600字范文 > 明哲保身 Keeping out of Trouble英语短句 例句大全

明哲保身 Keeping out of Trouble英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-22 15:55:57


明哲保身 Keeping out of Trouble英语短句 例句大全

明哲保身,Keeping out of Trouble

1)Keeping out of Trouble明哲保身

1.On New Explanation about "Keeping out of Trouble"“既明且哲,以保其身”——今天对“明哲保身”的重新解读


1.On New Explanation about "Keeping out of Trouble"“既明且哲,以保其身”——今天对“明哲保身”的重新解读

2.to say as little as possible while knowing perfectly well what is wrong, to be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame.明知不对,少说为佳;明哲保身,但求无过。

3.To be wordly-wise and play safe is one of the manifestations of liberalism.明哲保身是自由主义的表现之一。

4.Dim little men try to conserve.那些浑浑噩噩的小人物试图明哲保身。

5.The Official Scholars" "Worldly Wisdom" in the Early Qing Dynasty--Based on ZHU Yi-zun清初士子的“明哲保身”论——以朱彝尊为中心

6.All the rules of self-preservation were broken when we saw that little face.一看见那张小脸,我们就把明哲保身的金科玉律统统打破了。

7.To save her life, she couldn"t make up her mind about anything, so Peter makes it up for her.为了明哲保身,她事事都不作主,要由彼得大叔来替她决定。

8.I asked why it seems problems are ignored. “To preserve our sanity” was the reply.而当我问他为何这些问题似乎都被忽视时,他回答道“明哲保身”。

9.Furthermore, this mistaken notion has swung the pendulum to the other extreme - they are convinced that keeping silent and keeping out of trouble is the safest way to live.这种误导性气氛,似乎逼使人类走向另一个环境,即保持沉默和明哲保身是最安全的生活方式。

10.It makes sense to take care of your health.保重身体是明智的。

11.On the Nature and Role of Chinese Philosophy:A Response to Discussions on Fanxiang Geyi;中国哲学 妾身未明?——关于“反向格义”之讨论的回应

12.On the Light of Body--Reflection on the Bodyness Theory in the Western Philosophy;身体的澄明之途——对西方哲学中的“身体性”问题的思考

13.The Information Epistemological Thoughts in the Substance-body and Mind-body Relation Discussion by Philosophers in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清哲学家物身、心物关系论中的信息认识论思想

14.Meanwhile, he is also provided with strong ideas of slavishness, such as tractable, docilement, being worldly wise, etc.同时,他又循规蹈矩、顺服从、哲保身,具有浓厚的奴性意识。

15.Taoist philosophy has always keeping the trad ition of"for oneself", "nourishing life", "keeping life sound" and pays at tention to keeping life as long as possible.道家哲学一直有“为我”、“贵生”、“全生”的传统 ,注重保养身体、延长生命。

16.A cheque card is not a valid proof of identity.银行发的支票保付卡并非有效的身分证明文件.

17.Justice itself is the great standing policy of civil society.正义本身是文明社会长期存在的重要保证。

18.In civilized society the state assumes the protection of person and of property.在文明社会中,国家负保护人身和财产之责。


wise and discreet明哲

3)Body philosophy身体哲学

1.Recognition of Wushu from perspective of body philosophy;从身体哲学视角出发对武术文化的再审视

4)simplification of philosophy简明哲学

5)philosophic words明于哲理

1.They are full ofphilosophic words,quick-witted and interesting expressions.黄庭坚的辞赋,具有非常鲜明的特色:情感上,既深于亲情、笃于友谊,又明于哲理、富有机趣。

6)Meiji philosophy明治哲学


明哲1.亦作"明喆"。 2.明智;洞察事理。 3.指明智睿哲的人。
