600字范文 > 电力勘测 electric power survey英语短句 例句大全

电力勘测 electric power survey英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 17:37:18


电力勘测 electric power survey英语短句 例句大全

电力勘测,electric power survey

1)electric power survey电力勘测


1.The Cost Accounting of Projects Perfectly;如何做好电力勘测工程项目成本核算

2.The Policy of Power Survey and Design Institute Joined WTO;加入WTO后电力勘测设计院的应对策略

3.Corporation standardization play the role of a bridge in scientific and technological innovation of electric survey and design, and in turn scientific and technological innovation push the development of the standardization of electric survey and design institute.企业标准化是电力勘测设计科技创新的桥梁,科技创新又推动电力勘测设计企业标准化的发展。

4.Discussion on Development Strategies of Modern Electric Power Survey and Design Enterprises;当代电力勘测设计企业发展战略的探讨

5.Development and Management of Quality Control Group′s Activities in Electric Power Exploration and Design Enterprise;QC小组在电力勘测设计企业的活动开展与管理

6.General Adoption of the Market Principle of Standardization of Electric Power Survey and Design;浅谈电力勘测设计标准化工作市场化运行

7.The Thinking of Implement Advance Towards World Strategy in Electric Power Survey & Design Enterprises;对电力勘测设计企业实施“走出去”战略的思考

8.Situation Confronted and Countermeasures Taken by Chinese Electric Power Design Enterprises after Entering WTO;入世后我国电力勘测设计企业的处境和对策

9.Some Considers about Administration Work of Electric Power Survey and Design Enterprise;对当前电力勘测设计企业经营工作的几点思考

10.Study of DMC Application in Electric Power Survey and Design数字航摄相机DMC在电力勘测设计中的应用研究

11.Practicing of Contrast Standard Same Industry in Electric Survey Design Enterprise同业对标在电力勘测设计企业中的实践

12.Quality Controned of Outside Contract Process for Electric Power Survey Design浅谈电力勘测设计外包过程的质量控制

13.Looking at the current situation of investigation and design enterprises, the global competition situation of electric power design enterprises is being further analyzed and the corresponding measures are proposed.本文针对我国勘测设计企业的现状,分析电力勘测设计咨询企业的国际竞争态势和应对措施。

14.Exploration and Ideas of the Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetric Technique in the Electric Power Survey Project无人机摄影测量技术用于电力勘测工程的探索和设想

15.Technical specification for investigation of geotechnical engineering of fossil fuel power plant火力发电厂岩土工程勘测技术规程

16.Technology Using about GPS in Electric Power Engineering Exploring and Surveying;GPS技术在电力工程勘测中的应用

17.Management Renovation of Survey Design Enterprises under Power Market;电力市场中勘测设计企业的管理创新

18.Technical code for the hydro geological investigation of water supply of thermal power plants火力发电厂供水水文地址勘测技术规范


electric power survey and design电力勘测设计

1.To search for development strategies for modernelectric power survey and design enterprises,this paper analyzes the macro and micro environments to which these enterprises are subjected using enterprise strategic management methods.为了探索当代电力勘测设计企业的发展出路,文章应用企业战略管理方法,详细分析了当代电力勘测设计企业所处的宏观环境和微观环境,并在总结目前电力勘测设计企业的优势及不足的基础上,探索性地提出了在新形势下电力勘测设计企业的发展战略。

2.Analysis the current situation of enterprise onelectric power survey and design if faces challenge and opportunity entered into WTOIt is existence base that fostering nuclear technology and improving the function of service电力勘测设计企业现状及入世后面临的挑战和机遇,提出培育核心技术,完善服务功能,是企业生存的根本。

3)electric power engineering inspecting & survey电力工程勘测

1.Based on engineering examples, the applying precondition 、 effects and prospects of high density resistivity method to theelectric power engineering inspecting & survey are discussed in this paper.该文通过工程实例,分析了高密度电法在电力工程勘测中的应用前提、应用效果及发展方向。

4)electrical survey电法勘探;电测井

5)air-borne magnetic survey航空磁力勘测

6)application to the survey of nuclear power plant核电勘测应用


电力系统电力平衡电力系统电力平衡power balance of electric power systemd一onll xjtongd一onJ一Pingher飞g电力系统电力平衡(power ba一anee of eleetriepower system)电力系统中电源与负荷的平衡。根据预测的电力系统负荷来确定电力系统的发电容量。它是电源发展规划的组成部分。电力平衡的内容是:①工作容量计算;②备用容量计算;③水电平衡;④火电平衡。计算结果可用电力平衡表或电力平衡图表示。在编制电力平衡表的过程中,常常要做多个方案,反复平衡,才能得到预期的结果。工作容t计算水电厂、火电厂工作容量分别计算。根据规划期内预测投产的水电厂的保证出力、强迫出力、预想出力及电力系统负荷曲线计算水电工作容量。系统负荷减去水电工作容量即为火电(包括核电)工作容量。(见电力系统工作容童)备用容t计算用系数法或电力不足概率(LO-LP)计算出备用容量并在水、火电厂之间合理分配.求出水电备用容量及火电备用容量。(见电力系统备用容黄)备用容量与工作容量之和是保证系统安全可靠和不间断供电所必需的容量,称之为必需容量。水电平衡水电装机容量与必需容量之平衡。由于水电厂在某些情况下运行水头低于设计水头或其他原因,水电厂的最大出力(亦称预想出力)有时低于装机容量,装机容量与预想出力之差称为受阻容量。在进行水电平衡时,预想出力必须大于水电必需容量,两者之差称为空闲容量。在平衡时可能遇到如下两种情况:①空闲容量过大,此时需研究提高水电必需容量的可能性,如扩大联网或复核水电装机容量.研究减少水电装机容量的合理性;②空闲容量为负值.即必需容量大于预想出力,则应研究降低水电工作容量及备用容量的合理性,或研究扩大水电装机容量问题。火电平衡火电装机容量与必需容量的平衡。在平衡时,火电受阻容量及退役容量应予以扣除。通过平衡,可以确定火电新增装机容量投产的进度。平衡结果应使火电保持盈余。但由于投资或其他原因的限制,无法增加足够的容量使火电保持平衡时,系统将发生缺电现象。
