600字范文 > 城际轨道 intercity track英语短句 例句大全

城际轨道 intercity track英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-20 10:04:23


城际轨道 intercity track英语短句 例句大全

城际轨道,intercity track

1)intercity track城际轨道

1.Seven box beams erection of the forth line on ZH-1 section of Guang-Zhuintercity track traffic project广珠城际轨道交通工程ZH-1标四线七箱梁架设


1.The Study on Overcoming Urban Segregation Caused by Intercity-railway Station;城际轨道交通对城市阻隔及对策研究

2.Analysis of Stress and Deformation of Beam-end Track Structure For Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Rail Transit广珠城际轨道交通梁端轨道结构受力变形分析

3.Construction Management Practice of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Rail Transit Engineering;京津城际轨道交通工程建设管理实践

4.Necessity of Developing the Intercity Track Transit System within Wuhan City Group;建设武汉城市圈城际轨道交通的必要性研究

5.Universal Design and Its Applications in the Intercity Train Vehicles;通用设计及其在城际轨道车厢中的应用

6.Research on Traveler Information System for Regional Railway Planning;城际轨道交通旅客出行信息系统规划研究

7.The Study of Inter-city Rail Transportation and the Its Effect on Economical Development in the Pearl-river Delta Megalopolis;城际轨道交通与珠三角大都市带经济发展研究

8.SWOT Analysis of the Public Transport Operation of Inter-city Rail Transit;区域城际轨道交通公交化运营的SWOT量化分析

9.Demand Forecasting Method of Inter-city Rail Transit;区域性城际轨道交通客流预测方法研究

10.On Establishment of City - to - city Rail Transportation Network in the Zhujiang River Delta;关于建设珠三角城际轨道交通网络的构想

11.Seven box beams erection of the forth line on ZH-1 section of Guang-Zhu intercity track traffic project广珠城际轨道交通工程ZH-1标四线七箱梁架设

12.Research on the Intercity Rail Transit Network Plan for Pearl River Delta Region珠三角区域城际轨道交通线网规划方案研究

13.Research on the Node Space of Fastening at End of Bridge Beam for Intercity Rail Transit城际轨道交通桥梁梁端扣件节点间距研究

14.Study on the Theory of Passenger Volume Forecasting of Nanchang-Jiujiang Intercity Rail Transit南昌至九江城际轨道交通客流预测理论研究

15.Intercity Rail Transportation Automation Systems Research and Development城际轨道交通自动化系统的研究与发展

16.Study on the Coordinated Regional Rail Transit Planning with Regional Development区域性城际轨道交通规划与区域协调发展研究

17.A Discussion on the Development of Shanghai UMT and IRS During Expo ;上海举办世博会条件下的城市与城际轨道交通网络

18.The planning and research of the intercity rail network of Yangtze River Delta is arousing great attention.长三角城际轨道交通网络的规划研究正引起越来越多人的关注。


Intercity-railway Station城际轨道站

1.The Study on Overcoming Urban Segregation Caused byIntercity-railway Station;利用对欧洲车站模式的研究结果,论文结合上海火车站地区发展现状及国际竞赛成果进行城市设计设想,欲在消除车站地区物质阻隔现象的前提上消除城际轨道站对两侧地区的隔阂,并结合地区实际状况进行整体规划。

3)inter-city rail transit城际轨道交通

1.In this paper,SWOT analysis of management science is applied to analyze the inner and external factors affecting theinter-city rail transit.在经济发达、客流量大的主要城市之间开行区域城际轨道交通并采用公交化经营模式已成为铁路短途客运发展的主流趋势。

2.This paper analyzes the difference between theinter-city rail transit planning and the conventional transport planning, especially the characteristic of passenger demand for theinter-city rail transit, proposes the demand forecasting method ofinter-city rail transit based on the influence area, traffic zoning, mode distribution, induced demand analysi.分析了区域性城际轨道交通规划与传统交通规划方法的差异,提出了城际轨道交通客流的特点,以及以影响范围、交通小区划分、交通方式分担、诱增客流、时间价值为要点的区域性城际轨道交通客流预测方法。

3.Based on analyzing the characteristics of evaluation and decision ofinter-city rail transit planning, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation index system ofinter-city rail transit line network planning, and discusses the choice of the better evaluation methods.结合都市圈城际轨道交通线网规划评价决策的特点,探讨城际轨道交通线网评价指标体系和线网规划方案评价方法的优选,提出适用于都市圈城际轨道交通线网规划评价的“层次分析法-熵-灰色关联”组合评价模型。

4)intercity rail system城际轨道交通

1.From the viewpoint of the characteristics of anintercity rail system, by analyzing the route scheme ofGaung-fo line, the route design forintercity rail systems is discussed in detail.从城际轨道交通的特点出发,通过对广佛线线路方案的分析研究,对城际轨道交通线的线路设计作了一定的探讨。

2.With an introduction of the planning of the Shanghai UMT( urban mass transit system) and IRS (intercity rail system) the traffic demands to the network of Shanghai the trans - regional transportation during EXPO , the author argues that the shortages of Shanghai UMT and IRS is a very serious problem and some effective measures be taken to improve Shanghai UMT and IRS during EXPO .分析了上海举办世博会期间的上海城市和城际轨道网络的运输需求,分析了举办世博会条件下上海城市和城际轨道交通网络存在的问题,提出了举办世博会条件下上海城市和城际轨道交通网络建设的建议。

5)intercity rail transit城际轨道交通

1.Based on the planning of theintercity rail transit network in the Yangtze River delta area, the Pearl River delta area and the area around the Bohai Sea, the characteristics, function orientation and necessity ofintercity rail transit are analyzed from a brandnew perspective.在长江三角洲地区、珠江三角洲地区、环渤海地区城际客运铁路网规划的基础上,采用全新的理念和模式,分析城际轨道交通的特点、功能定位和建设城际轨道交通的必要性。

2.First, the definition ofintercity rail transit is given.首先在概念上对"城际轨道交通"进行界定,并分析长江三角洲区域内发展城际轨道交通系统的背景、规划编制的情况和存在的问题,然后初步探讨在实施城际轨道交通系统中应注意的几个问题以及相应的对策。

3.In the planning ofintercity rail transit system,how to carry out the thought of the human-oriented design will affect the choice about the traffic mode of passengers in metropolitan area.在城际轨道交通规划设计中,能否贯彻以人为本的思想,将直接影响都市圈客流是否选择轨道交通。

6)Stream of people analysis城际轨道车辆


轨道保持(见航天器轨道控制)轨道保持(见航天器轨道控制)orbit keepingguidQo baoehi轨道保持(o rbit keePing)见航天器轨道控制。
