600字范文 > 年平均温度 Mean annual temperature英语短句 例句大全

年平均温度 Mean annual temperature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-31 11:25:36


年平均温度 Mean annual temperature英语短句 例句大全

年平均温度,Mean annual temperature

1)Mean annual temperature年平均温度

1.With increasing mean annual temperature,the flora transition increased first and decreased then,representing a hump-shaped pattern.利用野外考察和文献记载资料,结合气候数据,探讨了植物区系过渡性的生物地理意义及其与年平均温度之间的联系,并将区系过渡性的生物地理意义应用于中国东部地区植被的分区。


1.The latter factor drops out when average annual temperatures are considered.若考虑年平均温度,则可将后一个因素除掉。

2.mean radiant temperature平均辐射温度 平均辐射温度

3.The effect brings an annual mean temperature increase at a rate of0.1℃ every five years.县城城市化对年平均气温的影响,平均每5年以0.1℃速度递增。

4.The annual mean temperature was 23.4 degrees, making 1997 the fourth-warmest year on record.而全年平均气温则达23.4度,是历年第四最高纪录。

5.reduction of temperature to mean sealevel平均海平面温订正度

6.The annual average temperature here is 24 degree celsius.这里的年平均气温为24℃。

7.The average temperature falls between the highest and lowest points of heat and cold.平均温度是指最高温度和最低温度之间的温度。

8.mean daily maximum temperature逐日最高温度平均值

9.The mean temperature of 23.1 degrees equalled the previous record set in 1966.该月的平均气温达23.1度,平了一九六六年的旧纪录;

10.Except that the temperature in certain places is on the low side, the annual average temperature in various places is higher than the conventional year.各地年度平均气温,除局部地区略偏低外,普遍较常年偏高。

11.The report warns that the earth"s average temperature may rise by more than four degrees in the next fifty years.该报告警告说,全球的平均温度在未来50年后可能至少上升4度。

12.At a depth of twenty or thirty feet there is but little variation from the mean temporature of the year.在20英尺或30英尺的深度,每年的平均温度只有极小的变化。

13.The average temperature in Moscow in July is 19 degrees centigrade while the average for January is minus nine degrees centigrade.莫斯科7月平均温度摄氏19度,而1月平均温度摄氏零下9度。

14.Temperatures have stayed above freezing, compared with the average temperature of 23 degrees for January.和以往1月份华氏23度(摄氏零下5度)的平均气温相比,(今年的)气温保持在冰点水平。

15.The temperature soon returned to the seasonal average.温度不久恢复季节的平均温。

16.So far as I know, the yearly average temperature in Guangzhou is about 21℃.列车员: 据我所知广州的年平均气温在21摄氏度左右。

17.Geostrophic transport of the Indonesian Throughflow estimated by using the Argo data用Argo温盐资料估计印度尼西亚贯穿流多年平均地转输送

18.The Maximum Temperature of May-July Inferred from Tree-ring in Funiu Mountain since 1874 AD油松树轮记录的过去134年伏牛山5-7月平均最高温度


Annual mean ground surface temperature年平均地表温度

3)annual winter mean temperature年冬季平均温度

1.We find a good correlationship betweenannual winter mean temperature (T) and snowfall-days (D) in the Hefei area at the measurmental period, and the regr.本文根据宫廷档案资料“雨雪分寸”中合肥地区的降雪日数的记载,通过寻找其与年冬季平均温度的相关关系,重建了合肥地区从1736-1991年共256年的年冬季平均气温序列。

4)mean annual range of temperature平均温度年差

5)annual mean temperature年平均温

6)annual average temperature年均温度

1.Theδ 13 C values of all the four plant species decrease with increasingannual average temperature,and the responses of the carbon iso topic com positions of Chenpodium album and Lepidium apetalum to temperature change are much more in tense than those of Cirsium leo and Plantago depressa.本文对不同温度条件下生长的藜、独行菜、魁蓟和平车前4种常见C3植物的δ13C进行了分析,结果发现这4种C3植物的δ13C组成都表现出随年均温度下降而变重的趋势,其中藜和独行菜的碳同位素组成对温度变化的响应相对要较其他两种植物强烈得多,同时还发现藜、独行菜和魁蓟的δ13C组成与年均温度有显著线性相关,平车前碳同位素组成与年均温度没有显著的相关性。


