600字范文 > 研究性学习课程建设 curriculum provision of inquisitive learning英语短句 例句大全

研究性学习课程建设 curriculum provision of inquisitive learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-02 02:14:19


研究性学习课程建设 curriculum provision of inquisitive learning英语短句 例句大全

研究性学习课程建设,curriculum provision of inquisitive learning

1)curriculum provision of inquisitive learning研究性学习课程建设

2)research-based study of a course课程研究性学习


1.The Study of History and Society Research Studies;《历史与社会》课程研究性学习研究

2.Probing into Research-Learning of Curriculum of Arts Pedagogy;《美术教育学》课程研究性学习初探

3.The Research on the Inquiry Learning into Information Technology Curriculum in Senior School;高中信息技术课程研究性学习的探究

4.A Research on Inquiry Learning in Chemistry Class in Light Industry Vocational Schools;轻工学校化学课程研究性学习的实践研究

5.The Evaluation Process of Exploration of High School History Course;高中历史课程研究性学习的过程性评价

6.Discrimination of the Courses of Research Study and Subjects Division;研究性学习课程与分科课程之关系辨

7.Teaching Network Courses Based on Inquiry Learning;基于探究性学习的网络课程教学研究

8.Curriculum Resources Development and Implementation of the Research Courses;研究性学习课程资源开发与研究性学习课程的实施

9.Study on research study in the new curriculum in the high school;普通高中新课程下“研究性学习”之研究

10.On the Application of Research Learning to Physical Education;研究性学习在体育课程中应用的研究

11.Offering Research-learning Course in the Higher Teacher Education Institution:Practical Research;高师开设研究性学习课程的实践研究

12.A Discussion on the Research Study in the Teaching of "Tourism Environment";《旅游环境学》课程中研究性学习探讨

13.An entrance to inquiry learning in mathematics teaching;寻找数学课程中研究性学习的切入点

14.Analysis of Research-based Learning Course and Teachers Teaching Strategies;“研究性学习”课程与教师教学策略探析

15.Enlightenment from course views of humanism in carrying out research course;人本主义课程观对实施研究性学习课程的启示

16.The idea“ learning life back to students" has brought about the researched-based curriculum.学习生命的回归催生了研究性课程。

17.Simply Discussing the Research Study under the New Conception of the Geography Course;地理新课程理念下的研究性学习初探

18.On Independent Compulsory Problembased Learning Curriculum and Its Hindrances & Tactics;研究性学习课程及其实施障碍与策略


research-based study of a course课程研究性学习

3)Inquiry Learning Curriculum研究性学习课程

1.Integration of Information Technology andInquiry Learning Curriculum;信息技术与研究性学习课程的整合

4)chemical research learning curriculum化学研究性学习课程

1.It not only goes through the confines ofchemical research learning curriculum and designs teaching style, but also explains the concept ofchemical research learning curriculum.本文以教学实践为基础,通过对化学研究性学习课程教学的设计与研究,来探讨化学研究性学习课程的界定、课程目标、课程的特点、课程教学组织形式、课程内容选取准则以及学习评价等内容,以期达到将研究成果运用于化学研究性学习课程教学的目的,从而丰富研究性学习课程的教学内容。

5)Research-learning type course研究型学习课程

6)classroom research study课堂研究性学习

1.The theories foundation beginning of theclassroom research study explores;课堂研究性学习理论基础初探


