus Linguistics Challenging Traditional Grammar;语料库语言学对传统英语语法的挑战

5.The Relationships between the Cardiff Grammar and Systemic Functional Linguistics;从加的夫语法看“语法”与“语言学”的关系

6.Influence of Western Linguistic Theories on Chinese Grammar;西方语言学理论对汉语语法学的影响

7.The Philosophical Origin of and Viewpoint on Language of Universal Grammar " for Transformational Generative Linguistics;转换生成语言学“普遍语法”的哲学渊源和语言观

8.a new approach to language teaching语言教学的新方法.

9.The Comparative Teaching Method of Chinese, English and Their Cultures in Teaching English.;英语教学法中的语言文化对比教学法

10.Forensic linguistics and four fields of linguistic expertise;司法语言学及司法语言学家的四大专家领域

11.Bilingual Teaching and Content Language Integrated Learning Approach;双语教学与语言-内容融合学习教学法

12.The Influence of Grammatical Metaphor upon Input in SLL;第二语言学习中语法隐喻对语言输入的影响

13.On the Relationship between Artistic Language and General Language浅谈艺术语言与科学语言的关系——从艺术语言与语法、逻辑角度来谈

14.On the Trichotomy in Semiotics and its Influence on Linguistic Logic and Philosophy;论符号学三分法对语言哲学和语言逻辑的影响

15.Principles of Error Correction in Language Study;语言学和语言教学中纠错思维法的原则

16.On the Cognitive Linguistic Principles and Methods of Second Language Learning and Teaching;论第二语言教学的认知语言学原则与方法

17.Connectionist Psycholinguistics:A New Approach to Psycholinguistic Research;联结主义心理语言学——心理语言学研究的新方法

18.On Quantitative Research Methods in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics;谈语言学和应用语言学中的定量型研究方法


linguistic method语言学方法

1.Then we brought forward corresponding solutions: using rules to correct errors in texts after word segmentation; establishing specific rules for different domains based on a new "Mountain Chain" model; and combining statistical withlinguistic method for treating different kinds of name entity separately.解决方案是:利用规则,对机器分词后的文本进行修正;提出“群山”模型,对不同领域制定不同的语言学规则;以统计学方法和语言学方法结合,对不同命名实体采用不同的方法等。

2.This paper discusses the linguistics methods formed at the different times and differentiates three majorlinguistic methods-lexicology, context analysis,discourse analysis and discusses the characteristics of these various methods.本文对现代民族学发展过程中,在不同时期形成的即前后联系又不断创新的语言学方法做了详细探讨,划分了现代民族学研究中存在的三大语言学方法:语词分析、语境分析、话语群分析,并探讨了各个方法的特点。

3)language teaching method语言教学法

1.Onlanguage teaching method in the PE class;谈体育课中的语言教学法

4)forensic linguistics法律语言学

1.It is quite a modern thing forforensic linguistics to come out.法律语言学(forensic linguistics)作为一个正式的学科是现代才有的,但法律语言的研究却可以上溯到古代希腊罗马社会。

2.This paper analyzes the system of modality in the Constitution of the United States,applying the theories of modality in systemic-functional grammar and theories of legislative language inforensic linguistics.本文运用系统功能语言学有关情态系统的理论和法律语言学有关立法语言的理论分析美国宪法的情态系统,发现在美国宪法中,主要出现情态动词、情态形容词(被动词组)这两类表示义务与意愿的情态表达式,几乎没有出现情态附加成分、情态名物化结构和情态隐喻等情态表达式。

3.Theforensic linguistics is regarded as the carrier of the law,the importance of which is self-evident.法律是通过语言订立和公布的,法律语言学作为法律的载体,其重要性是不言而喻的。

5)Legal Linguistics法律语言学

1.Given the tradition and reality of statute laws in China,the Chinese equivalent for the term "forensic linguistics" shall be restored to "司法语言学";"legal linguistics" and "法律语言学" could be equivalents for each other.考虑到中国的成文法传统和现实,forensic lingu istics的汉译名宜还原为“司法语言学”;“法律语言学”可以与legal lingu istics互为译名。

6)means of lingu istics语言学手法


