600字范文 > 工艺安装 and installation英语短句 例句大全

工艺安装 and installation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-14 01:42:56


工艺安装 and installation英语短句 例句大全

工艺安装,and installation

1)and installation工艺安装

2)installation procedure安装工艺

1.Discussion ofinstallation procedure for 660MW tower type supercritical boiler in northern party of our country;塔式660MW超临界锅炉在我国北方安装工艺探讨

position,installation procedure and features,construction schedule and quality control and in- spection of sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plants are reviewed.介绍了硫磺制酸装置的组成、安装工艺及特点、施工进度计划和质量控制检查。

3.The key points to the job, technical design,installation procedures and simulated operation involved in the task are detailed, thus introducing an installation technique for large-sized equipment, in which two cranes are simultaneously employed for the longitudinal and lateral movement of the equipment respectively.文章从安装难点分析、技术设计、仿真演示、安装工艺等方面,详细介绍大型设备双机抬吊纵横滑移安装技术。


1.Application of Hoisting Installation Techniques in Beam Installation of Slideway提升安装工艺在滑道井字梁安装中的应用

2.Guide for installation technology of embedded components of axial turbine轴流式水轮机埋件安装工艺导则

3.The Study on Installation Technology for Key Equipment of Steckel Mill in Nanjing Iron & Steel Co., Ltd南钢炉卷轧机关键设备安装工艺研究

4.Fast mounting technology of the high power belt conveyor in main blind shaft主斜井强力带式输送机快速安装工艺

5.North-weight characteristics of 330 MW unit and installation process北重330MW机组的特点及安装工艺

6.Method and installation technology of large diameter PCCPs大口径PCCP管道安装工艺与方法

7.Installation Technology of the Main Propulsion System for 3600 DWT Chemical Tanker3600t化学品船主推进系统安装工艺

8.Discussion on the adjusting technology of clasp cast iron drainage pipe浅谈卡箍式离心铸铁排水管安装工艺

9.Installation Technology and Characteristic of One Step Method for Hydraulic System液压系统“一步法”安装工艺及特点

10.Installation process research of steel structure project in Nanjing ZIFENG mansion南京紫峰大厦钢结构工程安装工艺研究

11.Mill "Cross package" to Improve the Installation Process and the Design of Specific Tools轧机“十字包”安装工艺的改进及专用工具设计

12.Installation procedure research for radial service gate at discharge tunnel of Baihetan Hydropower Station白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞工作弧门安装工艺研究

13.Craftwork for Installation of 3000t coffer of intake water of Xiamen gas-fired power plant厦门燃气电厂取水口工程3000T沉箱安装工艺

14.Calibration of the F-P Strain Sensor and Investigation of Installing Technology;光纤应变法珀传感器的标定及安装工艺研究

15.Research on the Equipment Installation Technology Optimization of Large Scale Hot Mill Continuous Rolling Line大型热连轧轧钢生产线设备安装工艺优化研究

16.Research on Wind Turbine Rotor Turnover Equipment and Installation Technology海上风机叶轮翻转机具及安装工艺的研究

17.Technological guide for assemble and welding of metal sporal case of turbine水轮机金属蜗壳安装焊接工艺导则

18.Articulator Installation and Process Requirement of 6181S02 Articulated Bus6181S02铰接客车铰接部分安装及工艺要求


installation procedure安装工艺

1.Discussion ofinstallation procedure for 660MW tower type supercritical boiler in northern party of our country;塔式660MW超临界锅炉在我国北方安装工艺探讨

position,installation procedure and features,construction schedule and quality control and in- spection of sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plants are reviewed.介绍了硫磺制酸装置的组成、安装工艺及特点、施工进度计划和质量控制检查。

3.The key points to the job, technical design,installation procedures and simulated operation involved in the task are detailed, thus introducing an installation technique for large-sized equipment, in which two cranes are simultaneously employed for the longitudinal and lateral movement of the equipment respectively.文章从安装难点分析、技术设计、仿真演示、安装工艺等方面,详细介绍大型设备双机抬吊纵横滑移安装技术。

3)installation technique安装工艺

1.This article details the inportance of the valve in the project,flow pipe system andinstallation technique.主要从工程应用、供水管路系统、安装工艺等方面,详细介绍了阀门在供水管道中的重要性。

2.But as the increasingly popular hoist equipment,earth friction hoist has aroused wide concern by productive enterprise,and the fineinstallation technique will directly influence the future safety operation.提升机作为矿井安全生产的咽喉设备,在矿井的正常生产中占据着重要地位,而落地摩擦式提升机作为近年来应用越来越普及的提升设备更是备受生产单位的关注,其安装工艺的精细与否直接影响日后的安全运行,就其安装工艺作简单介绍。

4)installation techniques安装工艺

1.Welding processes andinstallation techniques of liquefied gas storage tank with high capacity under ultra low temperature;超低温大容量液化气体贮罐焊接技术与安装工艺

2.1 alumina rotary and its installation technology, and sums up existi ng difficulties in the installation process and someinstallation techniques, po ints out that using this technology to install improved the new sealing device g uarantees the installation precision, and gains well effect.介绍了氧化铝1#回转窑新型密封装置的结构原理及安装工艺,总结了安装过程中存在的难点及一些安装技巧,指出经改进的新型密封装置用此工艺安装,保证了安装精度,取得了良好效果。

3.On the basis of the primary data of the construction of Baosteel 1420mm, 1550mm and 1800mm cold rolling tandem mills,in combination with the experience accumulated in the construction of the three cold rolling mills and through comparison and analysis of theinstallation techniques, betterinstallation techniques for cold rolling tandem mill will be found.文章以宝钢1420、1550和1800mm冷连轧机安装的原始数据为基础,结合三套轧机工程建设的经验,对冷连轧机的安装工艺进行比较分析,寻求好的安装方法和工艺。

5)installation technology安装工艺

1.Oninstallation technology of aeration system in sewage plant;浅谈污水处理厂曝气系统安装工艺

2.Brief talk on touching-type flood control and front cable pluginstallation technology浅谈可触摸式防洪型前电缆插头安装工艺

3.There are some difficulties during construction,such as construction of concrete and steel composition section,exactitude location of steel tower column foundation,installation technology of steel tower column and alignme.其钢混结合段施工、钢塔柱基础的精确定位、钢塔柱安装工艺及线形控制均较困难。

6)installation process安装工艺

1.Expansion device is an important component in bridge structure,whose installation would have direct influence on bridge s service life and traffic safety;this paper introduces itsinstallation process combining with that in the construction of Qingliuhe River Bridge at Waihuanlu of Chuzhou.桥梁伸缩装置是桥梁结构中的重要组成部分,安装工艺直接影响到桥梁的使用寿命和行车安全。

2.According to the experience of a local project-the Co-cable Transmission of CATV and FM,this paper elaborates the electrocircuit theory,installation and maintenance of the terminal equipment,Fixed-Frequency Cablecasting sound box,in order to formalize theinstallation process and realize the long term maintenance of the terminal equipment.根据实施有线电视与调频广播共缆传输"双入户"工程的实践,阐述用户设备的性能特点、电路原理、安装工艺、维护修理等内容,以便规范施工工艺,对已装的用户设备进行长效管理。

3.In the design of the printed circuit board,theinstallation process of the components and parts has greater influence on performance of the printed circuit board.在印制电路板的设计中,元器件的安装工艺对印制电路板的性能有较大的影响。


设备的安装——设置安装基准设备的安装——设置安装基准文章编辑:moji 文章来源:
