600字范文 > 房屋类型 type of house英语短句 例句大全

房屋类型 type of house英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 21:38:19


房屋类型 type of house英语短句 例句大全

房屋类型,type of house

1)type of house房屋类型

2)classification of building房屋分类


1.fire grading of buildings按耐火度的房屋分类

2.Changes to the breakdown between public and private sector housing will be made, if necessary, to reflect changes in housing demand.上述公营和私营房屋单位建屋量的划分,会因应这两类房屋需求量的改变而作出调整。

3.Design and Seismic Behavior Analysis of the Theatre Building剧院类房屋结构的抗震性能分析和设计

4.Analysis on Damages of Different Types of Building Structures in the M_S5.7 Jiujiang Ruichang Earthquake九江瑞昌5.7级地震主要结构类型房屋破坏成因分析

5.district maintenance office [Housing Department]分区保养办事处〔房屋署〕

6.The house has sunk about ten centimeters.那楝房屋下陷约十公分。

mitted category [long term housing strategy]需承担安置类别〔长远房屋策略〕

8.There"s a lot of houses like this in Amsterdam.阿姆斯特丹有许多类似这样的房屋。

9.On Housing Dissension;试析房屋买卖纠纷案件的类型及对策

10.The toolshed was built as an extension of the house.工具房被看作是这座房屋的附加部分。

11.Wall:Any of various upright constructions used to divide or enclose a room or Building.墙: 在房屋建造中用于分隔或围护房间或房屋的外围部分。

12.The housing purchase window will now show the correct number of vault slots for each type of house.房屋购买视窗将会明确地指出各类型房屋储藏室的储位量。

13.provides public housing at reasonable rents to those who cannot afford any other type of housing;为无法负担其他类别房屋的人士,提供租金合理的公营房屋;

14."and if the owner has a desire to get back his house, let him give a fifth more than your value, and it will be his."将房屋分别为圣的人,若要赎回房屋,就必在你所估定的价值以外加上五分之一,房屋仍旧归他。

15.A house divided into two living units or residences, usually having separate entrances.联式房屋分为两个,一般具有各自出口的居住部分的房屋

16.Housing Strategy Division [Housing Bureau]房屋策略部〔房屋局〕

17.Private Housing Division [Housing Bureau]私营房屋部〔房屋局〕

18.Public Housing Division [Housing Bureau]公营房屋部〔房屋局〕


classification of building房屋分类

3)housing type房屋类别

4)house model房屋模型

1.Research purposes: This paper researched the design concept of 3D Models in Virtual Reality based on photogrammetry and detailed design method of 3Dhouse models,road models in order to reach the visual effect of high-fidelity of 3D models when reconstructed and displayed.研究目的:研究在航测虚拟现实中三维模型的设计思路,以及具体的三维房屋模型、道路模型的设计方法,从而达到三维模型在视觉上的逼真重建、显示的效果。

5)light house轻型房屋

1.Discussion on structure design of door-like steel framelight house;浅谈门式刚架轻型房屋的结构设计

6)building model房屋模型

1.Fast and efficient extraction ofbuilding models from airborne lidar data is an important research topic in applications of airborne lidar system.快速有效地从机载激光扫描(airborne lidar)点云数据中提取房屋模型是机载激光扫描系统应用研究的一项重要课题。



血液有形成分各种类型的血细胞虚线指示中间类型的细胞。 李瑞端绘[图]
