600字范文 > 中国特色城镇化 the urbanization with Chinese characteristics英语短句 例句大全

中国特色城镇化 the urbanization with Chinese characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-09 09:46:58


中国特色城镇化 the urbanization with Chinese characteristics英语短句 例句大全

中国特色城镇化,the urbanization with Chinese characteristics

1)the urbanization with Chinese characteristics中国特色城镇化

1.The organic synthesis of the world s universal law and the national conditions forms the Chinese pattern of urbanization: persisting in the coordinate development of large, medium-sized and small cities with small towns, and moving towardsthe urbanization with Chinese characteristics.世界普遍规律与国情有机结合,形成中国城市化模式:坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色城镇化道路。


1.Taking an urbanization path with Chinese characteristics and speeding up our country s urbanization;走中国特色城镇化道路 加快我国城镇化进程

2.The Urbanization with Distinct Chinese Characteristic Should“Take up”From Countryside;中国特色城镇化应从农村“化”起来

3.Urbanization With Chinese Characteristics and the “Three Agricultural Issues” in China;中国特色城镇化与我国的“三农”问题

4.Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics and Upgrade of Industry Structure;中国特色城镇化道路与产业结构升级

5.Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics: a Review of Relevant Documents;中国特色城镇化——一个关于文献的综述

6.A theory of the road to urbanization with China s characteristics;中国特色城镇化道路的理论问题探讨

7.The Special Urbanization Course in China: the Peasants,the Peasant Workers and the Townsfolk;中国特色城镇化进程:农民—农民工—市民

8.China s Urbanization and the Problem of "Peasant Workers;中国特色城镇化与“农民工”的走向

9.On the New Urbanization Road with Chinese Characteristics:Migrant Peasant Workers" Citizenization,Systematic Innovation and the Urbanization Policy试论中国特色城镇化新道路——农民工市民化、制度变迁与城镇化政策

10.The Research on the System Change and the System Innovation of Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics中国特色城镇化制度变迁与制度创新研究

11.Evaluation of Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics:the Case of Shandong Province中国特色城镇化评价研究:以山东省为例

12.On the Urbanization with China s Characteristics, the Special Population of Farmer-workers and the Development of County Economy;中国特色城镇化、农民工特殊群体与发展县域经济

13.Urbanization with Chinese Characteristics:An Effective Way to Solve "Three Rural Issues"走中国特色城镇化道路是解决“三农”问题的有效途径

14.On the Only Way of Chinese-Characteristics Mode rnization:Townization;城镇化:中国特色现代化的必由之路

15.It is essential to raise the level of urbanization gradually and persist in the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and small towns along the path to urbanization with Chinese characteristics.要逐步提高城镇化水平,坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色的城镇化道路。


17.To develop the small towns actively is the sure way of citization with China s feature;积极发展小城镇是中国特色城市化道路的必由之路

18.Characteristics of China s Town-level Land Use in Rapid Urbanization Stage;快速城镇化过程中的中国城镇土地利用特征


urbanization path with Chinese characteristics中国特色城镇化道路

3)Distinctive Chinese features中国特色城市化

4)Urbanization in China中国城镇化

1.The Main Drive ofUrbanization in China and Regulation & Controlling Power of Urban Planning;中国城镇化的主动力与城市规划的调控力

5)urbanization path with Hebei characteristics河北特色城镇化

6)indigenous cities and towns特色城镇

1.The history ofindigenous cities and towns is a process of durative accumulation.特色城镇的历史是个持续积累的过程,随着人口的大量集中和城镇经济的高度发展,越来越多独具特色的名城、名镇的历史环境渐渐消失之后,我们才深刻意识到,由自然与历史文化融为一体而构筑的特色城镇,曾给居住于其中的人们带来过多少心灵上的安慰,这种不可再生的历史环境对当地文化基础的形成是多么重要。


