600字范文 > 镀层厚度 plating thickness英语短句 例句大全

镀层厚度 plating thickness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-01 14:15:32


镀层厚度 plating thickness英语短句 例句大全

镀层厚度,plating thickness

1)plating thickness镀层厚度

1.Waveguide productplating thickness can be confirmed through surface effect depth.当镀层厚度偏厚时,会使成本增加和带来资源的浪费。

2.A mathematical model of the relationship between intensity andplating thickness has been advanced, as well as in the same model, U M and U L ray are selected to measure thin and thick sample, respectively.讨论了初级X射线与铝镀层和铀基体物质、铀的特征线与铝镀层之间的相互作用、铀基体的放射性对测量铝厚度的影响程度 ,提出强度与镀层厚度关系的数学模型 ,以及在同一数学模型中 ,根据铝镀层厚度的实际情况分别选用铀的M和L线测定薄样和厚样。

3.The temperature sensitivity formula of nickel clad FBG is discussed,and the relation between the temperature sensitivity and theplating thickness of nickel clad fiber bragg grating is analyzed in theory and verified by experiment.讨论了化学镀镍FBG的温度灵敏度公式,理论分析并用实验证明了镀镍层厚度与温度灵敏度的关系,理论分析得到化学镀层厚度分别为2。


1.Mass Calculation of coating (For equal coating)/MM锌镀层质量(两个相同锌镀层厚度)

2.Based on this, coating thickness structure of tinplate was put forward and the concept of coating apparent thickness was defined.在此基础上,建立了镀锡钢板镀层厚度结构模型,定义了镀层的表观厚度。

3.Determination of Layers" Thickness and Bandwidth of Five-layer Transducer for PM AO DevicesPbMoO_4声光器件换能器五层镀层厚度和带宽的确定

4.The required thickness of coating is obtained by the action of closed circuit control system above the molten zinc level (air knife).通过气刀和镀层闭环控制系统对液态锌层厚度的调节使镀层厚度达到设定要求

5.Waveguide product plating thickness can be confirmed through surface effect depth.通过趋肤深度,可以确定波导产品的镀层厚度。

6."To achieve good quality heavier coatings, srip roughness and pot chemistry must be appropriate for the combination of coating weight and line speed."为取得良好的厚镀层,钢带粗糙度和锌锅内金属成分必须适应于镀层厚度及生产线速度。

7.Study on the New Technology of Hot-Dip Aluminizing of Iron and Steel and Its Surface Coating Control Model;钢铁表面热浸镀铝新工艺及镀层厚度控制模型研究

8.Effect of Plating Parameters on Plating Rate and Thickness as well as Surface Morphology of Electroless Tin Coating化学镀锡工艺参数对沉积速率、镀层厚度及表面形貌的影响

9.Test method for vacuum-deposited metal thickness--Electric resistance methodGB/T15717-1995真空金属镀层厚度测试方法电阻法

10.Effect of Ni Content in Zn Bath on Thickness of Hot Dip Galvanized Coating锌浴中镍含量对热浸锌镀层厚度的影响

11.Research into Impacts of Chip Solder-Plating Coat Thickness on Engineering Capability芯片焊锡镀层厚度对工程能力影响研究

12.Micro-resistance test method of plating thickness of platedthrough holes for printed boardsGB/T4677.2-1984印制板金属化孔镀层厚度测试方法微电阻法

13.The measurement of coating thickness for electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substractsGB/T13744-1992磁性和非磁性基体上镍电镀层厚度的测量

14.multilayered plating thickness X-ray spectrofluorometer多层镀厚度x射线荧光谱仪

15.Beta backscattering thickness meter for small area of plating (coating)GB/T10262-1988小面积镀(涂)层β反散射厚度计

16.Prediction Model of Coating Thickness in Hot-Dip Galvanizing带钢连续热镀锌层厚度预测模型研究

17.Effect of Chromium Plating Thickness on Fatigue Property of30CrMnSiA Steel镀铬层厚度对30CrMnSiA钢疲劳性能的影响

18.Relative quantifying technique to measure mass of fission plate in a fission chamber裂变室镀层质量厚度的相对测量技术


Coating thickness镀层厚度

1.Approximate calculating formula of the coating thickness is inferred.讨论钢丝镀层重量3种表示方法之间的关系,并导出镀层厚度的近似计算公式。

2.In order to enhance their corrosion-proof capability and improve maintainability and service life, the author makes a suggestion of reasonable selection of the coating thickness and thread fit clearance while ensuring the thread attachment strength, based on the re.为提高飞机螺纹连接件的抗腐蚀能力 ,改善飞机的维修性能和提高飞机的使用寿命 ,本文根据镀层厚度与螺纹配合间隙的关系 ,结合国内外相应标准的规定 ,在保证螺纹连接强度的情况下 ,对如何合理选择镀层厚度和螺纹配合间隙来提高抗腐蚀能力的问题做了论

3.In order to perform real-time inspection and control of the coating thickness during auto-brush-electroplating,a virtual inspection and control system,which examines the coating thickness based on Faladay(s law of electrolysis and Eddy -current effect,was developed with Labview software platform.为实现自动化纳米复合电刷镀过程中镀层厚度的实时监控,利用Labview软件平台,基于法拉第电解定律和涡流效应,研发了纳米复合电刷镀镀层厚度虚拟监控系统,并对纳米复合电刷镀过程中纳米复合刷镀层厚度进行了监控实验。

3)coating thickness镀层厚度、镀[涂、包]层厚度

4)Thickness of coated copper layer镀铜层厚度

5)thickness of coatigs涂镀层厚度

6)galvanized layer thickness镀锌层厚度


