600字范文 > 子宫颈癌 Cervical cancer英语短句 例句大全

子宫颈癌 Cervical cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-21 21:04:03


子宫颈癌 Cervical cancer英语短句 例句大全

子宫颈癌,Cervical cancer

1)Cervical cancer子宫颈癌

1.Progress of integrative medicine,human papillomavirus vaccine and molecular targeted therapy for cervical cancer;子宫颈癌的中西医诊疗概况和人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗及分子靶向研究进展

2.Relationship of survivin to occurrence and prognosis of cervical cancer;survivin基因与子宫颈癌发生及预后的关系

3.Detection of P16~(INK4A) expression and high-risk human papillomavirus HPV infection in cervical cancer tissue;子宫颈癌组织中高危型人乳头状瘤病毒感染和P16~(INK4A)蛋白表达的检测


1.a cervical smear,ie one taken from the cervix to test for cancer子宫颈涂片(取自子宫颈的涂片,用以检验子宫颈癌).

2.Treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer Ⅰa_1 by cervical conization:analysis of 99 cases子宫颈锥切术治疗子宫颈上皮内瘤变和Ⅰa_1期子宫颈癌99例分析

3.The Change of the Genes of Cervical Cancer after Radiotherapy;子宫颈癌放射治疗后相关基因的改变

4.Inhibition of HPV16 E6 Oncogene in Cervical Cancer by RNA Interference;RNA干涉抑制子宫颈癌HPV16 E6基因的研究

5.The Relationship between the Apoptosis Inhibitor, Survivin, and Cervical Cancer Occuring and the Prognosis of Cervical Cancer;Survivin基因与子宫颈癌发生及预后的关系

6.Dosimetric Optimization of Postoperative Radiotherapy of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma;子宫颈癌术后放疗的剂量学优化研究

7.Genetic Polymorphisms of FADD and Susceptibility to Cervical CancerFADD基因遗传多态与子宫颈癌易感性

8.The Analysis of Cervical Cancer Screening and the Awareness of Early Detection and Treatment among Women子宫颈癌筛查及认知现状的调查分析

9.Expression of Survivin、nm23-h1 and Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Cervical CarcinomaSurvivin、nm23-h1和mmp-2在子宫颈癌中的表达

10.Clinical study of relationship between cervical cancer and HPV infection子宫颈癌与HPV感染关系的临床研究

11.Clinical Significance and Expression of PKR and NF-κB in Cervical Cancer PatientsPKR及NF-κB在子宫颈癌中的表达

12.Analysis on incidence of cervical cancer in Jiangmen during ~江门市~子宫颈癌发病情况分析

13.The characteristics of dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging in cervical cancer子宫颈癌的MRI动态增强扫描特征分析

14.Clinical significance of MRI in directing staging of cervical cancerMRI指导子宫颈癌分期的临床意义

15.The expression and significance of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in cervical carcinoma tissues子宫颈癌组织XIAP蛋白表达及其意义

16.Retrospective analysis of the 291 cases of cervical cancer291例子宫颈癌临床病例回顾性分析

17.choriocarcinoma of cervix子宫颈绒毛膜上皮癌

18.mucoepidermoid carcinoma of cervix子宫颈粘液表皮样癌


Cervical carcinoma子宫颈癌

1.Abnormal expression of fragile histidine triad protein expression in cervical carcinoma and CIN in Xinjiang women;新疆妇女子宫颈癌及子宫颈上皮内瘤变组织FHIT蛋白表达及其意义

2.Study of loss of imprinting of insulin-like growth factor Ⅱ and H19 genes in cervical carcinoma;印记基因H19和胰岛素样生长因子Ⅱ在人子宫颈癌组织中印记缺失及意义

3.Effect of anti-proliferation of curcumin on cervical carcinoma HeLa cells and its mechanism;姜黄素对子宫颈癌HeLa细胞增殖抑制作用及其机制的研究

3)cervical squamous carcinoma子宫颈鳞癌

1.Objective To explore the significance and expression of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ 1) incervical squamous carcinoma.方法 :采用免疫组织化学SP方法 ,检测 31例子宫颈鳞癌组织中TGFβ1的表达。

4)Cervical Adenocarcinoma子宫颈腺癌

1.The Primary Exploration on the Relationship betweenCervical Adenocarcinoma and Human Papillomaviruses;人类乳头状瘤病毒与子宫颈腺癌关系初探(英文)

5)breast duct soakage carcinoma子宫颈癌腺癌

6)Cervical carcinoma/cervical cancer子宫颈肿瘤/子宫颈癌


