600字范文 > 新疆区内初中班 Junior high school classes for minority students in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

新疆区内初中班 Junior high school classes for minority students in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-31 11:38:50


新疆区内初中班 Junior high school classes for minority students in Xinjiang英语短句 例句大全

新疆区内初中班,Junior high school classes for minority students in Xinjiang

1)Junior high school classes for minority students in Xinjiang新疆区内初中班

1.The study in Urumqi City "Junior high school classes for minority students in Xinjiang" for 879 students study use Reid\"s learning style questionnaire as a research tool to understand the overall distribution of learning styles preferred , and different genders, different grades students learning style preferences.自秋季开始,自治区党委和人民政府在乌鲁木齐市、克拉玛依市等8个教育相对发达的城市开办新疆区内初中班,目的是为不断缩小边远贫困地区教育发展水平的差距,让广大农牧区和边远贫困地区的青少年也能享受到高质量的基础教育,特别是为不断扩大招生规模的内地新疆高中班提供高质量的生源。


1.Investigation and Study on Physical Education Present Situation and Fitness of Students of Junior Middle School in Xinjiang新疆区内初中班学校体育与学生健康情况研究

2.Survey and Intervention Research on Learning Strategies of "Junior Students" in Xinjiang新疆区内初中班学生学习策略调查及干预研究

3.The Research on the Learning Adaptability of Junior School Students from Underdeveloped Areas While Studying in Developed Areas in Xinjiang新疆区内初中班学生学习适应性调查研究

4.On the Innovation of Junior Middle School Classes in Xinjiang in Minority Elementary Education论新疆区内初中班的创办对少数民族基础教育发展的创新

5.Study on Xinjiang Junior High School Minority Students"Learning Styles and Chinese Reading Teaching Countermeasures新疆区内初中班学生学习风格及其语文阅读教学对策研究

6.A Research on the Psychological Hurt of Junior School Students in HamiDistrict, Xinjiang;新疆哈密地区初中学生心理伤害研究

7.The Preliminary Study on Endophyte from Glycyrrhiza Inflate Batal. of Xinjiang Lop Nur Region新疆罗布泊地区胀果甘草内生菌的初步研究

8.The Initial Screening of Arsenic Resistance Bacterial of the Highly Arsenic Environment of Kuitun, Xinjiang新疆奎屯地区高砷环境中抗砷菌的初步筛选

9.A Research on the Mental Health State of the Inland Senior Students from Xinjiang and the Educational Management Strategy;内地新疆高中班学生心理健康状况及其教育管理对策

10.Multi-cultural Education and the Acculturation of Xinjiang Students in Senior High School Inland;多元文化教育与内地新疆高中班学生的文化适应

11.The Investigation and Case-interference Research on the Learning Adaptability of the Inland Senior Students from Xinjiang内地新疆高中班学生学习适应性现状调查与个案干预研究

12.Summary of free SICS for the elder patients in north area of Xinjiang新疆北疆地区残联免费手术中高龄白内障手术小结

13.The Study about the Thoughts and Politics Educations of the Xinjiang Minority Nationalities College Students in the Inland University;内地高校新疆民族班学生思想政治教育研究

14.Probe into carrying out participation teaching in AIDS prevention and treatment knowledge of teachers in Xinjiang medical university参与式教学在新疆医科大学班主任艾滋病防治知识培训中的实施初探

15.Investigate and Research on Xinjiang Yili Area Kazakh and Uighur’ Experiment Classes’ Math Teaching;新疆伊犁地区哈维“实验班”数学教学调查研究

16.In the late ninth century and the early 10th century, Islam spread to the south of Xinjiang through Central Asia.九世纪末十世纪初,伊斯兰教经中亚传入新疆南部地区。

17.The Preliminary Application of S-Wave Splitting in Xinjiang;S波分裂在新疆地区的初步应用研究

18.And the study direction of hydrology and water resources in arid inland river basin in China are preliminarily discussed through an example of Xinjiang.以新疆地区为例,对干旱区内陆河流域的水文水资源研究方向作了初步探讨。


"Junior Students"in Xinjiang新疆区内初中班学生

3)Junior middle School Classes区内初中班

4)The inland senior students from Xinjiang内地新疆高中班

5)inland-high-school classes for Xinjiang students新疆内高班

6)Uighur junior school students in XinJiang新疆维吾尔族初中生

1.Based on the analysis, the author has come to the following conclusion:(1)In general, the attitude ofUighur junior school students in XinJiang on Chinese and Uighur is positive and exoteric.本研究以274名维吾尔族初中生为被试,运用定量和定性相结合的方法,研究了新疆维吾尔族初中生在汉语环境中语言焦虑情况、对汉语和维吾尔语的态度以及这二者之间的关系。


