600字范文 > 防水堵漏 waterproof and stopping leakage英语短句 例句大全

防水堵漏 waterproof and stopping leakage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 18:16:58


防水堵漏 waterproof and stopping leakage英语短句 例句大全

防水堵漏,waterproof and stopping leakage

1)waterproof and stopping leakage防水堵漏

1.On thewaterproof and stopping leakage of the concrete external walls of the foundation地下室混凝土外墙防水堵漏


1.Mandatory national standard 《Inorganic waterproof plugging materials》《无机防水堵漏材料》国家强制性标准解读

2.To make(a boat) watertight by packing seams with a waterproof material, such as oakum or pitch.堵缝使用防水材料,如麻絮或沥青堵漏缝以使(船)不漏水

3.Study on Waterproofing Material Based Sulphoaluminate Cement;硫铝酸盐水泥基防渗堵漏材料的研究

4.The leak detection and plugging Experience of cutoff wall in a dam某水利枢纽防渗墙查漏及堵漏经验总结

5.Construction Technology of Waterproof and Plugging of Underground Tunnel Wall in Coastal Area沿海地区地下通道墙体防水与堵漏施工技术

6.Application of new grouting technologies for anti-seepage and leakage blocking to Dalongtan Reservoir in Guangxi广西大龙潭水库防渗堵漏灌浆新技术应用

7.Research Progress on Lost Circulation Materials and Lost Circulation Control Technology钻井液堵漏材料及防漏堵漏技术研究进展

8.grout hole drilling钻开注有堵漏水泥的井

9.Study and Application of Lost Circulation Resistance and Control Technology during Drilling;钻井工程中井漏预防与堵漏技术研究与应用

10.The Study on the Preventing and Plugging Flow Technology in Beisi District;大庆油田北四地区钻井防漏及堵漏技术研究

11.The technology of leak resistance and sealing and the overview of a new device防漏堵漏固井工艺技术及新型设备概述

12.My toilet is plugged up and my kitchen sink has a leak.我的马桶堵塞,而且厨房的水槽漏水了。

13.The selection of seepage control route for two banks of GHP and its optimal design of curtain grouting高坝洲工程基坑岩溶漏水通道堵漏灌浆技术

14.All openings in floors shall be sealed to prevent the penetration of liquids.所有地面上的开口都应该封堵,以防液体渗漏。

15.Loose Bed Collapse Prevention and Leak Plugging Techniques Used in Donghui Coalfield, Jixian集贤东辉煤田松散地层防塌及堵漏技术

16.Research and Application of Leakage Protection and Sealing Technology for Coalfield Drilling in Ningxia宁夏彭阳草庙地区煤田钻探防漏堵漏技术研究与应用

17.These U/F solutions have been used in 15 wells in Zhongyuan oil fields with 100% successfulness and 87% positive response.在中原油田15口井使用该剂,堵水堵漏成功率100%,见效率87%。

18.Theoretical Study on Plugging Leakage Zone & Water Zone in Drilling and Preparation of New Plugging Agent钻井中封堵漏层和水层的理论研究及新型堵剂的研制


water and leak proofing agent防水堵漏剂

1.In this paper, architecturalwater and leak proofing agent based on silica sol was preparared.研究了一种以硅溶胶为主体的建筑防水堵漏剂 ,考查了各主要原料用量对产品性能的影响。

3)leakage protection and sealing防漏堵漏

1.Analysis was made on countermeasures forleakage protection and sealing in different formations,and corresponding formulas and operating details were obtained through laboratory tests.在现场调研的基础上,针对不同漏失地层的防漏堵漏对策进行了分析;通过室内试验评价得到对应的防漏堵漏配方与实施细则;在以ZK7-1孔为代表的多个钻孔展开现场试验,效果良好,可在该地区或国内类似地区进行推广。

4)leakage stoppage scheme防水堵漏方案

5)G-type leak-stoppingG型防水堵漏剂

6)Leakage stoppage防渗堵漏


