600字范文 > 失磁 loss of excitation英语短句 例句大全

失磁 loss of excitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-09 10:54:29


失磁 loss of excitation英语短句 例句大全

失磁,loss of excitation

1)loss of excitation失磁

1.Simulation of dynamic processes for hydro-generator and turbine-generator underloss of excitation and self-excitation;水轮发电机和汽轮发电机失磁和自励磁仿真

2.Low potential is one of the most important characters while the generator is inloss of excitation process.水轮发电机失磁后,进入静稳边界的时间很短,且不允许发电机在异步状态下运行,必须直接动作于跳闸,因此,尽早正确地检测出失磁故障,就显得意义重大。

3.It is concluded that the arc on the burned out positive wire of the rotor led to theloss of excitation, and the lack of over-excitation protection, etc.针对黄埔发电厂2号发电机由转子一点接地发展至机组失磁的故障,根据转子大轴、滑环、碳刷架等设备的烧损状况以及转子一点接地保护和失磁保护的动作情况进行了故障原因分析,认为发电机失磁是因转子正极引线烧断拉弧引起的,而励磁调节器没有过励限制等保护功能是烧蚀现象一再扩大的原因之一。


1.Research on Technology of Demagnetization Proof of Permanent Magnet Machine on High Temperature;钕铁硼永磁电机防高温失磁技术的研究

2.Discussion about loss-of-field and reverse-power protection configuration from the generator loss-of-field fault由一起发电机失磁事故谈失磁和逆功率保护的设置

3.deenergized contact静合接点, 释放接点, 后接点,失磁接点

4.The Operating of the Generator after Loss of Magnetism and Accident Anaiysis发电机失磁后的运行工况及事故分析

5.The loss of excitation protection principle and setting of 300MW Units in Ningxia Daba Power Generation Co.,Ltd.300MW机组失磁保护原理与整定

6.Synchronous generator degaussed phenomenon and preventive measures同步发电机失磁现象分析和预防措施

7.Loss of Field Protection and Setting Calculation of LZ-2 GeneratorLZ-2发电机失磁保护及其整定计算

8.If a magnet lose its magnetism it will no longer attract thing磁石如果失去磁力,就不能再吸东西了

9.If a magnet loses its magnetism it will no longer attract things.磁石如果失去磁力,就不能再吸东西了。

10.A segment of magnetic tape on which expected information is absent.遗失信息磁带上所需信息缺失的一段

11.Experimental and Theoretic Studies on Magnetoelastic Buckling of Cantilevered Ferromagnetic Plates in Transverse Magnetic Field;悬臂铁磁板在横向磁场中磁弹性失稳的实验及理论研究

12.Open failed because disk is not ready !由于磁盘尚未就绪,打开操作失败!

13.Output file write failure possible disk full.输出文件写入失败,可能磁盘已满。

14.lose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current; of particles.丢失微粒的电位起伏、磁通量或电流。

15.Discard lost file fragment(s) and recover disk space.丢弃遗失的文件碎片并恢复磁盘空间

16.The save failed due to out of memory or disk space.内存或磁盘空间不足,保存失败。

17.Dynamical simulation of square-magnet-coupler systems in DWL instrument动失水仪方形磁体耦合器的动态仿真

18.Clinical Observations on the Treatment of Inomnia by Shen-Ci-Xiang-Zhen Herbal Fumigation神磁香枕治疗失眠症80例临床观察


loss of field失磁

1.Then simulation ofloss of field for the 125MW and 300MVA turbogenerator sets on infinite system,including governor, voltage-regulator,transformer and transmission line,is conducted.然后运用计入调速器、调压器、变压器和输电线的单机无限大系统对125MW和300MVA汽轮发电机组进行失磁仿真。

3)magnetism loss失磁

1.Taking onemagnetism loss breakdown of No.根据宁夏大坝发电有限责任公司4号发电机发生的一次失磁故障,分析了300 MW发电机失磁后电气量的变化过程和发电机失磁后的保护动作情况,同时对失磁保护的动作行为进行了相应探讨,根据分析讨论结果,对失磁保护的判据及出口方式提出了改进性意见。

2.It intraduces 10·23 accident in Yangguang power company,emphasize on cause of differential andmagnetism loss protective action on main excitation machine and present measures of technical reform.介绍了阳光公司 1 0· 2 3事故情况 ,着重分析了主励磁机差动保护和发电机失磁保护的动作原因 ,并提出技术改造措


parison of the two criteria of rotor low voltage in the generatorloss-of-field protection;发电机失磁保护中转子低电压二判据的比较

2.05I gn as the setting of the single element transverse differential protection, which is recommended in the guide rule, the maloperation has happened during a completeloss-of-field fault in the Ertan Plant, so an increase of 10% on the .0 5 Ign,二滩水电厂在一次完全失磁故障中误动 ,建议定值增大为 1 0 %。


1.Simulation on external short-circuit andexcitation-loss failures of generator;发电机外部短路与失磁故障的仿真研究

6)loss of excitation and synchronism失磁失步

1.4 unit leading phase steady operation, the relations of leading phase operation withloss of excitation and synchronism, with stator core and top overheating, with excitation regulator.现结合实际运行情况,对#4发电机进相稳定运行区域,进相运行与失磁失步、进相运行与定子铁心及端部过热、进相运行与自动励磁调节器等关系作了分析。


发电机失磁异步运行发电机失磁异步运行asynchronous operation of synchronous generatorfod旧nJ.shle一y一bLJ ytjrlx一r、口发电机失磁异步运行(asynChronous opera-tion of synehronous generator)同步发电机运行中突然失去励磁转人异步发电机运行的工况。失磁异步运行原因发电机失磁大多是由于励磁系统和发电机转子绕组故障而引起。励磁系统故障通常有直流励磁机故障,静止和旋转半导体励磁系统的整流元件损坏,自动晶闸管励磁系统和副励磁机恒压部分故阵,励磁机断路器故降或非故障断开等。发电机转子烧组故津引起的失磁主要原因是转子绕组断线.失滋异步运行的影响①对发电机的影响.发电机失磁后即进人异步运行工况,此工况对不同结构的发电机引起不同程度的转子过热、定子端部绕组和端部铁芯部件过热及发电机振动。对整体锻造的隐极式转子发电机,在较小的淆差下可以发出较大的异步功率,一般不会造成危害,故允许短时间异步运行(允许时间由制造厂或经试脸决定).对绑线式汽轮发电机(巳很少使用)和凸极式发电机,特别是有阻尼绕组的水轮发电机,则不允许异步运行。②对电力系统运行的影响。发电机失磁后不但不能发出无功功率而且还要从系统吸收无功功率。发电机失磁后在异步运行中所吸收的无功功率约与其倾定有功功率的数值相等,发电机失磁后系统中并列运行的其他发电机须多供出相当失磁发电机额定有功功率的数值约两倍的无功功率,才能维持原来系统无功电源的水平。否则系统局部电压要大幅度下降,甚至发展成电压崩溃。失磁运行的对策①发电机组是否允许短时间失磁异步运行,应按同一类型机组的典型试验确定,应计算发电机失磁异步运行时的机端电压是否低于允许值.发电机组厂用电供电电压是否合适或能否自动切换到其他可靠电裸。如果同时满足以上条件,可以允许发电机组短时异步运行。这时,运行人员必须迅速采取措施恢复励磁(包括起用备用励磁机),同时将失磁发电机的有功负荷转移到正常运行的发电机上去。②其他情况下,应由发电机的失磁保护将发电机组从系统中断开。
