600字范文 > 厚砂层 thick sand layer英语短句 例句大全

厚砂层 thick sand layer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-13 20:33:28


厚砂层 thick sand layer英语短句 例句大全

厚砂层,thick sand layer

1)thick sand layer厚砂层

1.The construction method of well sinking inthick sand layer;厚砂层中的沉井施工方法



2.Application of post-conglomerating technology in processing expansion concrete piles used for solid-stratum earth;厚砂层地区钻孔灌注桩后注浆技术应用

prehensive Trenching Technology of Extra Deep Diaphragm Wall in Extra-thick Sand Layer超厚砂层超深地下连续墙成槽综合技术

4.Research of Methods of Tapping Potential Oil in Thick Sandstone Layers of Da Wangzhuang Oilfield大王庄油田砂岩厚油层挖潜对策研究

5.Construction Technology of Curtain Grouting of Deep Gravel Layer深厚砂砾石层防渗帷幕灌浆施工技术

6.This sandstone unit is commonly thick-bedded and massive, with silty and carbonaceous laminations.该砂层单元通常为厚层或块状,具粉砂质和碳质纹层。

7.Construction of Multiple Deep-Layer Mixed Seep-preventing Wall in Thick Medium Coarse Sand Bed;厚中粗砂层中多轴深层搅拌防渗墙的施工

8.Mathematical model of "arch beam" of thick sandy soil layer movement in shallow seam浅埋煤层地表厚砂土层“拱梁”结构模型研究

9.On Interpreting Effective Thickness of Thin-interbed Sandstone Reservoirs in Area Mian120面120区薄互层砂岩储层有效厚度解释研究

10.Application of Retarded Acid Acidizing Technology in Thick Glutenite Reservoirs砂砾岩厚油层缓速酸酸化技术研究与应用

11.The Research of Reasonable Setting up Pillar Coal to Prevent Sand from Collapsing in the Moderate and Thick Unconsolidated Formation;中厚松散层下防砂(塌)煤柱合理留设研究

12.Sedimentary Anatomy of Thick Sandstones on the Braided Delta Front;辫状河三角洲前缘厚层储集砂体沉积学研究

13.The Study of Seism Response of Sand Cushion in Different Thickness and Different Foundation Pressure;砂垫层厚度及基底压力对地面地震反应的影响

14.Studies on technology of seepage-prevention curtain grouting with thick sand and gravel layer深厚砂砾石层防渗帷幕灌浆施工技术研究

15.Water Controlled Coal Mining Technology Under Cracking Strata of Super Thick Gravel Layer with High Pressurized Water高水压巨厚砂砾层裂隙岩体下控水采煤技术

16.These folded rocks are composed of medium to thick bedded limestone of Ordovician and of thin bedded shale and siltstone of Silurian.这些褶皱岩层是由奥陶系的中层至厚层石灰岩以及志留系的薄层页岩和粉砂岩组成。

17.Study on Retaining Safety Coal Pillar Against Sand with Fully Mechanized Caving under Thick Alluvium and Thin Bedrock;厚松散层薄基岩下综放开采留设防砂煤岩柱研究

18.Study of the effect of slurry trench on concrete cut-off wall in deep sand gravel layer护壁泥浆对深厚砂砾石层混凝土防渗墙影响的研究


thick sand bodies厚层砂体

1.Based on the synthetic seismogram calibration and seismic attribute analysis,a series ofthick sand bodies developed in the third member of Qingshankou Formation in Haituozi-Dabusu area,southern SongLiao Basin were characterized by banded sedimentary characteristics of long,straight and narrow shape.松辽盆地南部海坨子—大布苏地区青三段地层发育几套厚层砂体,通过合成记录标定及地震属性分析,表明该套厚层砂体具有长、直、窄的条带型沉积特征。

3)thick sandy soil layer厚砂土层

1.Simulating on damage law of disturbedthick sandy soil layer and transference of load in shallow seam;浅埋煤层采动厚砂土层破坏规律模拟

2.Mathematical model of "arch beam" ofthick sandy soil layer movement in shallow seam浅埋煤层地表厚砂土层“拱梁”结构模型研究

3.By simulating model test of dynamic load transmitting, the “arch type” and “thick arc shell” damage form ofthick sandy soil layer upon shallow coal seam in first weighting is revealed.通过实测发现了厚砂土层载荷传递现象,提出了顶板关键层载荷层载荷传递因子的概念。

4)deep and thick sand layer深厚砂层

1.Finite element analysis of bypass abutment seepage indeep and thick sand layer;深厚砂层坝肩绕坝渗流规律及防渗方案研究

2.According to the construction practice of strengthening with heavy punning method in thedeep and thick sand layer on the soft soil foundation, the author discusses its feasibility and effect in this article.通过厦门机场跑道延长段填海中对软土地基上深厚砂层的加固施工实践,对强夯振密的可行性及效果进行了探讨。

5)Mega-heavy sandy layers巨厚砂层

6)extra-thick sand layer超厚砂层

1.Aim to special geological conditions of hydraulic fill sea area,this paper presents the comprehensive trenching technology of extra deep slurry wall inextra-thick sand layer of Caofeidian hydraulic fill sea area.针对吹填砂海域的独特地质条件阐述了曹妃甸吹填砂海域超厚砂层超深地下连续墙成槽技术,从设备选型、地连墙的设计、泥浆的配制及循环管理等几个环节采取相应的措施,确保地下连续墙在保证质量的前提下,能安全、高效的完成。


流砂层流砂层quick sand bed密切关系。流砂层岩性特征是,般砂粒粒度均匀孔隙度大、上下岩层多为不透水性。故常饱含地下水;粘土质流砂层具触变性,即受机械振动而液化,振动停止后又恢复原状;天然流砂层湿而带腐臭味。形成流砂的原因:吃l、山于地下爆破或机械震动的影响.在足够大的动水压力或动荷载作用「,层中水力坡度增大,流速增大,冲动细颗粒而使其悬浮和流动成渗透流砂(助由土粒周围附着亲水胶体颗粒,饱水时胶体颗粒膨胀·在渗透水作用下而悬浮流动;其流动速度有快有慢遇到以溃决形式急剧流动时,破坏力很大,会使地基和「_程的稳定性遭到严重破坏。流砂层它是矿山采掘作业的 ,大灾害其防治方法有疏干排水、灌浆固结、板桩加固等 (李远鄂陈国洗l一ushoeeng流砂层(quiek sand bed)埋藏于地下饱含水的,当工程揭露时引起渗透水流作用而发生流动的粉砂、细砂、亚粘土层。流砂层不仅分布于第四纪地层中,而且在基岩古老时代的地层中也有存在,它埋藏于不同的深度,其分布位置多与古河谷和近海冲积平原有
