600字范文 > 专家引领 experts leading英语短句 例句大全

专家引领 experts leading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-16 09:43:32


专家引领 experts leading英语短句 例句大全

专家引领,experts leading

1)experts leading专家引领

1.The key to the construction of the teaching and research group depends on the following four points:experts leading to define the direction of the group construction;companions cooperation to improve the teachers professional competence;focusing on teaching and research to enhance the P.加强教研组建设,关键在于专家引领,明确教研组建设的方向;同伴合作,促进教师专业发展;注重教研、提升体育教学质量;关注青年教师、促进共同成长。


1.School-Based Training Practice Studies under the Guiding of Experts in the Rural Middle School;农村中学专家引领型校本培训实践探索

2.Experts Leading, Companions Cooperating, Focusing on Teaching and Research, Developing Together--On Construction of P.E. Teaching and Research Group in Middle Schools;专家引领 同伴合作 注重教研 共同成长——谈中学体育教研组的建设

3.Qiuhe have convened many professional landscape designers from domestic and overseas.在老一辈专家的引领下,汇集了国内外大量的景观设计精英。

4.Tutorial System:an Effective Mode for the Development of Expert Teachers--Research and Practice of Fostering Expert Teachers in the Primary Schools in Xiamen City导师制:引领专家型教师成长的有效范式——厦门市小学专家型教师培养的研究与实践

5.Role Positioning and Specialty Leading --Discussing the Subject Leaders;角色定位与专业引领——论学科带头人

6.Teachers Professional Development Led by Scientific View on Development;科学发展观引领下的教师专业化发展

7.Meeting of Experts on International Trade in Professional Services专业服务领域国际贸易专家会议

8.The scientist is an expert in the field of Biochemistry.这位科学家是生化学领域中的专家。

9.One who is trained or an expert in the field of nutrition.营养学家营养学领域的专家

10.The Patent Information Analysis Based on the Citation and the Use of the Patent Information in the Chemical Field;基于引文的专利信息分析以及专利信息在化工领域的引用

11.an expert able to appreciate a field; especially in the fine arts.在一个领域能够鉴赏的专家;特别是在美术领域。

12.Female Leadership in Enterprises: The Mainstream Pacttern of Leadership in 21 Century;女性企业家领导风格:引领21世纪领导风格的主流模式

13.Research on the Leading Role in Professional Development of History Super-class Teachers of Guangxi Middle Schools;广西中学历史特级教师的专业引领作用研究

14.Research on Independent Professional Development under Teacher s Professional Self-concept;教师职业自我概念引领下的自主专业发展研究

15.Research on Narrative Approach in Education;教育叙事研究——引领教师专业成长的快捷之路

16.Specialization of Teachers: A New Trend of Modern Education Development;教师专业化:引领现代教师教育发展的新潮流

17.To Improve the Effectiveness of Kindergarten-based Teaching and Research with the Guidance of Experts;以课题为载体 专业引领 提高园本教研的实效性

18.Love is the motive power to guide head-teachers being professional in middle vocational school;爱是引领中职校班主任专业化成长的原动力


professional guidance专业引领

3)professional guide专业引领

1.This paper summarizes four strategies ofprofessional guides recently in China,they are the styles of Guiding theoretically,Exploring cooperatively,Creating inside and Directing each other across schools.目前,我国校本教研活动中的专业引领策略主要体现为四种:理念指导式、合作探究式、内部生成式和校际互带式。

4)Experts as Leading Roles专家领衔

5)specialist leader专家领袖

6)domain expert领域专家

1.Wiki provides a bran-new mode of academic exchange fordomain experts.Wiki为领域专家的学术交流提供了一种全新的模式。

2.Aimed at these problems,one method is brought forward,which elicitsdomain expert knowledge to build causal mapping network and transfer causal mapping network to Bayesian diagnostic network.围绕这些问题,本文提出了提取领域专家知识建造因果映射网络,转化因果映射网络为贝叶斯诊断网络的方法,并以运载火箭伺服系统关键部件伺服阀为应用对象,阐述了运用此方法建造贝叶斯诊断网络模型的关键步骤。


