600字范文 > 基于主题学习模式 subject-based learning model英语短句 例句大全

基于主题学习模式 subject-based learning model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-22 22:48:31


基于主题学习模式 subject-based learning model英语短句 例句大全

基于主题学习模式,subject-based learning model

1)subject-based learning model基于主题学习模式

1.Bsaed on the analysis of the status of engineering education and formulation of project system idea in the text,some opinions are put forward,which organize professional course construction on thesubject-based learning model,in order to essentially make settings of professional courses throughout project system idea and respond to the actual requirements of modern project.本文通过对工程教育现状的分析及对工程系统理念的阐述,提出以基于主题学习模式来组织专业课程建设的若干思路,以求从本质上使专业课程的设置贯穿工程系统理念,迎合现代工程的实际需要。


1.Unification of Project System Idea and Subject-based Learning Model in the Construction of Course工程系统理念与基于主题学习模式在课程建设中的统一

2.The Construction of Cooperation Study Mode Based on Wiki基于Wiki的主题协作式学习模式构建

3.A Study on the Model of Project-based Learning Based on Learning Website;基于主题学习网站的项目式学习模式的研究

4.Web-based thematic unit study of inquiry-based learning model基于网络的主题单元探究式学习模式研究

5.The Application and Research on Web-based Problem Learning Model;基于网络的问题式学习模式应用研究

6.Reflections on How to Foster College Students’ Autonomous Learning Ability;基于自主性学习的英语教学模式探究

7.An Exploration of the Active Chemical Learning Model under the Network Environment;基于网络环境化学自主学习模式探究

8.Research on Problem-based Learning;基于问题的学习模式(PBL)研究

9.A Study on Autonomous Learning Model Based on Network Education浅析基于Internet网络教育的自主学习模式

10.Exploration and Practice in Adult Healthcare and Scientific Research Courses Based on Self-study Mode of Problem-Solving;基于问题解决的自主学习模式在成人《护理科研》课程的探索与实践

11.The Research of the Teaching Modes of Question-Based Independent Study;以问题为基础的自主学习的教学模式的研究

12.Probe and Practice of Teaching Mode for the Problem-Based Learning;基于问题式学习教学模式的探究与实践

13.A Study of Maths CAI Learning Models Based on Solutions to Questions;基于问题解决式的数学CAI学习模式研究

14.Collaborative Learning Models--A New Way in Modern Education;协作学习模式探讨——基于现代教育技术的建构主义学习模式

15.The Application of PBL Pattern in the Teaching of Mechanical Manufacturing Specialized Subjects;基于问题学习的教学模式在专业教学中的应用

16.Application of PBL Teaching Model in Physiology Teaching;基于问题的学习模式在生理学教学中的应用

17.An Autonomous, Cooperative, and Self-Evaluating Model of Learning Based on Constructivism;基于建构主义的“自主—合作—自我评价”学习模式

18.On College English Teaching Model Aided by Autonomous Learning Based on Local Area Net;基于网络自主学习的大学英语教学模式


problem based learning基于问题式学习

1.Application ofproblem based learning in ophthalmology teaching将基于问题式学习融入眼科学教学初探

2.To explore the new study method---theproblem based learning (PBL) in the organic chemistry education.本文将一种新的学习方式——"基于问题式学习(problem Based learning简称PBL)"应用于有机化学的教学中,通过实践和问卷调查,其结果显示,PBL教学法能够显著提高学生的学习兴趣,提高其综合分析问题的能力,促进自学,加强师生之间的交流与沟通,是一种值得推广的教学与学习方法。

3)problem-based learning基于问题式学习

1.The Reflection of Problem-based Learning on Advanced English Teaching;基于问题式学习对高级英语课教学的启示

2.The practice and application ofproblem-based learning in talents education基于问题式学习模式在人才培养中的应用

3.Based on generally discussing concept,principle,practicing tactics ofproblem-based learning,this article mainly analyzed the conditions under thatproblem-based learning is applied in junior biology,and explored principles while pr.基于问题式学习是当前基础教育中出现的一种新的学习理念和方式,是一种与建构主义学习理论及其教学原则非常吻合的教学模式,越来越引起人们的关注。


1.Design On Problem-Based Learning(PBL);基于问题式学习(PBL)的设计

2.At the same time,the experience on the application ofPBL in mechanical foundation experimental teaching was showed out.在分析了传统实验教学体系种种弊端的基础上,提出了面向21世纪的新型实验教学体系改革方案及应用基于问题式学习的教学模式于机械基础实验教学经验与体会。

5)Special-topic-study website-based collabor基于专题学习网站的协作学习模式

6)Special-topic inquire and website-construction model基于专题学习网站的情境-探究模式


基于学习的受辅者中心疗法基于学习的受辅者中心疗法learning-based client-centered therapy基于学习的受辅者中心疗法Oearning-based elient一eentered theraPy)一种心理治疗的理论模型。它着重探讨受辅者中心疗法的三要素(即同感、尊重和温暖、真诚)的治疗价值,认为并不像罗杰斯所说的那样。它主张应用学习理论,通过治疗家与受辅者的交谈及真诚的情感,在操作性条件反射的基础上,减轻内部冲突,使症状减轻、问题解决、焦虑减少、自信心增强。此疗法由马丁(Martin,D.G.)在20世纪70年代提出。(徐云撰梁宝勇审)
