600字范文 > 中深孔凿岩爆破 long and medium hole drilling and blasting英语短句 例句大全

中深孔凿岩爆破 long and medium hole drilling and blasting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-30 19:35:38


中深孔凿岩爆破 long and medium hole drilling and blasting英语短句 例句大全

中深孔凿岩爆破,long and medium hole drilling and blasting

1)long and medium hole drilling and blasting中深孔凿岩爆破

1.According to the mining conditions of inclined,broken orebody with medium thickness and lower grade in Nalin Gold Mine, sill-free sublevel caving method andlong and medium hole drilling and blasting were applied in research experiment.针对广西凤山县那林金矿在倾斜、破碎、中厚、低品位的矿体开采中,试验研究采用无底柱分段崩落采矿法,使用中深孔凿岩爆破。


1.Study of Waste Blasting Parameter Optimization of Medium Depth Hole in Qianchang Copper-Iron Mine前常铜铁矿中深孔凿岩爆破参数优化研究

2.To lower blasted boulder yield is one of the most important technical considerations in deep-hole blasting operations of mine.降低深孔爆破落矿大块率是矿山凿岩中的一个重要课题。

3.Application Research on Medium-length Hole Blasting in Hard Rock Drift Excavation中深孔爆破在硬岩施工中的应用研究

4.Middle-Deep Bore Blasting Experimental Study on Hard Rock Tunnel Heading硬岩巷道掘进的中深孔爆破试验研究

5.Middle and Deep Hole Controlled Blasting of Rock Cut in the Complicated Surroundings;复杂环境下路堑土岩中深孔控制爆破

6.Experiment and Research on Deep Borehole Blasting in Mine Rock Roadway with Thick Soft and Weak Parting厚软弱夹层岩巷中深孔爆破试验研究

7.Development of Software for Large /Moderate Diameter Blasthole Drilling and Blasting CAD大中孔凿岩爆破计算机辅助设计软件开发与研究

8.On the Application of Outer-hole Blast in Medium Length Hole孔外延期爆破在中深孔爆破中的应用

9.Application of Medium-Deep-Hole Opposite Smooth Blasting Technology in Rock Tunnelling中深孔反向光面爆破技术在岩石掘进中的应用

10.Technical Study and Application on Middle Deep Hole Smooth Blasting for Hard Rock Tunnel;硬岩巷道中深孔光面爆破技术研究和应用

11.Deep Hole Blasting in Hard Rock of No.1 Auxiliary Shaft of Lilou Steel Coal李楼铁矿1#副井硬岩深孔爆破技术

12.Optimization of drilling and blasting parameter of fracture rock破碎矿岩凿岩爆破参数优化方法探讨

13.Using the Deep Hole Demolition Technology Solution in the Decayed Rock Top Pipe Which Goes Against the Strength Problem利用中深孔爆破技术解决中风化岩层顶管中的顶力问题

14.Research on Mechanics of Charging Structure of Bottom Gas-Space in Deep-hole Blasting Engineering;中深孔爆破孔底空腔装药机理的研究

15.Drilling and Blasting Technology of Hard Rock in New Ventilating Shaft in Zhangxin Coal Mine张新矿新风井坚硬岩石凿岩爆破技术

16.Research on Long Hole Loosen Blasting Technology for Bottom Floor Rock of Fully-mechanized Face in Coal Seam;煤层综采面底板岩石深孔松动爆破技术研究

17.Study of Method of Conducting Smooth Blasting in Weak and Soft Surrounding Rocks软弱围岩中光面爆破掏槽孔方案研究

18.Application of Smooth Blasting with Medium Deep Holes in Mine Excavation中深孔光面爆破在煤矿掘进中的应用


mid-deep borehole drilling中深孔凿岩

1.According to the actual situation of a Mo mine which will employ multi-stage mining and the occurrence morphology of orebody which is deep and large,the paper introduces sublevel stoping mining method drilled bymid-deep borehole drilling machine and loaded by electric-rake.针对某钼矿分期开采的实际情况以及矿体的厚大特征,选用中深孔凿岩、电耙出矿的分段凿岩阶段矿房法进行开采,有效地提高了矿块生产能力。

3)Medium-length hole blasting中深孔爆破

1.Practice of reducing tight bottom block of medium-length hole blasting降低中深孔爆破大块根底的实践

2.In this paper, the application and improvement of medium-length hole blasting in Piaotang mine area are introduced, the main problems of applying medium-length hole blasting in Piaotang mine area are pointed out and analysed, and some measures of improving blasting quality are put forward.概述了漂塘矿区中深孔爆破的应用与改进,分析指出了漂塘矿区中深孔爆破中存在的主要问题,并提出了提高中深孔爆破质量的有关措施。

3.The paper analyse the mechanism of hole-bottom detonating and set forth the crushing mechanism of hole-bottom detonating in medium-length hole blasting decrease the production of big block ores.分析了孔底起爆的作用机理 ,阐述了孔底起爆在上向扇形中深孔爆破中能降低大块产出的破碎机理 ;提出了在工业爆破中具体实施该技术之前应解决的问题 ,介绍了具体的操作办法 ,同时也列举了可能出现问题的注意事项。

4)medium and deep hole blasting中深孔爆破

1.The traditional method of hole-location inmedium and deep hole blasting were according to engineer′s rough estimation for blasting region landform by eyenaked or with some simple measures, by this mean the parameters were made out and then adjusted in practice.哈尔乌素项目部采用现代电子测绘技术与爆破技术相结合,提出一种中深孔爆破炮孔精确定位的新方法,很好地解决了这一问题。

2.The basic theories of layered charging and layered tamping and the influences of explosive specific charge on distribution of explosive rock blocks formedium and deep hole blasting are discussed.以两个装药层为例阐述中深孔爆破中分层装药分层填塞的基本原理以及炸药单耗对分层装药结构和爆岩块度的影响,并借助爆炸应力波理论和爆生气体膨胀理论分析合理进行分层装药分层填塞对于中深孔控制松动爆破爆炸效果的影响。

5)middle-deep hole blasting中深孔爆破

1.Apply "three small" technology and technology ofmiddle-deep hole blasting to realize fast excavation in rock roadway;应用“三小”技术及中深孔爆破技术实现岩巷快速掘进

6)medium-deep hole blasting中深孔爆破

1.After explosive properties and charging explosive structure are changed,for decreasing the big blasting block ofmedium-deep hole blasting the Houzhuang mine destrict of Jinling iron mine has taken some steps,for example to increase properly density factor value of blasting hole,etc The big block ratio is decreased from 25% to below 10金岭铁矿侯庄矿区在炸药性能和装药结构发生变化后,为减少中深孔爆破大块,采取了适当加大炮孔密集系数m值,采用孔底起爆加孔内双起爆药包相向同段起爆等措施,大块率由25%左右降低到10%以下。

2.As a case study on slope improvement in a scrap mine,the design ofmedium-deep hole blasting parameter of network and safety proofreading are mainly presented,and the blasting results are analyzed.以一具体废弃矿山边坡治理为例,论述了中深孔爆破孔网参数设计、安全技术措施,并对爆破效果进行了分析,说明中深孔爆破技术在废弃矿山边坡治理中可以取得良好效果。


